Happy January Birthdays
(too old to reply)
Mary McCool
2005-01-30 13:13:58 UTC
Happy Birthday to Deanne earlier this month (11th). Sorry I missed it! It was good to
talk with you at New Year's when you called!

Happy Birthday last Wednesday to Steph. I hope your hockey season is going well!

Happy Birthday today to my cuz, Dev, in California. I hope you haven't slid off into
the ocean.

warm blue slipper sox
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2005-01-30 20:53:03 UTC
Post by Mary McCool
Happy Birthday to Deanne earlier this month (11th). Sorry I missed it! It was good to
talk with you at New Year's when you called!
Merci beaucoup, muchas gracias and thank you very much for the birthday
wishes! Most people missed it, so don't feel too bad... just a leetle. <eg>

Life is good... I might even say great on occasion. I have a wonderful
newish job (started end-of-November) where they seem to like me and I
get to stretch my brain daily, MC is her cynical-but-lovable self and I
get the impression that she's liking her new step up on the management
ladder, which we celebrated by getting a huuuuuuge tv.

Freyadog has finally started to eat like a real dog so that I don't have
to fear everytime we go out that somebody will report us for starving
the poor baby... can't count her ribs from a distance anymore. And the
cats are all mobile and not peeing on plastic bags left on the floor or
other inappropriate places. Yippee!
Post by Mary McCool
Happy Birthday last Wednesday to Steph. I hope your hockey season is going well!
Happy Birthday today to my cuz, Dev, in California. I hope you haven't slid off into
the ocean.
Hippo birdy to the other January folks from these parts, as well.

Thanks again, Mary. I was wondering if aslm had disappeared from my news
server, it had been so long since I saw any posts download.

feet in socks & sandals... it's sunny today!
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Steph Barrett
2005-01-31 03:01:38 UTC
Post by deanne
Merci beaucoup, muchas gracias and thank you very much for the birthday
wishes! Most people missed it, so don't feel too bad... just a leetle. <eg>
No doubt! I got cocked alone at Margaritas because no one showed up in the
snowstorm.... And I spent the time before going to the bar trying to serve
a straight petition on a lame-ass mom with 5 ferral children. Not birthday
activities for sure. Some things are trickling in, though... Mail from my
father and another night out with some friends for Thursday.

I played today and reffed two. The two I worked were ok, though I gave a
5-3 advantage after calling a rough on this kid who came into a check with
all his elbows leading the way. As for playing... I scored a goal.

Doh! Being summoned!!!! Must go.

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
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