Happy Everything
(too old to reply)
2005-12-24 18:03:07 UTC
I know I keep making hit or miss posts. I wanted to wish everyone a
joyous season- whatever you celebrate. Everyone has something to be
thankful for and the gift of themselves to give to others. This
newsgroup and each "shoe" in it has been a gift to me- one that keeps
on giving- and I thank you all! We seem to have all drifted in various
directions but you are in my thoughts. I think we need a big shoe
get-together soon!!! Anyone interested? After hosting my family for my
daughter's graduation (WOOHOO) and an early holiday, I'm on a roll of
non-hermit behavior. All you shoes under various rocks, get your butts
out of there (and the rest of you) and join in.
Best wishes for 2006. May it bring resolution of life changes, positive
steps, love and laughter, health and happiness. I wish you all enough.
Hugs and un-hugs.
xmas sox
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2005-12-24 23:33:26 UTC
swim, swim, swim, splash, thump, (long slide on the ice)waddle, waddle,
waddle, <waving flippers> Hi Everyone!!! Happy Ho Ho and a Merry New Year!!!
Now where is that VB? I 'm in need of a sardintini!!

pengwin gal
slippery feet
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Mary McCool
2005-12-24 23:53:22 UTC
Post by j***@hotmail.com
I know I keep making hit or miss posts. I wanted to wish everyone
a joyous season- whatever you celebrate. Everyone has something to
be thankful for and the gift of themselves to give to others. This
newsgroup and each "shoe" in it has been a gift to me- one that
keeps on giving- and I thank you all! We seem to have all drifted
in various directions but you are in my thoughts. I think we need a
big shoe get-together soon!!! Anyone interested? After hosting my
family for my daughter's graduation (WOOHOO) and an early holiday,
I'm on a roll of non-hermit behavior. All you shoes under various
rocks, get your butts out of there (and the rest of you) and join
in. Best wishes for 2006. May it bring resolution of life changes,
positive steps, love and laughter, health and happiness. I wish you
all enough. Hugs and un-hugs. Joules xmas sox
I'm certainly game for a shoe get-together in '06. My only major trip this year was a
road trip to Illinois with my sibs and mom for a family reunion. I'm ready to go
somewhere! I miss the comradery we used to have among this group. I certainly
was startled to get a phone call from another long time shoe a couple of weeks ago,
after she had a near death experience. I hope she (and her sweetie) are having a
nice holiday season up north!

I, too, want to wish all my shoe buddies a Happy Whatever You Celebrate, and if
you don't celebrate, I hope you are doing well. Don't anybody let your relatives
drive you nuts this season! My family is scattered in all directions this year, so I'm
spending various parts of this long weekend with different groups of friends. Mom is
in Dallas for a month and I could have driven there, too, but after making the drive
last year for Christmas, I didn't want to do it again this year. I spent Thanksgiving
with Mom. We're still getting used to her being able to travel, and not have to worry
about Dad.

Merry _________________ to one and all!

navy blue dearfoams
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2005-12-25 13:19:39 UTC
<I sent this last night from a new email addy, but the moderators are
probably busy with xmassy-type stuff, so I'll ignore the bandwidth waste
and risk a duplicate>
Post by j***@hotmail.com
Best wishes for 2006. May it bring resolution of life changes, positive
steps, love and laughter, health and happiness. I wish you all enough.
Hugs and un-hugs.
Joules! Very prettily said. I second that emotion... ear-worm anyone? <eg>

More later!

deputy babe Okabashi sandals
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Heather Rose Jones
2005-12-25 14:42:26 UTC
Happy happy to all! I'm enjoying my holidays in the bosom of my
family in Maine, as often happens. Given the year this has been, I'm
particularly celebrating still having my mother around and in good
health, and still having my father around (even if in indifferent and
grouchy health).

And it's good to hear from old friends here, even if we all seem to
have drifted away from the good old coffee shop.


Heather Rose Jones
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Steph Barrett
2005-12-25 19:26:20 UTC
Post by Heather Rose Jones
And it's good to hear from old friends here, even if we all seem to
have drifted away from the good old coffee shop.
Heather! In Maine! Would love to connect sometime. You up for the week?
I think the girls practice on Wednesday and Friday at 9:10 pm. Might be
enough time to sneak in a martini at the Unicorn before practice and still
be sober enough to conduct business....

As for life in Maine... Well, I have to say I'm glad to see 05 on the way
out. I think the world in general has been engaged in 3-4 years of
tremendous upheaval and 05 is still a transition year. I've not been with
my family for either Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, due to
circumstances, a partner who is curmudgeonly about my family (mostly my
drunk brother), and a vehicle that is ready to roll over and stick her tires
in the air.

I've survived another year with the state, though I've moved on from State
Lady to kin studies worker. People want to see me now. That's been an
improvement. I still don't always say the things they want to hear (like,
if you bring this child into your home, you need to supervise 24/7 or your
boy there is going to get his wankie yanked in a way that will really open
his eyes.) Still, I'm going into clean houses and they generally offer
coffee, which I generally accept as a show of good faith, at least.

The state job is improving--we won a reclass arbitration on our jobs that
will result in a back payment of about $4K to me, plus a $2/ hr raise (when
the legislature gets around to it.) My bankruptcy went through, which gets
me out of the credit card debt and readies me to take on the $500/ month
student loan payment. The car is a glitch, presenting the need for
replacement a mere 2 weeks after the debts discharged... Still, there's a
lot of people who want to lend to me at rates lower than my first car loan.

Things are looking better. My relationship has greatly changed my
relationships with friends, others, and myself and I'm still trying to
figure that out. This desire to have a home and nest is in direct
opposition to the side of me that is full of wonderlust and chafes at the
restrictions a relationship brings. Someday I'll find some peace with

I'll be interested to hear about a shoe in. Not saying I'll be there, but
I'll give it some thought at least. I had my invite to a week long
officiating camp for July 06 for female ice hockey officials. It's where
they start grooming people for the future of elite officiating. Not sure if
I want to go that way, but this will only cost me $90 and a week of my time.
I've been officiating weekly and moving up in skill level. Would like to
continue to get better at it. I've worked with some great people this year
and hustled my ass to get on some tournaments that have given me good

I guess what I really need to do right now is take a shower.

Happy New Year all!
Feet fixing a sardinitini and thinking what a waste it is to dump a dead
fish in all that lovely booze...

slippers all day today
ps... did I mention I started my own little homebrewing adventure? I've
made a good ale, stout, and porter so far. I have another ale I'm going to
put in maybe today or tomorrow. Drop me a line, Heather, and I'll send
along a phone ## if you're interested in getting together.
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2005-12-25 20:17:01 UTC
Post by Steph Barrett
I'll be interested to hear about a shoe in. Not saying I'll be there, but
I'll give it some thought at least.
Here's a possibility that the SF-fans at least might give some thought
to: http://gaylaxicon.gaylacticnetwork.org/2006/main.php

Come on! The "annual international gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender &
friends Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Gaming Convention" in
Toronto, Canada the week before Pride.

Anybody interested?

deputy babe new xmas sox
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Heather Rose Jones
2005-12-25 23:33:34 UTC
Post by dea
Post by Steph Barrett
I'll be interested to hear about a shoe in. Not saying I'll be there, but
I'll give it some thought at least.
Here's a possibility that the SF-fans at least might give some thought
to: http://gaylaxicon.gaylacticnetwork.org/2006/main.php
Come on! The "annual international gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender &
friends Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Gaming Convention" in
Toronto, Canada the week before Pride.
Anybody interested?
I've never yet made it to a Gaylaxicon, although I've been tempted
several times. (They tend to be held in the eastern third of the
continent, which means it's a significant trip to make. The one that
was held in California ... well, it was being run by someone who has
seriously set my teeth on edge the times I've had to interact with
him, so I didn't make it a priority and then ended up filling my
schedule with other things.)


Heather Rose Jones
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Heather Rose Jones
2005-12-25 23:28:31 UTC
Post by Steph Barrett
Post by Heather Rose Jones
And it's good to hear from old friends here, even if we all seem to
have drifted away from the good old coffee shop.
Heather! In Maine! Would love to connect sometime. You up for the week?
I think the girls practice on Wednesday and Friday at 9:10 pm.
Might be
enough time to sneak in a martini at the Unicorn before practice and still
be sober enough to conduct business....
Alas, I've already been here a week and am leaving tomorrow (weather

(finally getting the use out of those L.L. Bean snowboots I bought
last year)

Heather Rose Jones
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Steph Barrett
2005-12-26 16:03:26 UTC
Post by Heather Rose Jones
Alas, I've already been here a week and am leaving tomorrow (weather
(finally getting the use out of those L.L. Bean snowboots I bought
last year)
Bumma... Oh well. I hope you have an early flight. I've been watching
the rain come down and hoping it will be enough to resurface the cove to a
skatable result. Unfortunately, it's starting to look good but there's a
few inches of snow on the way. Get out while you can!
Guess I need to go check the fire...
slippers thinking it's time to get the ass moving out to the car dealership.
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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2005-12-26 19:59:55 UTC
Je dimanc^o, 25 decembro 2005 15:17:01 -0500 (EST),
Post by dea
Here's a possibility that the SF-fans at least might give some thought
to: http://gaylaxicon.gaylacticnetwork.org/2006/main.php
Come on! The "annual international gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender &
friends Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Gaming Convention" in
Toronto, Canada the week before Pride.
Oooh... that would be very cool indeed. *sigh* I wish I could get over from
NZ, but that isn't really practical. Especially with a new sweetie to bring
along 8) I have been thinking of saving up for the 2007 Worldcon in Japan,

Happy holidays, everyone! It's nice to see a bit of life in the group.

geek shoes
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2005-12-27 23:02:51 UTC
oooooo, this sounds very very fun, and not too far away from my neck
of the woods (of course, that's speaking in bloody huge US terms).

But, more importantly ... felice, what's this about a new sweetie????
This is quite new, she wasn't on the scene when I was back home in
kiwiland a few months ago! So dish girl!!! ;)

'boxing day' (well, it WOULD be) comfy blobbing Ug-boots
Post by felice
Je dimanc^o, 25 decembro 2005 15:17:01 -0500 (EST),
Post by dea
Here's a possibility that the SF-fans at least might give some thought
to: http://gaylaxicon.gaylacticnetwork.org/2006/main.php
Come on! The "annual international gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender &
friends Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Gaming Convention" in
Toronto, Canada the week before Pride.
Oooh... that would be very cool indeed. *sigh* I wish I could get over from
NZ, but that isn't really practical. Especially with a new sweetie to bring
along 8) I have been thinking of saving up for the 2007 Worldcon in Japan,
Happy holidays, everyone! It's nice to see a bit of life in the group.
geek shoes
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2006-01-02 17:26:47 UTC
Post by Sarah
oooooo, this sounds very very fun, and not too far away from my neck
of the woods (of course, that's speaking in bloody huge US terms).
What woods would those be again? I suppose that I could google for the
answer, but I'm feeling lazy this morning... oops... make that this
Post by Sarah
'boxing day' (well, it WOULD be) comfy blobbing Ug-boots
Boxing day it was, at least up here. Silly 'murricans... it's one of the
most relaxing holidays of the year. We spent it in pjs, watching movies,
if I recall correctly.

tights getting ready to hit the road soon
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2006-01-02 17:35:06 UTC
Post by Deanne
What woods would those be again? I suppose that I could google for the
answer, but I'm feeling lazy this morning... oops... make that this
lol, it's still morning here, I'm about to pop off and make up some
more hours for my research position.

But it's Chicago, that's my woods. I was actually wondering if it
were possible to make it way up into Canada for the Women's Rugby
World Cup in Edmonton (I THINK that's where it is, could be wrong)
this year. But I think it's too far to make it in regards to costs
and the like.
Post by Deanne
Post by Sarah
'boxing day' (well, it WOULD be) comfy blobbing Ug-boots
Boxing day it was, at least up here. Silly 'murricans... it's one of the
most relaxing holidays of the year. We spent it in pjs, watching movies,
if I recall correctly.
awww, mine was spent getting occasional phone calls from her gf as
said gf made her way up back to Chicago from her family in Arkansas.

Ug-Boots (again) watching the rain pour down at the Rose Parade on
HGTV while we have a mid-winter thunderstorm here (it's in the mid
40's F here in Chicago, in JANUARY!!!!!).
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
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