(too old to reply)
Steph Barrett
2005-03-09 14:00:58 UTC
Coming off the big win with the girls on Saturday, my adult team brought
great energy to the playoffs. A hard fought game brought us a one goal loss
in a game we were leading. (anyone know how to make a goalie stay on her
We dug deep and pulled off a win on Monday, keeping us alive. My second
team played last night and we sucked and we lost. One goal scored against
us was before our goalie, late in the storm, was on the ice. Another was
scored when the net was off it's mooring. A third was scored by one of our
own defensemen.

So sad...

My poor performance was partially dictated by a sprained wrist. Herein lies
the story.
The CKs(tm) could have helped me out Monday evening. After a game well
played, we went out to eat with friends, then came home late and tired.
Usually, I lower my wheeled hockey bag ahead of me on the basement stairs.
I dry my equipment by the wood stove down there. This time, tired and lazy,
I decided to pull the bag. Bad idea.
That bag came off the top step like a shot. Hit me in the backs of the
knees and took me out. My hand still in the handle, I hyperextended my
wrist and twisted a few fingers. I thought I broke my arm, as I heard a
snap when I fell on it. Aside from the injury part, it was pretty amusing.
I landed on the bag, which then provided soft cushion (aside from the fact
that my hand was still stuck in the handle) all the way to the bottom of the
My knuckles swelled immediately, but the aleve I swallowed immediately after
had the swelling under control by morning. Amazingly, I'm fairly well
Unfortunately, after feeling sick during the day and with the sprain, I was
short tempered last night. While playing the puck, I took three slashes to
the bicep area before I passed the puck and then turned around and wailed
the bitch that was hitting me. The ref, who was standing right there
watching the entire round of events, put his arm up immediately to signal a
penalty. Totally peeved, I mouthed at the ref... something I've never done
before. He didn't give me the extra two, but could have.
Not a good show...
hockey feet.
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2005-03-11 02:54:43 UTC
That bag came off the top step like a shot. Hit me in the backs of the knees
and took me out. My hand still in the handle, I hyperextended my wrist and
twisted a few fingers. I thought I broke my arm, as I heard a snap when I
fell on it. Aside from the injury part, it was pretty amusing.
Holy fuck! You okay?

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Steph Barrett
2005-03-11 12:15:35 UTC
Post by serene
Holy fuck! You okay?
Amazingly, yes. I'm bruised up some and it was all pretty painful until
yesterday morning, when I was massaging at my wrist/ lower arm and had a
quite audible "SNAP" that was heard by all my cow-orkers. Kinda seemed like
the distal end of the radius found it's way home. Incidentally, that was
the same noise from the same location that it made when I initially fell on

As for playoffs, the two teams I skate on are not faring well at all. My
first team suffered their second loss and thus elimination last night. The
word "elimination" fits, as we exited the tournament like a big turd with a
6-1 loss. My second team, the Clippers, is hanging in for a championship
game on Saturday. With one loss already, we have to win two to take the
season. Not real likely, but then it always depends who shows up.

My job today requires me to attend a "DV Protocol" training today. I don't
want to go. This training is so important, it has been rescheduled 4 times
in my year with DHS. I worked in the field of victim's services for four
years... not that I know everything, but our scope is extremely limited
with the single question "are the kids safe?" If A beats B in front of the
kids, they're not safe. These protocols came out of a number of grants over
the past 6 years that were supposed to facilitate more communication between
victim's services, law enforcement, and criminal justice response. Instead,
with the poor communication on the DV/ SA end, with deadlines breathing down
their necks, the coordinators hired by the agencies wrote them alone,
without all the stakeholder input. Makes them useless. Also, nothing I
oculdn't read myself without taking four hours out of my day.

So... end that rant. I need to get my ass in the shower.

One last question. L Word?

slippered feet
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2005-03-13 06:54:50 UTC
Post by Steph Barrett
Post by serene
Holy fuck! You okay?
Amazingly, yes. I'm bruised up some and it was all pretty painful until
yesterday morning, when I was massaging at my wrist/ lower arm and had a
quite audible "SNAP" that was heard by all my cow-orkers. Kinda seemed like
the distal end of the radius found it's way home. Incidentally, that was
the same noise from the same location that it made when I initially fell on
Oy. I hear it hurts like hell to relocate a joint, but that then
it's much better. Glad it found its way home.
Post by Steph Barrett
As for playoffs, the two teams I skate on are not faring well at all. My
first team suffered their second loss and thus elimination last night. The
word "elimination" fits, as we exited the tournament like a big turd with a
6-1 loss. My second team, the Clippers, is hanging in for a championship
game on Saturday. With one loss already, we have to win two to take the
season. Not real likely, but then it always depends who shows up.
How'd it go?
Post by Steph Barrett
My job today requires me to attend a "DV Protocol" training today. I don't
want to go. This training is so important, it has been rescheduled 4 times
in my year with DHS. I worked in the field of victim's services for four
years... not that I know everything, but our scope is extremely limited
with the single question "are the kids safe?" If A beats B in front of the
kids, they're not safe. These protocols came out of a number of grants over
the past 6 years that were supposed to facilitate more communication between
victim's services, law enforcement, and criminal justice response. Instead,
with the poor communication on the DV/ SA end, with deadlines breathing down
their necks, the coordinators hired by the agencies wrote them alone,
without all the stakeholder input. Makes them useless. Also, nothing I
oculdn't read myself without taking four hours out of my day.
Bureaucracy at its finest. That must've been so frustrating.
Post by Steph Barrett
So... end that rant. I need to get my ass in the shower.
One last question. L Word?
Wish I got it. I took out the first season on Netflix not knowing
that the second season hadn't even begun yet, and now I have to
*wait* and *wait* to see it!

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2005-03-13 06:57:13 UTC
Post by serene
ACK. I forgot my shoes!

contrite toes
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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