cyn ########
2007-12-25 21:53:44 UTC
Hey folks,
Long time no see, eh?
Well, to all you soles out there, best wishes over the holidays. May you b=
e touched by the kindness of others, and experience the generousity of spir=
it that enriches lives and makes for the special moments in life. Here's h=
oping for many memorable occasions that you can look back upon and relish f=
or the joy they've brought. May you be gifted with peace of mind and spiri=
t -- or enough spirits to give you peace of mind! (I'm not always sure whi=
ch comes first...)
Early wishes for a Happy New Year, filled with health and prosperity! (And=
many shoe posts!) Furry Commando Koala(tm) h_gs and kisses to their fans!=
Beverages of your choice at the VB on me!
(peeking out from under the moss-covered-rock)
shoes waving at their old buddies
Use fowl language with Chicktionary. Click here to start playing!
Long time no see, eh?
Well, to all you soles out there, best wishes over the holidays. May you b=
e touched by the kindness of others, and experience the generousity of spir=
it that enriches lives and makes for the special moments in life. Here's h=
oping for many memorable occasions that you can look back upon and relish f=
or the joy they've brought. May you be gifted with peace of mind and spiri=
t -- or enough spirits to give you peace of mind! (I'm not always sure whi=
ch comes first...)
Early wishes for a Happy New Year, filled with health and prosperity! (And=
many shoe posts!) Furry Commando Koala(tm) h_gs and kisses to their fans!=
Beverages of your choice at the VB on me!
(peeking out from under the moss-covered-rock)
shoes waving at their old buddies
Use fowl language with Chicktionary. Click here to start playing!
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