(too old to reply)
Steph Barrett
2005-04-27 22:58:34 UTC
I make one mocking comment about the Canadian medical system and wake up
with a miserable plague.


I think not.

As a matter of fact, in my delirium last night I could swear there was a
little furry hand pushing an infected q-tip up my nose.

sick feet
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2005-04-28 01:10:30 UTC
On 27 Apr 2005 18:58:34 -0400, "Steph Barrett" <***@prexar.com>,
mere steps away from incurable dementia, (unless she repents, and says
three Hail Koalas at night for the next ten years), managed to stagger
Post by Steph Barrett
I make one mocking comment about the Canadian medical system and wake up
with a miserable plague.
<raised eyebrow> Your point?

If we Canucks must suffer the spring "Will there be an election, or
won't there?" idiocy, thanks to our glorious leaders in Parliment,
then, by gosh, let ALL suffer!
Post by Steph Barrett
As a matter of fact, in my delirium last night I could swear there was a
little furry hand pushing an infected q-tip up my nose.
Dude, you seriously _are_ sick! <g>

If, in your fevered ramblings, you seek to tarnish the repution of my
loyal, diligent, industrious furballs....well, I'll have you know,
they would _never_ stoop to waving q-tips around. (First off, they
wouldn't have to stoop...)

My lil buds have nothing to do with pestilence. They, (and I), much
prefer a "hands-on" approach. Hmmmph!

shoes checking out their owner's nice padded walls
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