Leela Sinha
2004-09-29 12:58:14 UTC
Money is nice but I also want to enjoy
what I'm doing for a change.
BT boots that didn't expect to be a computer
technicianwhat I'm doing for a change.
BT boots that didn't expect to be a computer
FWIW, I didn't expect to be a computer technician or a
minister (in fact, I swore I wasn't going to be a
minister *wry smile*) and the difference for me is
that my heart is in the ministry, so I'm not expending
energy trying to like my job. I'm sure that will come
and go, but after a few weeks at my tech support jobs
I would stop feeling motivated. IME, enjoying what
you do makes a huge difference. Of course, I'm only
on an internship. Ask me in three years...
So what kind of atmosphere do you want?
setting-my-own-hours toes
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