Steph Barrett
2004-12-26 14:17:54 UTC
Up here in the more civilized Northwoods (I now live in Belgrade, which has
a nose so upturned, people can see their own boogers) it is snowing
sideways. Were were supposed to get a dusting... maybe an inch. Perhaps
they mean that is all that will stay stuck where it lands, as the wind is
howling. This is Sunday. Yesterday was cold and sunny. Friday was cool
and clear. Thursday, it was 50 and rained 2". We had a fair bit of snow
and ice on the ground prior to Thursday of last week. That is all gone now,
replaced by a sheer sheet of ice on all surfaces.
Had a decent holiday. My mom and cousins came up here Thursday and Friday.
We did x-mas here Friday because Rena was off work. It was enjoyable. Our
Thursday night before the night before x-mas party flopped amidst previously
mentioned monsoon. Still we had some company. I missed a hockey game where
someone dislocated a shoulder and had a head injury for my party that didn't
happen. As it turned out, the player hurt was injured by one of her own
teammates when our team did not show up and they decided to scrimmage
against each other. We've been telling Heidi her team is too rough. They
got to see it themselves.
Anyway, yesterday, we all loaded up and drove 3 hours to my brother's in NH.
Had a little holiday gift opening there and then I came home. My honey had
been jokingly telling me she wanted "a bow in it" for a gift, so I got home,
found a bow, stuck it on my crotch, and found her reading in the basement
with the stove roaring. I sat down, winked, and fell sound asleep. So much
for that!
How's everyone else for the holidays? Should we meet at the VB? I got a
couple of "glencairn whiskey" glasses for christmas. No scotch to go in
them though.... Perhaps I need EL's help to get me a bottle of good scotch
to try out the glasses.
cool tootsies even in the slippers...
a nose so upturned, people can see their own boogers) it is snowing
sideways. Were were supposed to get a dusting... maybe an inch. Perhaps
they mean that is all that will stay stuck where it lands, as the wind is
howling. This is Sunday. Yesterday was cold and sunny. Friday was cool
and clear. Thursday, it was 50 and rained 2". We had a fair bit of snow
and ice on the ground prior to Thursday of last week. That is all gone now,
replaced by a sheer sheet of ice on all surfaces.
Had a decent holiday. My mom and cousins came up here Thursday and Friday.
We did x-mas here Friday because Rena was off work. It was enjoyable. Our
Thursday night before the night before x-mas party flopped amidst previously
mentioned monsoon. Still we had some company. I missed a hockey game where
someone dislocated a shoulder and had a head injury for my party that didn't
happen. As it turned out, the player hurt was injured by one of her own
teammates when our team did not show up and they decided to scrimmage
against each other. We've been telling Heidi her team is too rough. They
got to see it themselves.
Anyway, yesterday, we all loaded up and drove 3 hours to my brother's in NH.
Had a little holiday gift opening there and then I came home. My honey had
been jokingly telling me she wanted "a bow in it" for a gift, so I got home,
found a bow, stuck it on my crotch, and found her reading in the basement
with the stove roaring. I sat down, winked, and fell sound asleep. So much
for that!
How's everyone else for the holidays? Should we meet at the VB? I got a
couple of "glencairn whiskey" glasses for christmas. No scotch to go in
them though.... Perhaps I need EL's help to get me a bottle of good scotch
to try out the glasses.
cool tootsies even in the slippers...
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