2010-04-26 12:11:43 UTC
Just wondering. Because holy cats has my life gotten messy. I'm
assuming this is still a public list (readable and searchable by the
world) despite our earlier conversation, right? So I won't say much,
just that my church board leaders requested my resignation last
Thursday (no grievous transgressions of clergy rules or anything like
that, just general discontent) and in an attempt to do what was best
for the church, I agreed. I thought things were going really well,
but apparently not for everyone.
So as of May 1 I have no health insurance. I have three months'
severance, just the salary part, for which I am very grateful. I am
wrapping things up and staying away from the church as much as
possible between now and then. And of course, I have no job. In our
denomination the whole job-hunt thing takes a year, so I am now
looking for work for at least a year, but frankly I'm feeling pretty
burnt and wondering what other kinds of ministry are out there. I do
see life coaching as a kind of community ministry (as counseling is)
and I plan to put more energy into that.
But I'm stunned. Head spinning. Dealing with all the grief and
stuff. Feels kind of like I've been tossed out the airlock of a
spaceship, and there's no atmospheric pressure to hold me together.
I'm sure there's a silver lining, but I only get glimpses right now.
I've decided that perhaps I need to begin by getting some
brightly-colored socks, since the socks I wore to work were almost
always black. I know I'm not the only one to go through this. But
damn I've had better weeks.
questing, floating socks
assuming this is still a public list (readable and searchable by the
world) despite our earlier conversation, right? So I won't say much,
just that my church board leaders requested my resignation last
Thursday (no grievous transgressions of clergy rules or anything like
that, just general discontent) and in an attempt to do what was best
for the church, I agreed. I thought things were going really well,
but apparently not for everyone.
So as of May 1 I have no health insurance. I have three months'
severance, just the salary part, for which I am very grateful. I am
wrapping things up and staying away from the church as much as
possible between now and then. And of course, I have no job. In our
denomination the whole job-hunt thing takes a year, so I am now
looking for work for at least a year, but frankly I'm feeling pretty
burnt and wondering what other kinds of ministry are out there. I do
see life coaching as a kind of community ministry (as counseling is)
and I plan to put more energy into that.
But I'm stunned. Head spinning. Dealing with all the grief and
stuff. Feels kind of like I've been tossed out the airlock of a
spaceship, and there's no atmospheric pressure to hold me together.
I'm sure there's a silver lining, but I only get glimpses right now.
I've decided that perhaps I need to begin by getting some
brightly-colored socks, since the socks I wore to work were almost
always black. I know I'm not the only one to go through this. But
damn I've had better weeks.
questing, floating socks
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