[ASLM] Odd list-related problem
(too old to reply)
Sarah Heather Cardin
2004-12-26 19:24:42 UTC
Is anyone else who has posted recently getting gobs of weird
not sure whether it's only my name that has been forged onto some
inappropriate e-mails or whether somebody's grafted all aslm
correspondence onto their own personal weird-mail-generator.
If the mods or anyone else wants to look into this, I've kept the
auto-responses. (I've hesitated to try responding to any of the
e-mail addresses in the mail itself since this thing seems very
unlikely to be a matter of some innocent system error.)
some spammer has probably grabbed your email addy and forged it onto their
delightful missives. i recently had a month of getting a couple of hundred
'undeliverable message' responses after a spammer did that to me. unless you
feel like changing your email addy (i didn't), all you can do is tough it out
until the messages stop

sarah heather cardin
post-holiday boots
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Heather Rose Jones
2004-12-28 02:32:30 UTC
Post by Sarah Heather Cardin
Is anyone else who has posted recently getting gobs of weird
not sure whether it's only my name that has been forged onto some
inappropriate e-mails or whether somebody's grafted all aslm
correspondence onto their own personal weird-mail-generator.
If the mods or anyone else wants to look into this, I've kept the
auto-responses. (I've hesitated to try responding to any of the
e-mail addresses in the mail itself since this thing seems very
unlikely to be a matter of some innocent system error.)
some spammer has probably grabbed your email addy and forged it onto their
delightful missives. i recently had a month of getting a couple of hundred
'undeliverable message' responses after a spammer did that to me. unless you
feel like changing your email addy (i didn't), all you can do is tough it out
until the messages stop
Yeah, it seems to have stopped, so if nobody else had it happen (and
since it hasn't happened after my other posts) then it's not list
related -- sorry for the false alarm.

(still in snow boots because my flight was cancelled this morning --
the plane was still snowed in at Boston, in fact, both my flights
were cancelled)
Heather Rose Jones
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Steph Barrett
2004-12-28 14:25:44 UTC
Post by Heather Rose Jones
(still in snow boots because my flight was cancelled this morning --
the plane was still snowed in at Boston, in fact, both my flights
were cancelled)
Were you supposed to fly out of Augusta? Wouldn't surprise me in the least
that it was cancelled. Kay got a ride to Benton from Portland one time
because the plane... notice I said THE plane, broke down in Boston.

right foot warm, left foot cold. both in slippers
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Linda Yanney
2004-12-28 14:52:37 UTC
My Portland sweetie is in Arizona with her daughter and son-in-law. Not
soakin' up sun, but enjoying warmer weather than ME. Or me, stuck here in

Feet looking for warm socks,
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Linda Yanney
2004-12-29 15:06:11 UTC
So what is the deal with Heather's postings?

looking for shoes the dog has not chewed
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Heather Rose Jones
2004-12-30 02:34:34 UTC
Post by Steph Barrett
Post by Heather Rose Jones
(still in snow boots because my flight was cancelled this morning --
the plane was still snowed in at Boston, in fact, both my flights
were cancelled)
Were you supposed to fly out of Augusta? Wouldn't surprise me in the least
that it was cancelled. Kay got a ride to Benton from Portland one time
because the plane... notice I said THE plane, broke down in Boston.
I was _supposed_ to fly out of Bangor, but the plane got stuck in
Boston and all available space for the next four days was already
booked by people bumped from other flights. So they re-booked us out
of Augusta the next day (yesterday) which is actually more convenient
to Waterville, although it means that we got a Beechcraft prop plane
rather than a micro-jet. It was amusing that the federal security
folks _almost_ outnumbered the airline personnel. (The check-in
person also handled baggage and helped with the pre-flight operations
check.) You _don't_ want to know what you get when you have three
TSA security guards with only 20 passengers to cover. They appear to
get really bored.

The weird auto-response messages continue -- the last batch were in
Hungarian. Somebody is taking posts to aslm and diverting them to a
whole bunch of "test" newsgroups. The first batch (from a German
site) had some rather unsavory text substituted for my original
message but the Hungarian batch, in addition to adding a few more
test newsgroups, have no message text included at all, just the
headers. It all started when I responded to rsmith's "New Member"

Ah, and now that I can access usenet again (which I couldn't from a
remote location), I see that the usenet version of the list is
getting hit by this as well although the mailing list version,
apparently, is not. I have no idea where this shit is coming from or
why I seem to be the only person affected. Any of these cross-posted
messages that claim to come from me are NOT mine. But I'm not sure
there's anything I can do about it.

Heather Rose Jones
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Steph Barrett
2004-12-30 12:37:22 UTC
Post by Heather Rose Jones
So they re-booked us out
of Augusta the next day (yesterday) which is actually more convenient
to Waterville, although it means that we got a Beechcraft prop plane
rather than a micro-jet. It was amusing that the federal security
folks _almost_ outnumbered the airline personnel. (The check-in
person also handled baggage and helped with the pre-flight operations
check.) You _don't_ want to know what you get when you have three
TSA security guards with only 20 passengers to cover. They appear to
get really bored.
I've seen it happen. The best part is that when the plane is finally off,
they take off their ties and go back to washing dishes in the Thai Star 2.
Kidding... But it is a tiny airport. Those Beechcraft are NOISY planes.
I always bring earplugs if flying out of AUG because you're deaf by the time
you get to Boston. Still, two bucks a day parking can't be beat! Glad you
got out ok...

slippers that should've been in the shower 20 minutes ago!
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com