[ASLM] Re: Happy Birthday Lastoutlaw!
(too old to reply)
Sarah Heather Cardin
2005-10-11 20:27:23 UTC
it's lastoutlaw's birthday? wooooohooooooo ....

all the drinks are on me!

sarah heather cardin
waterlogged oregon boots
Noticed it was your day. Hope you're happy and well!
Happy happy, Lastoutlaw. Can I get you a drink?
serene, feet with their first day off in weeks
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ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
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plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
2005-10-12 15:22:54 UTC
Happy birthday, Lastoutlaw!

-shannon, feet.
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Steph Barrett
2005-10-14 22:01:00 UTC
Post by Sarah Heather Cardin
all the drinks are on me!
Really ^ ^
. .

Sign me up!

Happy birthday BT! I'll be over for a birthday squeeze after I lick my
drink off Sarah.

Hope everyone's well. what are people up to these days?
I'm working for the state doing kinship care and foster care licensing
studies. I'm finally a paid coach for girls ice hockey (our girls won the
state champs last year) and I ref too!
Time is flying, the boat was pulled this week and the dog is still going
strong despite the enormous lump on his head. Despite the very fall-like
weather, the garden is still producing small peppers and cukes. We pulled
the squashes from the trees two weeks ago and have started eating them.
They're very yummy.

damp socks on feet
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