watch out northern shoes
(too old to reply)
Steph Barrett
20 years ago
We are packing up tonight in preparation for the annual pilgrimage to Les
Carte Glaces in the Breakaways quest for the Montreal Cup. I'll be keeping
my eyes peeled for referees that look a little furry around the edges.

Bauer size 3.5 EEE skates
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Heather Rose Jones
20 years ago
A small furry creature has infiltrated the security of the Bayer
compound in Berkeley and has staked out a defensible position on my
desk. She is cradling an Australian flag with a grip that strongly
suggests it conceals a sword-cane. Cyn, are you missing any CKs or
is she telling the truth about hitching a ride with my co-worker who
just got back from a friend's wedding down under?

suspicious slippers
Heather Rose Jones
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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20 years ago
On 20 Apr 2005 23:30:59 -0400, Heather Rose Jones
Post by Heather Rose Jones
A small furry creature has infiltrated the security of the Bayer
compound in Berkeley and has staked out a defensible position on my
desk. She is cradling an Australian flag with a grip that strongly
suggests it conceals a sword-cane.
Awwww! That's so sweet! :-]

My furballs were playing with katanas over the winter -- they went
through a martial arts phase after a marathon of Asian films.
(Spectacular fight scenes, big drama, colourful costumes...the works!)
Post by Heather Rose Jones
Cyn, are you missing any CKs or
All of them! They're ALL missing!! ('Tho rumour has it, a select few
may have been dancing on top of Joules' roof, not too long ago...)

Actually, 2IC Spoof and I thought it'd be good for morale to let them
go off and explore the world on their own for a while, (at least,
until I finish brooding my butt off). I receive the occasional field
report, and there's an xxx number of CK(tm)s here to maintain the HQ,
but it's a skeleton crew only. <sniffle> I miss the lil fuzzies...

Still...every now and then I pop my head out from under the
moss-covered-rock and spy paw prints...so I _know_ they're around.
And I've heard other (unconfirmed) rumours that there's some movement
in the Grove...possible preparation for a spring party...assuming we
haven't skipped the whole warm season, and are headed right back into
winter. (Snow in the forecast, y'see...)
Post by Heather Rose Jones
is she telling the truth about hitching a ride with my co-worker who
just got back from a friend's wedding down under?
I suspect your little guest may be a liaison of the CKs...in which
case, I highly recommend you treat her right lest you discover she
_is_ concealing...something). I've never met a koala that lied to me
before, so I'm sure she's telling some version of the truth. Unless
she's a spy. Sometimes, it's hard to tell with a koala. :-/

Suffice to say, I don't _think_ she's one of mine. MY koalas are more
inclined to wave the Canadian flag...confusing as heck to those not
"in the know", as Canada is apparently the land of polar bears and
penguins, not black-belt wearing, shuriken tossing, menacing
marsupials. Who would have thought?

(with her own assortment of desktop koalas, thanks to certain shoes)
socked feet
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
20 years ago
On 20 Apr 2005 20:11:03 -0400, "Steph Barrett" <***@prexar.com>

Hail to the hockey hero!
Post by Steph Barrett
We are packing up tonight in preparation for the annual pilgrimage to Les
Carte Glaces in the Breakaways quest for the Montreal Cup.
So...tell all. Did you yanks manage to snag it, or what??? What, it
wasn't enough that the Women's World Cup was nabbed, you have to go
for another??? <sob>
Post by Steph Barrett
I'll be keeping
my eyes peeled for referees that look a little furry around the edges.
Nah, it's the zamboni driver you have to watch out for... ;-)

shoes lamenting Canada's loss...ah, well, all unbeaten streaks must
come to an end
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
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