On 30 Apr 2010 09:52:41 -0400, Joules VC <***@gmail.com>, herald
of the mid-morning, bringer of the best befuddlement, and champion of
Post by Joules VCPost by cyn########Isn't _anyone_ out there at 2am???
Oh well...maybe if I stake out the VB, I can beat Joules to the
morning coffee and get mine first....
Hmm, I am certain that you are taking this whole coffee thing entirely
too seriously!
Coffee can NEVER be taken seriously enough.
Post by Joules VCWhile I still need my 1.5-2 cups to wake up properly,
I'm not getting up at 2 to get it.
YES! It's mine! All mine!!!
Post by Joules VCSleep is my friend; might I introduce you two?
Er, sleep and I have a rocky relationship. Maybe we can avoid each
other for a bit longer.
Post by Joules VCI need to reintroduce my son to the correct
sleeping hours since the time stamp on his rare emails is usually 3
am. You'd probably bump into him at the coffee pot at 1 or 2.
Rare emails? 3 am? Sounds a _little_ like me. <g> The night is so
quiet, and peaceful -- silence is golden!
Is he still a student?
Post by Joules VCI just had a startling image of the CKs on caffeine. not.a.good.thing!
Hah. They are fun on caffeine. Well, they're always fun, anyway --
it's when they go around _making_ the stuff that things get messy. I
think that's part of the reason why they're visiting the VB so much --
a great source of ready-to-go libations, alcohol not required! We
used to think it was for the tipplers, only.
(And, they get to hang out with lastoutlaw, (who doesn't seem to tire
of them) -- never underestimate the charms of a friendly bartender,
who's kind to koalas. I think she even set aside a "koala's corner"
for them. Is our BT cool, or what?). :-)
...and the other shoes don't seem to mind. <looks around to make
sure> Well, I'm not sure felice has recovered from their impromptu
celebratory antics, but she's generally on their side. We may need to
negotiate space if Dr. Fluffy shoes up...
Post by Joules VCHere is some coffee I got at Trader Joe's. Enjoy!
Merci! Danke! Thanks! Arigato! Spaceba! Gracias!
(Good morning, most Evilest of Mods! And Miriam, and Sunny, and Dev,
and West Coasters!!)
shoes going for the second cup
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