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hey all!!! long time no see. i'm currently in minneapolis for a wedding. yesterday we picked up cousins in menomonie and drove to osseo for pie. (damn good pie). the chycklette is now 16 1/'2 years old and will have her full driver's license in a couple of weeks. i'm working at yet another radio station. i went back to school and tried to get out of radio... but they keep pulling me back in. other than that, life is the same old, same old.
pengwin gal <tm> superheroine sidekick to EL <tm>
nekkid toes
----- Original Message -----
From: nora <***>
Date: Thursday, August 30, 2007 8:39 pm
Subject: Re: [ASLM] Calling all shoes! Calling all shoes!
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Post by noraPost by d***@yahoo.caIs anybody still out there?
woo hoo! shoe posts!
i'm still here, although i was in new york when deanne first
posted. i was there on business, but this time i went up
the weekend before and took my sweetie
with me, so it wasn't all-work-and-no-play (the way it will be
when i go back week-after-next). we had a good time ...
had a drink at stonewall ... went to yankee
stadium to a yankees/redsox game (the wrong team won) ... went
to see mamma mia on broadway (very fun!) ... went to a comedy
club where they addressed
us as "the beautiful lesbians" :-)
so how is everyone? i see sarah is still alive (which
means she has *no* excuse for never emailing me) and dev (how is
deja?) and mary and miriam and kay
and hrj ... howdy, y'all!
i'm doing well ... we're heading to the beach this weekend along
with my favorite coworker and his wife and their kids (who are
around the same ages as my
kids) ... speaking of my kids, can y'all believe my oldest is
now in college and my youngest is now in high
school??!! how in the world did THAT happen?
- misfit
still in my work socks, haven't gotten around to changing
clothes yet!
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Our webpage is at
The archive is at
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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=3CDIV=3Ehey all!!! long time no see=2E i=27m currently in minneapolis f=
or a wedding=2E yesterday we picked up cousins in menomonie and drove to=
osseo for pie=2E (damn good pie)=2E the chycklette is now 16 1/=272 yea=
rs old and will have her full driver=27s license in a couple of weeks=2E=
i=27m working at yet another radio station=2E i went back to school and=
tried to get out of radio=2E=2E=2E but they keep pulling me back in=2E =
other than that=2C life is the same old=2C same old=2E=3C/DIV=3E
=3CDIV=3Epengwin gal =26lt=3Btm=26gt=3B superheroine sidekick to EL =26l=
=3CDIV=3Enekkid toes=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E----- Original Message -----=3CBR=3E=
From=3A nora =26lt=3Bnoramisfit=40earthlink=2Enet=26gt=3B=3CBR=3EDate=3A=
Thursday=2C August 30=2C 2007 8=3A39 pm=3CBR=3ESubject=3A Re=3A =5BASLM=
=5D Calling all shoes! Calling all shoes!=3CBR=3ETo=3A undisclosed-recip=
ients=3A =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B d=
eanne wrote=3A=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =26gt=3BIs anybody still out there=3F =3C=
BR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B woo hoo!=26nbsp=3B shoe posts!=26nbsp=3B =
=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B i=27m still here=2C although i was in =
new york when deanne first =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B posted=2E=26nbsp=3B i was th=
ere on business=2C but this time i went up =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B the weekend =
before and took my sweetie =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B with me=2C so it wasn=27t al=
l-work-and-no-play (the way it will be =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B when i go back w=
eek-after-next)=2E=26nbsp=3B we had a good time =2E=2E=2E =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B=
had a drink at stonewall =2E=2E=2E went to yankee =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B stad=
ium to a yankees/redsox game (the wrong team won) =2E=2E=2E went =3CBR=3E=
=26gt=3B to see mamma mia on broadway (very fun!) =2E=2E=2E went to a co=
medy =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B club where they addressed =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B us as =22=
the beautiful lesbians=22=26nbsp=3B =3A-)=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B=
so how is everyone=3F=26nbsp=3B i see sarah is still alive (which =3CBR=
=3E=26gt=3B means she has *no* excuse for never emailing me) and dev (ho=
w is =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B deja=3F) and mary and miriam and kay =3CBR=3E=26gt=
=3B and hrj =2E=2E=2E howdy=2C y=27all!=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B=
i=27m doing well =2E=2E=2E we=27re heading to the beach this weekend al=
ong =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B with my favorite coworker and his wife and their ki=
ds (who are =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B around the same ages as my =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B=
kids) =2E=2E=2E speaking of my kids=2C can y=27all believe my oldest is=
=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B now in college and my youngest is now in high =3CBR=3E=
=26gt=3B school=3F=3F!!=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B how in the world did THAT ha=
ppen=3F=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B - misfit=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B still =
in my work socks=2C haven=27t gotten around to changing =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B=
clothes yet!=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=
=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B -- =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B ---------=
--------------------=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B ASLM is a moderated newsgroup=2E =3C=
BR=3E=26gt=3B Our webpage is at http=3A//www=2Eshoelesbians=2Ecom=3CBR=3E=
=26gt=3B The archive is at http=3A//groups=2Eyahoo=2Ecom/group/aslm=5Far=
chive/=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbia=
ns-moderated=40moderators=2Eisc=2Eorg=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B Questions=3F Conta=
ct the mods at aslm+request=40panix=2Ecom=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B=
=3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3CBR=3E=26gt=3B =3C/DIV=3E
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at
The archive is at
Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***