New Year's, kittens and such
(too old to reply)
Leela Sinha
2005-01-06 18:29:50 UTC
Several people have posted New Year's greetings and
many many have commented on the passing of Buca.

I, too send my sympathies about Buca--I have never
lived with a cat long enough to see it die, but I know
what beautiful creatures they are. The cat that has
most recently passed out of my life has done so
because my gf of two months has decided that she can't
be in a relationship after all. I am frustrated, sad,
disappointed...and yes, heartbroken. That's two
breakups in six months, and while this most recent gf
tells me that it's not about me, I'm beginning to
wonder. Tell me, oh wise shoes, now that I think I
understand about hanging in there through the hard
bits, is there anyone else who thinks like that?

It is snowing here in cloudy Ottawa, which about suits
my mood, and I'm good and ready for the canal to
freeze to skating durability and...well, the gf was
going to show me where to ski but since she's not the
gf anymore, I'm hoping she'll still ski with me...

...anyway, I just wanted to write and say I'm so glad
to see you around, all of you, and the savvy veterans

Happy New Year and Happy Holidays, Bonne Annee and
Bonne Fetes.

sad sox
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Steph Barrett
2005-01-08 14:40:49 UTC
Post by Leela Sinha
The cat that has
most recently passed out of my life has done so
because my gf of two months has decided that she can't
be in a relationship after all. I am frustrated, sad,
disappointed...and yes, heartbroken.
Sorry to hear about your breakup, Leela. You wondered if it might be
something you're doing that's making the relationships not work. While
introspection is never overrated, remember that sometimes, even two great
people together weren't meant to be...

Pulling up an early chair at the VB for a cup of coffee followed by a
mimosa. There will be no real-life mimosas for me today, or beer or
anything else, as I have a late afternoon game. Need to snowblow the
driveway and go to the dump and I can't even get into the beers after the
game because the girls practice at 9:10 tonight. Need to wait and see too
if my honey doesn't get mandated to do a double tonight.

slippa feet
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