[ASLM] Life under the moss-covered rock
(too old to reply)
2010-04-25 01:02:23 UTC
I'm probably the only person on the planet that only
watches tv shows, (or movies), _after_ reading fanfic on them.
<rolling eyes> (Criminal Minds, Murder in Suburbia, Buffy,etc)
Definitely not. I know people who only read the fanfic, and never watch
the show it's based on at all. Not a mindset I entirely understand, but
it doesn't seem to be that uncommon.
i don't read the fanfic, but i also don't watch tv shows until they've been out for several seasons ... then i buy, rent, or borrow the dvd's so i can watch them in
order. yes, i realize i'm strange :-)

- misfit
toes now into "criminal minds" after going through "house" and "lost"
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2010-04-25 01:31:30 UTC
Post by nora
i don't read the fanfic, but i also don't watch tv shows until
they've been out for several seasons ... then i buy, rent, or borrow
the dvd's so i can watch them in order. yes, i realize i'm strange
Nah, that's not strange at all! I do most of my TV-show watching via DVD
season sets. Occasionally there's something I need to catch the latest
episodes of as soon as they're available (er, I mean when they're
broadcast, I certainly wouldn't mean to imply that I ever illegally
downloaded anything! *smiles innocently*), but mostly I'm catching up on
somewhat older shows, and I like being able to watch in order, uncut,
without ads, at times that suit me. Though we do tend to have several
shows on the go at once.

Of course, using me as a benchmark for "not strange" might not be the
best idea ;)
Post by nora
- misfit toes now into "criminal minds" after going through "house"
and "lost"
Season two of House and season four of Lost are on my to-acquire list...

digital versatile shoes
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2010-04-25 03:02:02 UTC
Post by nora
- misfit
toes now into "criminal minds" after going through "house" and "lost"
Hey, have you run across Elizabeth Bear's Criminal Minds recaps/colour

She's the reason I got hooked on it:

geeky tv toes
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2010-04-26 01:16:36 UTC
Post by Deanne
Hey, have you run across Elizabeth Bear's Criminal Minds recaps/colour
If you like that site, you miiiiiiight like this one:


And if you want to give Emily/JJ femslash a try, here's a couple of
good fics:

Title: What the Rain Washes Away
Author: Manda

Psychopathology (Ongoing, parts 1-12, last part could work as ending)
Author: Kyandralin

I think it was lysachan's site that got me into the series -- her
picspams are fun, (heavy on the Prentiss love).
I think the site is partially the reason why I watched episodes of
"Hospital Central", and "Los Hombres de Paco", too -- good grief, I'm
watching Spanish television?!? Spain, of all places, has (had) happy
lesbian couples??? Praise to the fans who made English translations.

(chugging on Irish Cream coffee -- the non-alcohol creamer version,
that I _had_ to go out and get -- made me think of lastoutlaw, and
wonder which state she was driving through this week)
(hope it keeps me up a few hours -- I iz making diddly squat progress
on my taxes)

shoes sneaking into the VB to grab a thermos of coffee for their owner
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2010-04-26 01:27:41 UTC
On 25 April 2010 21:16, cyn######## <***@hotmail.com> provided
numerous suggestions for additional CM resources, to which I respond:

I'm not so much into the femslash, but I snag icons and read
occasional PG-rated fic at

fan-fic feet
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2010-04-26 01:38:18 UTC
Post by Deanne
I'm not so much into the femslash, but I snag icons and read
occasional PG-rated fic at
I'll take a look, when I have some more time. I've read some really
good non-slash fic that were impressive character studies -- they
could be from that site. The quality of writing out on the 'net
amazes me, at times. Definitely the reason I haven't bought a book
for a looong time, and instead finance the dsl.

(I forgot to mention "Television Without Pity" for snark, character
analysis, after-episode commentary, etc).

So, what else are you doing with yourself these days?

(In other words, please, please, please distract me...!!!!)

shoes studiously avoiding paperwork
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2010-04-26 17:12:08 UTC
Post by cyn########
So, what else are you doing with yourself these days?
(In other words, please, please, please distract me...!!!!)
My life is so full right now! Two months into a job filled with
wonderful tech: wireless broadband, satellite and cellular. There's
something new to learn every day, and I think that will continue for
the foreseeable future. Yay!

I'm playing D&D with a group of friends, which has expanded my social
circle, and I`m hanging out with a fun bunch of women who write slash,

Just canceled my annual trip to WisCon (http://wiscon.info) because I
don't want to take a vacation during my first 3 months on the job (and
I need to build up my bank account after 10 months of unemployment),
but I'm hoping to get to two other cons this year: Readercon and World

Also thinking about dipping my toes back into the dating pool...

high-heeled workshoes
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2010-04-27 13:15:56 UTC
Post by Deanne
Also thinking about dipping my toes back into the dating pool...
Why dip? How does one dip anyway? Seems like once you're in for a
penny you're in for a pound...

go for it toes
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2010-05-01 13:32:17 UTC
On 27 April 2010 09:15, ellesin <***@gmail.com> wrote, in response
to my "Also thinking about dipping my toes back into the dating
Why dip? =C2=A0How does one dip anyway? =C2=A0Seems like once you're in f=
or a
penny you're in for a pound...
I don't know if I have the time or the emotional energy to get
involved with anyone, so I'm still a bit hesitant. Also, I have a dog
who doesn't like strangers, and I haven't been able to find out how
long it takes for someone to become "not-a-stranger" so far.

tentative toes
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Joules VC
2010-05-02 13:34:34 UTC
Post by Deanne
I don't know if I have the time or the emotional energy to get
involved with anyone, so I'm still a bit hesitant. Also, I have a dog
who doesn't like strangers, and I haven't been able to find out how
long it takes for someone to become "not-a-stranger" so far.
tentative toes
Has the dog killed, chased away, or otherwise eliminated the previous
strangers? ;>
My cat is so afraid of everything that even people she knows can be treated as
threats to avoid. Ditto for sudden noises, etc. The friend she is
staying with temporarily uses a lint roller alot
and apparently, Gabby now views the sound of that as "a bad thing."
She sheds a lot and I was using the lint
roller on my shirt. I glanced at Gabby and her ears were flat, her
head was down...I was shocked. I stopped and
assured her it was okay. sigh

feet looking forward to having Gabby with me all the time
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2010-05-02 21:20:05 UTC
Post by Joules VC
My cat is so afraid of everything that even people she knows can be treated as
threats to avoid. Ditto for sudden noises, etc.
Poor kitty... our younger cat is extremely skittish around strangers -
even people who've visited several times - but fortunately she seems
perfectly confident in the absence of unfamiliar humans. She's certainly
up to defending her territory; we've been woken up on occasion by her
insisting very loudly that no, neighbour-kitty is most definitely not
permitted to stick its nose through _her_ cat door. We're very grateful
she grew out of insisting very loudly that 5am was breakfast time...
Post by Joules VC
She sheds a lot and I was using the lint
roller on my shirt. I glanced at Gabby and her ears were flat, her
head was down...I was shocked. I stopped and
assured her it was okay. sigh
I'm glad you're being so good to her. Some people wouldn't care that
their cat was being distressed by something like that 8(
Post by Joules VC
feet looking forward to having Gabby with me all the time
I'm sure she's looking forward to it too.

feline feet
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2010-05-03 00:39:00 UTC
Post by Joules VC
Has the dog killed, chased away, or otherwise eliminated the previous
strangers? =C2=A0;>
She bit two of my friends, bruising one and taking a chunk out of the
other. We were going to put her down, but the latter friend said
"Don't put her down on my account. I've been attacked by a black bear;
this is nothing!"

She's a fear aggressive dog; spent four years (age 6 mos to 4.5 years
in a shelter), and was terrified of everything when I brought her home
from the local rescue group that had just received her from the
shelter. I was just "cat-testing" her and giving her a break from the
rescue for the weekend. That was the plan, anyway.

I need to work with her around people who are not afraid of dogs, and
who will follow my instructions regarding ignoring her: no touch, no
talk, no eye contact. I'm not a fan of Cesar Millan, but that's a part
of his approach that works: when we visited the veterinary
behaviourist in her office, Summer was fine. She was muzzled, of
course (to keep her and everyone around her safe), and the vet was
even able to talk to her and feed her treats through the muzzle.

She's a sweetheart with me, and I have a friend now who has no fear of
her (although a healthy respect), so I may socialize her yet, but the
important thing is managing her to keep her and everyone else safe,
and giving her a good life. She's been my lifeline through some tough
times, and I appreciate having her in my life more than I can express.
Post by Joules VC
My cat is so afraid of everything that even people she knows can be treat=
ed as
Post by Joules VC
threats to avoid. Ditto for sudden noises, etc. The friend she is
staying with temporarily uses a lint roller alot
and apparently, Gabby now views the sound of that as "a bad thing."
She sheds a lot and I was using the lint
roller on my shirt. I glanced at Gabby and her ears were flat, her
head was down...I was shocked. I stopped and
assured her it was okay. sigh
feet looking forward to having Gabby with me all the time
I'm very glad that Gabby has you, and I hope that she'll be with you
full-time soon!

furry socks
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2010-04-27 17:06:25 UTC
Post by Deanne
My life is so full right now! Two months into a job filled with
wonderful tech: wireless broadband, satellite and cellular. There's
something new to learn every day, and I think that will continue for
the foreseeable future. Yay!
Sounds fun! Anything to do with the recent opening of the Ontario
market to companies other than Rogers/Bell? I'm watching this with
mild interest, since I've gotten rid of the cell phone, which I never
used. (I must be a techno cave-person...I've never liked cell phones!
Ok, how do you turn this thing "on"...?)


So, what are you reading, now?
Post by Deanne
Also thinking about dipping my toes back into the dating pool...
Sorry to hear about MC. Good for you if you're moving on, though. I
recall, with fondness, the open invitation to Ottawa for a shoe
meeting. Er...I may be a bit _more_ reclusive now. Eeep.

shoes that should be (paper)working
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2010-04-27 19:56:58 UTC
Post by cyn########
I've gotten rid of the cell phone, which I never
used. (I must be a techno cave-person...I've never liked cell phones!
I was a very reluctant convert, only giving in when work insisted on
providing one for me, but I do find them too useful to give up now. I'm
not a heavy user, though - maybe a couple of txts a day, on average.
Post by cyn########
Ok, how do you turn this thing "on"...?)
Oh, you know perfectly well how to- oh, wait you're still talking about
phones, aren't you? ;)
Post by cyn########
Sorry to hear about MC. Good for you if you're moving on, though.
Indeed. Are you still on friendly terms?
Post by cyn########
Er...I may be a bit _more_ reclusive now. Eeep.
More? Is that even possible?

nekkid feet
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2010-05-03 10:13:24 UTC
Post by Deanne
I'm playing D&D with a group of friends, which has expanded my social
Cool! What's your character like?
Post by Deanne
Just canceled my annual trip to WisCon (http://wiscon.info) because I
don't want to take a vacation during my first 3 months on the job (and
I need to build up my bank account after 10 months of unemployment),
but I'm hoping to get to two other cons this year: Readercon and World
I'd like to make it to WorldCon this year, since it's relatively close
for a change, but not sure if that will happen.

geek shoes
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2010-05-04 01:06:01 UTC
Post by felice
Post by Deanne
I'm playing D&D with a group of friends, which has expanded my social
Cool! What's your character like?
Chant is a tiefling fighter; she's a bit of a recluse who's figuring
out how to make her way in the world after having her previous plans
turned upside down. She's currently adventuring with a bunch of kids
who are even younger than her 19 years: a dwarf cleric, an eladrin
wizard, another eladrin who's a rogue (I think), an amorous dragonborn
fighter, and a long-toothed shifter (yeti) warlord.
Post by felice
I'd like to make it to WorldCon this year, since it's relatively close
for a change, but not sure if that will happen.
I do hope you can make it. It should be amazing!

envious shoes
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2010-05-04 09:39:32 UTC
Post by Deanne
Chant is a tiefling fighter; she's a bit of a recluse who's figuring
out how to make her way in the world after having her previous plans
turned upside down. She's currently adventuring with a bunch of kids
That sounds fun. I like tieflings; my paladin in Neverwinter Nights 2
developed something of a crush on the tiefling rogue Neeshka, though she
was too repressed to act on it, and teetered on the edge of shifting
alignment (very bad for a paladin) in attempting to maintain their
friendship - which _really_ paid off at the end of the game. I haven't
had much experience with proper pen & paper D&D, though; I'd like to try
playing a campaign one day.
Post by Deanne
a dwarf cleric, an eladrin
That's what they're calling elves these days, right?
Post by Deanne
wizard, another eladrin who's a rogue (I think), an amorous dragonborn
fighter, and a long-toothed shifter (yeti) warlord.
Dragonborn and shifter? I'm definitely out of touch with recent D&D
Post by Deanne
envious shoes
Hey, you're still getting to more cons than me even after skipping WisCon!

island boots
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2010-04-25 03:20:31 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
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Post by Deanne
Post by nora
toes now into "criminal minds" after going through "house" and "lost"
Hey, have you run across Elizabeth Bear's Criminal Minds recaps/colour
no, i hadn't seen it - i just did a quick scan - definitely looks worthwhile to take a closer look. thanks!

we bought seasons 1-3 on DVD and have seen everything since (i think)

- nora
sleepy toes off to bed

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
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&gt;&gt; toes now into "criminal minds" after going through "house" and "lost"<BR>



&gt;Hey, have you run across Elizabeth Bear's Criminal Minds recaps/colour<BR>



&gt;She's the reason I got hooked on it:<BR>

&gt;&lt;<FONT COLOR=0000ff><U>http://matociquala.livejournal.com/tag/geeks%20with%20guns<FONT COLOR=000000 DEFAULT="COLOR"></U>&gt;<BR>


no, i hadn't seen it - i just did a quick scan - definitely looks worthwhile to take a closer look. thanks!<BR>


we bought seasons 1-3 on DVD and have seen everything since (i think) <BR>


- nora<BR>

sleepy toes off to bed<BR>




ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-26 11:56:08 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Post by nora
i don't read the fanfic, but i also don't watch tv shows until they've been
out for several seasons ... then i buy, rent, or borrow the dvd's so i can
watch them in
order. yes, i realize i'm strange :-)
not strange. I do the same thing with books. I detest waiting for the next
one in the series; I'd rather curl up and read them all in one weekend. Of
course, sometimes I get entirely off-track and end up not reading them all
anyway. ( I still have to read Harry Potter 7.)

Fanfic without the series though--how does one figure out the characters?


Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div>misfit:=A0</div><blockquote class=3D"gmail_=
quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1=
ex;">i don&#39;t read the fanfic, but i also don&#39;t watch tv shows until=
they&#39;ve been out for several seasons ... then i buy, rent, or borrow t=
he dvd&#39;s so i can watch them in<br>

order. =A0yes, i realize i&#39;m strange =A0:-)<br><font class=3D"Apple-sty=
le-span" color=3D"#888888"><font class=3D"Apple-style-span" color=3D"#00000=
0"><br></font></font></blockquote><div><br></div><div>not strange. =A0I do =
the same thing with books. =A0I detest waiting for the next one in the seri=
es; I&#39;d rather curl up and read them all in one weekend. =A0Of course, =
sometimes I get entirely off-track and end up not reading them all anyway. =
( I still have to read Harry Potter 7.) =A0</div>
<div><br></div><div>Fanfic without the series though--how does one figure o=
ut the characters? =A0</div><div><br></div><div>Leela</div><div>nearly-brok=

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-26 12:00:12 UTC
yikes! =A0sorry about the fancy formatting!

rookie mistake shoes

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 7:56 AM, ellesin <***@gmail.com> wrote a
bunch of gobbledygook that could only have come from a rich text
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2010-04-27 07:00:11 UTC
Post by ellesin
I do the same thing with books. I detest waiting for the next
one in the series; I'd rather curl up and read them all in one weekend.
A whole series in one go is generally a bit much for me; I prefer to
spread out my books. But starting an incomplete series can be pretty
frustrating, depending on how quickly and reliably the author writes...
Post by ellesin
Fanfic without the series though--how does one figure out the characters?
I think it makes more sense for fanfic based on literature, where your
image of the characters comes entirely from the written word anyway and
the vital details can be summarised fairly succinctly. Reading fic based
on an actor's performance of a character without having seen that
performance, though, I expect you'd be missing out on a lot more.

wet shoes
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Continue reading on narkive: