wow, many years later and the descendants of ASL are still going strong
(too old to reply)
Diana Eichert
2004-10-19 15:18:34 UTC
just wanted to say howdy from a long ago poster to ASL.

to flesh out the story

a friend of mine just sent me an e-mail message to wish
me a happy birthday and I remembered it had been years
since she and I met on the ASL mailing list. so I went
in search of ALS and to my surprise I found that it
still existed in a moderated form. I know the FAQ sez
it was started in '96 but I swear I remember posting in
'95, oh well that was a long time ago and it doesn't
really matter anyway.

so y'all have a good life and enjoy yourselves. I'm
just glad I could be part of something that still
exists on the Internet, so few things from the early
fun days are still in existence.



once upon a time
aka SirenGrrl
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Luci Ellis
2004-10-20 15:45:26 UTC
What's even funnier is that the first thing I did when I got her reply back
about ASL was check out my ISP's news feed. And yes! There was ASLM!

Happy days indeed.

Cheerio all.

Luci aka elisha_b

PS happy birthday again Diana!
Post by Diana Eichert
just wanted to say howdy from a long ago poster to ASL.
to flesh out the story
a friend of mine just sent me an e-mail message to wish
me a happy birthday and I remembered it had been years
since she and I met on the ASL mailing list. so I went
in search of ALS and to my surprise I found that it
still existed in a moderated form. I know the FAQ sez
it was started in '96 but I swear I remember posting in
'95, oh well that was a long time ago and it doesn't
really matter anyway.
so y'all have a good life and enjoy yourselves. I'm
just glad I could be part of something that still
exists on the Internet, so few things from the early
fun days are still in existence.
once upon a time
aka SirenGrrl
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com