men in power
(too old to reply)
Steph Barrett
2004-04-12 12:00:30 UTC
from today's NY Times:

"I am satisfied that I never saw any intelligence that indicated there was
going to be an attack on America - at a time and a place, an attack."

Sounds curiously similar to, "I did not have sex with that woman." I think
we need an inquisition.

Get the comfy chair!!

feet that haven't seen any shoe posts in a while
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2004-04-13 23:19:44 UTC
Steph, speaking of all too familiar White House
Post by Steph Barrett
Get the comfy chair!!
feet that haven't seen any shoe posts in a while
Bone dry as we say. (sidling around the bar to draw
some draft....sliding one down to Steph then pulling
one for myself)
Cheers! Is this an election year? <grin>

Our network was down all afternoon at work and it has
something to do with a fiber optic trunk card...blah, blah, blah,
thingy going bad. I understand they are very costly items. Any
network gurus out there know what this is?

contractor feet still working....but for how long...sigh.
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2004-04-14 02:31:14 UTC
Je mardo, 13 aprilo 2004 19:19:44 -0400 (EDT),
Post by lastoutlaw
Bone dry as we say. (sidling around the bar to draw
some draft....sliding one down to Steph then pulling
one for myself)
Any chance of something sugary and alcoholic?
Post by lastoutlaw
Cheers! Is this an election year? <grin>
Hopefully - I wouldn't absolutely count on it. But Kerry doesn't look
like much of an improvement on Bush, though I admit I haven't read up
on him that much 8(
Post by lastoutlaw
contractor feet still working....but for how long...sigh.
Good luck. The remaining half of my job seems to be looking relatively
secure, which is a good thing. I'm still not entirely sure if I can
live comfortably on this income, but I love having the extra "free"
time to deal with all the projects I've gotten myself involved in.

overcommitted shoes
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
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