Tun tu tu run tat ta taaaa......
Emergency Lesbian arrives on her new form of transport - I'ts a mobility
scooter - It's got a night-black paint-job, fins, bigot-seeking missiles
(with rose petal in the warheads), alloy wheels, a desperately overclocked
electric motor and four wheel drive, but it is, unmistakably a mobility
scooter. Why? EL(tm) has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and has to take it easy.
Today, she has used up a lot of her energy on getting her re-appearance
wardrobe right.... Black gloves reaching beyond the elbow, black silk dress,
tight, with a flamenco flare, and ankle Manila Blahnickyawn black boots,
which she now rests on the handlebars - I mean control column - of her
mobility scooter, as she settles back for a refreshing nap. Soon she is
snoring quietly.
Half an hour later, she wakes up, surreptitiously wipes away the very
attractive dribble, and springs out of the EL(tm) tribidic Transporter (tm)
(she had to give up the tribiddic Teleporting - the spinning was making her
too dizzy).
"Mmm, Kathleen. You seem to have a passel of trouble right here in the ole
Kathleen, already confused by the appearance of this strangely compelling
but previously unknown character, sensibly goes to get her gun.
"Hey, hold up thare Missy, Don't worry yer preddy lil' hed none- hey, well
dangle my hosswhip, I shouda switched that dagnanny contraption of...... I
say, that's much better, I'm terribly sorry Kathleen I've just had an
automatic vernacularinary installed. It's supposed to help me fit in with
the natives, what!
Kathleen eyes EM's(tm) décolletage, which is unimpeded, and tried to imagine
somewhere that would fit in.
"Ha, ha" continues EL(tm) in a nervous Bertie Wooster whiney, "I'm afraid
it heard the name Kathleen and made all sorts of unwarranted assumptions.
I've reset it to it's default setting - English Public School circa 1925. I
hope that is a little less offensive, Dear Lady ! I assure you that I shall
give your little domestic difficulty some serious thought, but perhaps for
the moment, I shall settle down for a nice nap."
Soon, EL(tm) is snoring gently again, while Kathleen sprints off to the ASLM
to read up on EL(tm)...
Story bare feet
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pell Nilly" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.shoe.lesbians.moderated
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 6:13 AM
Subject: Re: [ASLM] hmmmmmm
Post by kathleenknow what I'm really looking forwar to? (not)
my kids coming home from college, having parties, using (expensive)
utilities, keeping me awake at night, raiding the fridge, breaking
things, leaving messes, leaving the gate open so my dog escapes,
leaving cigarette butts in the driveway, being asleep in the morning
(my good hours) when I want to play music or stream the Randi Rhodes
and Air America on the internet, etc.
How 'bout establishing and enforcing some house rules? You are, after
all, paying the bills.
tough-love shoes
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com