(too old to reply)
Miriam Volpin
2010-04-28 01:31:33 UTC
Well, I thought I'd write something witty and VB-based, but the brain
just doesn't want to perform those particular tricks. So I'll just say
"hi y'all!" I've been enjoying how much activity there's been on ASLM
lately, and seeing posts from old friends.

I think there's been a bit of a contest going between the Ultimate
Shoe Goddess TechnoBabe Supreme (tm) and myself over who will break
down first and post. Which is as good a segue as any into what's what
in this neck of the woods.

First off, Sarah the evil mod and I have shared domicles now for 15
years, which is pretty amazing since some people were betting on how
long before one of us (read Sarah) would kill the other after we moved
in together. Life became even more interesting when Sunny (the
Ultimate Shoe Goddess TechnoBabe Supreme (tm)) moved in almost 8 years
ago and uh, well, she and I fell in love. We too have been married --
in that short window when the county was allowing same-sex marriages,
then we were unmarried via the process of ammendment and court ruling
(no grandparenting in those who had done it).

And I have been in school the entire time we're been together. I got
my BS and RN, but also started working and a PhD program
simultaniously. I am at the tail end of this process (goddess I hope!)
but it's going like things sometimes go at this point. I had thought I
would defend next month, but alas, my new hope/goal is end of the

Who knows, maybe this will lure Sunny out too.

miriam arachne
academic toes
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Sarah Cardin
2010-04-28 01:50:02 UTC
Post by Miriam Volpin
First off, Sarah the evil mod and I have shared domicles now for 15
years, which is pretty amazing since some people were betting on how
long before one of us (read Sarah) would kill the other after we moved
in together. Life became even more interesting when Sunny (the
Ultimate Shoe Goddess TechnoBabe Supreme (tm)) moved in almost 8 years
ago and uh, well, she and I fell in love.
Let me get this right: The troll hiding in the basement is named 'Sunny'??
And she's been living here for 8 years?!!!!!

It's not to late for me to kill you, you know ...

Sarah Heather Cardin
Evil 'last one to know' boots
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-28 05:37:54 UTC
Post by Miriam Volpin
Well, I thought I'd write something witty and VB-based, but the brain
just doesn't want to perform those particular tricks. So I'll just say
"hi y'all!" I've been enjoying how much activity there's been on ASLM
lately, and seeing posts from old friends.
Hi! Great to see you back 8) I'd been wondering where you'd gotten to...
I would have asked the Evil Mod, but she'd even worse at replying to
emails than cyn#! ;)
Post by Miriam Volpin
I think there's been a bit of a contest going between the Ultimate
Shoe Goddess TechnoBabe Supreme (tm) and myself over who will break
down first and post.
Hmph. Next time, have a contest over who can post the most! I assume
we'll be hearing from Sunny shortly, now you've blinked first?
Post by Miriam Volpin
And I have been in school the entire time we're been together. I got
my BS and RN
Congrats 8)
Post by Miriam Volpin
but also started working and a PhD program
simultaniously. I am at the tail end of this process (goddess I hope!)
but it's going like things sometimes go at this point. I had thought I
would defend next month, but alas, my new hope/goal is end of the
Good luck with that. I know how insane the amount of work you need to
get through for a PhD is, though fortunately only second hand rather
than from direct personal experience. It will be an accomplishment to be
proud of.

nowhere-near-that-academic shoes
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-28 19:09:49 UTC
Oh, so very long ago, many shoe postings were a splendid usenet trove!
Yea, verily, 'twas worth the ocean of spam, (in which we bravely dove)
to find words of wisdom, or fun and frolick, or peace, in The Grove --
Post by Miriam Volpin
Well, I thought I'd write something witty and VB-based, but the brain
just doesn't want to perform those particular tricks.
Neither does mine. (Er, the intro is due to coffee -- if you liked
it, it was lastoutlaw's special brew, and if it made you weep...well,
Joulzie stole the goooood coffee before I could get to it!)
Post by Miriam Volpin
So I'll just say"hi y'all!" I've been enjoying how much activity
there's been on ASLM lately, and seeing posts from old friends.
I really miss reading your posts. My triapsing down memory lane had
me wondering where you'd gone off to...glad to see you here, again!
(Look!! Another friendly shoe!!!)
Post by Miriam Volpin
I think there's been a bit of a contest going between the Ultimate
Shoe Goddess TechnoBabe Supreme (tm) and myself over who will break
down first and post.
Hmmph. I hope the contest soon becomes, "Who will break down and post
most often!" <g>

Oh, wait...felice said this before me...curses, she's in a time zone
ahead of me! (Seriously, I had this half written last night, but
didn't send in...and she beat me to it!)
Post by Miriam Volpin
Life became even more interesting when Sunny (the
Ultimate Shoe Goddess TechnoBabe Supreme (tm)) moved in almost 8 years
ago and uh, well, she and I fell in love.
We too have been married --
in that short window when the county was allowing same-sex marriages,
I remember this! Evil Mod(tm) posted a pic of this, right? Umbrella?
Flowers? Big smiles? ;-)
Post by Miriam Volpin
then we were unmarried via the process of ammendment and court ruling
(no grandparenting in those who had done it).
....and, geez. (How _exactly_ does one "unmarry"???! Bleep!)

Well, I suppose it matters more what you feel, then what the state
says. Still...
Post by Miriam Volpin
And I have been in school the entire time we're been together. I got
my BS and RN, but also started working and a PhD program
I think it's really great that you've done all of this! I remember
when you first posted of this, and being a little...uncertain...about
the return to school. (Trouble with...calculus?) I'm glad to hear
it's worked out for you...and amazed you've pursued it to the PhD
level. Wow! :-) (Smart women are SO cool).
Post by Miriam Volpin
I am at the tail end of this process (goddess I hope!)
...and then, you become a Doctor, then teach for some years, then...go
hang out with cows? (Sorry, I'm not sure how the process of ackademia
goes, so I'm basing my understanding of it on the furry-earred feral's
adventures...but perhaps, that is not the wisest thing to do...) <g>
Post by Miriam Volpin
but it's going like things sometimes go at this point. I had thought I
would defend next month,
Defend?!? Eeek! Do you need CK(tm)s???
(Just kidding! Way to go, Miram!)
Post by Miriam Volpin
Who knows, maybe this will lure Sunny out too.
Well, who better than you to ensnare her in a web? ;-)

I'd love to hear a Sunny ramble, again.

shoes nodding respectfully towards all the academics 'round here

ps. Hey, fels, what are you studying? Or are you on the other side
of the desk?
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
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