(too old to reply)
Leela Sinha
2005-04-28 01:29:31 UTC
cyn said,
if we Canucks must suffer the spring "Will there be
an election, or won't there?" idiocy, thanks to our
glorious leaders in Parliment,then, by gosh, let ALL
oohooh, cyn? As a transplanted Yankee I'm totally
confused. I mean, I know basically how pulling down
the government goes, since I was in India for the
1999/2000 governmental reformulation, but I keep
thinking there's gotta be a better way...something
between the US system of leaving someone in power even
when it might be better not to and the
Indian/Canadian/probably British system of making it
advantageous to pull down the government anytime you
think you might win instead.

I'm sure, though, that there is some deep underlying
logic (because Canucks seem to handle everything just
slightly more sensibly) so please would you explain

*grin* as an alternative you could send the CKs to
Ottawa to cheer me up. What sorts of cheering up do
they do?

...and as a total aside, I just went to a screening of
The Year of Yao. It was excellent.

wool clogs
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2005-04-28 03:45:30 UTC
On 27 Apr 2005 21:29:31 -0400, Leela Sinha <***@sbcglobal.net>
peered into the muddied waters of Canadian federal politics, (to no
avail, as it is incomprehensible to seasoned analysts), and begged for
clarity thusly:

(Unfortunately, she asked cyn for an explanation, and well...cyn --
that one's a nut...<shrug>...)
Post by Leela Sinha
cyn said,
if we Canucks must suffer the spring "Will there be
an election, or won't there?" idiocy, thanks to our
glorious leaders in Parliment,then, by gosh, let ALL
oohooh, cyn? As a transplanted Yankee I'm totally
There, there, it's quite all right. I've learned not to expect too
much from Americans when they're out of their country's boundaries.
<snicker, snort> heh heh. <whacks self in head, none too gently>
(ouch!) Oh, sorry...really! It's a constant struggle not to mock the
Yanks, (our bestest friends), in my increasingly cynical world. I
_try_ not to let it contaminate neutral space, but...
Post by Leela Sinha
I mean, I know basically how pulling down
the government goes, since I was in India for the
1999/2000 governmental reformulation, but I keep
thinking there's gotta be a better way...
Post by Leela Sinha
something between the US system of leaving someone
in power even when it might be better not to and the
Indian/Canadian/probably British system of making it
advantageous to pull down the government anytime you
think you might win instead.
...you are naive. ;-)
Post by Leela Sinha
I'm sure, though, that there is some deep underlying
logic (because Canucks seem to handle everything just
slightly more sensibly) so please would you explain
Bwahahahahaha! You're in Ottawa...have you _seen_ the leaders of the
political parties??? <mutter> I swear, Canada must be the only
country in the world where a separatist party controls such a large
chunk of the vote. Feh. Logic is right out the window. And much as
I'd love to grin at Canuck sensibility, (even if entirely in jest),
there's been too much...failure...irresponsibility...lack of
vision...just "lack" in general...for me to truly enjoy any levity
that compares Canada favourably against other nations...at least, not
in the politcal arena!

Seriously, though...<gulp>...I hope you weren't expecting _me_ to
condense the current volitility.

(Shannon! Shannon, where are you?? This would be a good time for you
to jump in! And hey, I voted NDP in the last election, (gee whiz, was
it only a year ago?), and I'm still nauseous over it, but...they got
my vote! I thought it was a sign of the Apocalypse, but the world
kept on spinning...)

Sorry if I'm...unenlightening. Words cannot express the bitterness
and disappointment I've undergone since the last federal election, and
a few months before...so it's a bit tough for me to invest myself in
"current events" and discuss rationally. I've been in high
"avoidance" mode, for the most part, with small eruptions of
discontent. If you're really curious, I can try to summarize, but I'm
not the most politcally astute.

Umm...the key words would be:

Jean Chretien. Paul Martin. Unnecessary election. Same-sex
marriage. MINORITY GOVERNMENT. Gomery Inquiry. Sponsorship scandal.
EXCESSIVE wasted tax dollars. Voter discontent. Vulnerable MINORITY

I'm sure I'm missing plenty...but it's a bad can of worms. Lousy
timing. Greed. Arrogance. Hot air. And, I think, a lot of
weariness amongst voters, too.

All I can say is that I hope there is NOT an election coming up for a
while...the last one really tore me up...and if they did have one,
there's not a single party I could vote for with any degree
of...conviction. Pathetic, eh?
Post by Leela Sinha
*grin* as an alternative you could send the CKs to
Ottawa to cheer me up. What sorts of cheering up do
they do?
Ah, I should have skipped right to this...CKs can fix, (virtually),
anything! What are you up for? They're good at providing warm
comfort when you need it, have great ears for listening if you need a
sounding board, and are excellent at devising and implementing
tactical strikes on enemies when least expected.

So...what's your pleasure? ;-)

Egads...after the politics above, methinks I need to find a couple of
CKs and watch a relaxing movie with them..."The Muppets take
Manhatten," or something. <g>
Post by Leela Sinha
...and as a total aside, I just went to a screening of
The Year of Yao. It was excellent.
Oh? I haven't seen a movie in ages. Tell me more.

shoes inching away from political discourse
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Leela Sinha
2005-05-03 03:07:37 UTC
Several days ago I inquired of cyn about Canadian
politics, and received some informative grumblings
*grin* I also inquired about the CKs, and got a much
Post by Leela Sinha
*grin* as an alternative you could send the CKs to
Ottawa to cheer me up. What sorts of cheering up do
they do?
Ah, I should have skipped right to this...CKs can fix,
anything! What are you up for? They're good at
providing warm
comfort when you need it, have great ears for
listening if you need a
sounding board, and are excellent at devising and
tactical strikes on enemies when least expected.

So...what's your pleasure?

oooh, let's see. Some warm comfort would be just what
the doctor ordered, since I've managed to make a mess
of yet another relationship (for those who are
counting, that would be five since I started hanging
around with the fine people of ASLM--I've resorted to
a toy stuffed fox), and maybe some advice...

as for tactical strikes, I don't think anyone actually
deserves those, but perhaps they could fantasize with
me to diffuse my grumpiness. *grin*

...and how are they at interior decorating? Since
I've found out I'm staying here for an extra year,
I've started to Actually Move In to my apartment, with
picutres on the walls and laundry hampers and
everything...and I've discovered that I may be an
artist but I have virtually no sense when it comes to
the aesthetics of a space. I'm pretty good at jamming
lots of stuff in, like a puzzle, but not much good at
making it pretty or comfortable. *sigh* I'm going to
recruit my awesome downstairs neighbor's boyfriend,
because Downstairs Neighbor says he's got a good eye,
and he (downstairs neighbor) would know.

(total aside: there's a car alarm going off somewhere
on this block, regularly. First time I've heard that
since...Chicago. Damn.)
Post by Leela Sinha
I just went to a screening of The Year of Yao. It
was excellent.
cyn asked:
Oh? I haven't seen a movie in ages. Tell me more.

It's a good documentary feature-length film about a
seven foot five inch tall Chinese man who was the
number one draft pick for the NBA a few years ago...it
follows him and his translator for that first year.
Addresses a bunch of cultural issues and is very
human. Worth seeing, I think.

do CKs wear commando gear?

bare toes on flannel
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2005-05-03 10:51:17 UTC
Post by Leela Sinha
do CKs wear commando gear?
I'm sure cyn# has them in the finest gear....except when they make their
late night raids on the jello pool in the VB. That "operation" still
remains very covert. I gave them a key so they could partake in a little
rest and relaxation between missions. I can tell when the level of fig
vodka is down and the jello pool has those cute little prints all in it,
that they've been and gone.

BT boots sweeping the fur balls out the back door
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2005-05-04 03:26:14 UTC
Post by Lastoutlaw
Post by Leela Sinha
do CKs wear commando gear?
I'm sure cyn# has them in the finest gear....except when they make their
late night raids on the jello pool in the VB. That "operation" still
remains very covert. I gave them a key so they could partake in a little
rest and relaxation between missions. I can tell when the level of fig
vodka is down and the jello pool has those cute little prints all in it,
that they've been and gone.
Hey, I like this response even better! <g>

shoes that might wander into the VB
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2005-05-04 03:19:46 UTC
On 2 May 2005 23:07:37 -0400, Leela Sinha <***@sbcglobal.net>
proved that there IS life in Ottawa, (stunning many who speculated
that proximity to Parlimentary affairs might be causing ordinary,
everyday folk to keel over on the spot), when she wrote:

Re: The elusive, and beloved, (yet dreaded!) CKs
Post by Leela Sinha
oooh, let's see. Some warm comfort would be just what
the doctor ordered, since I've managed to make a mess
of yet another relationship (for those who are
counting, that would be five since I started hanging
around with the fine people of ASLM
Five? FIVE?! Dear god, and I've yet to score one! (Well, yes, there
was a prolonged bitter and cynical phase...er, well, perhaps I'm just
predisposed towards anti-social behaviour...hmm, nevermind -- I blab
to the world and I'll never get a date...)

Anyway...yes, the CKs are great companions in times of emotional
upheaval, and this would include relationship issues. Mainly, they'll
hang out with you -- keep you company whether it be bustling about in
the kitchen, assisting with dinner or washing dishes, or watching
tv/movies on the sofa munching popcorn...all without getting
underfoot. Congenial, and non-intrusive...and completely receptive to
kind folks that offer to scratch their ears. Despite their small
stature, CKs have giant hearts! (Never mind what certain Aussies
Post by Leela Sinha
as for tactical strikes, I don't think anyone actually
deserves those, but perhaps they could fantasize with
me to diffuse my grumpiness. *grin*
LOL. I tell you, they be master strategists! In my occasional mad
ravings about turning the rest of the world into Canadians, we've come
up with many a plan that would send you screaming to the nearest
psychiatric ward with white, padded walls. Ahem.

On a lighter note, the CKs recently saw a trailer for the upcoming
Star Wars....starring a light-saber wielding Yoda! So, now they're
emulating this little green thing, but instead of a light-saber,
they're waving their katanas around. Ah, never a dull moment with my
lil buddies...
Post by Leela Sinha
...and how are they at interior decorating? Since
I've found out I'm staying here for an extra year,
Hmm. Not sure about this one -- their idea of scale is different from
ours, so I'm not sure how they'd fill up space. Methinks they might
have you growing eucalyptus in your abode.

Hey...extra year here, huh? If the Conservatives have their way, you
may bear witness to another country's version of "pulling down the
government." Whoooweee! :P

So, why the extra year? Having fun in the nation's capital? Or are
you testing your endurance levels, (as I'm told Ottawa weather can be
tricky)? ;-)
Post by Leela Sinha
do CKs wear commando gear?
Sometimes they wear commando gear, and sometimes they go commando...I
swear, my eyes haven't recovered from the last time they...well, never
mind. Suffice to say, their command of the wardrobe, (or lack
thereof), is....exemplary. I tell ya, at party functions, they look
smashing in their little tuxedos...and always put me to shame! ;-)

(waving at the lurkers..."hi" folks!)
shoes at the cafe, debating the merits of putting up a web page
espousing the virtues of Commando Koalas(tm)
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