[ASLM] Re: devra surfaces
(too old to reply)
2010-04-29 01:33:35 UTC
Je Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:00:46 -0500 (EST), kathleen
Ok, I've started a list of books I should track down and put The Fresco
at the top, just for you 8)
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. and devra too, wherever she went...
Ok, it took a while, but I finally came across a copy of The Fresco (I'm
sure I could have obtained it sooner if I'd tried, but the size of my
existing to-read pile helps discourage me from going to too much trouble
to get more books). Yes, it is an excellent book! Though I thought it
could have done with a bit more ethical debate; while a lot of what the
aliens do is good, some is far more questionable, passing without
comment from any of the characters. They're obviously not supposed to be
perfect, but I get the impression Ms Tepper and I wouldn't be in
complete agreement as to where their flaws lie.

thread necromancer boots
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2010-04-29 15:17:29 UTC
----- Original Message ----
Sent: Wed, April 28, 2010 6:33:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ASLM] Re: devra surfaces
Je Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:00:46 -0500 (EST), kathleen
Ok, I've started a list of books I
should track down and put The Fresco
at the top, just for you
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. and devra too,
wherever she went...
Whoa...I thought I'd really missed a whole thread here, til I realized felice was picking up a thread from SIX years ago!
Ok, it took a while, but I finally came across a
copy of The Fresco (I'm
sure I could have obtained it sooner if I'd tried,
but the size of my
existing to-read pile helps discourage me from going to
too much trouble to get more books).
I'm impressed with your dedication...!
Yes, it is an excellent book! Though I
thought it
could have done with a bit more ethical debate; while a lot of
what the
aliens do is good, some is far more questionable, passing without
comment from any of the characters. They're obviously not supposed to be
perfect, but I get the impression Ms Tepper and I wouldn't be in
complete agreement as to where their flaws lie.
I vaguely remember the storyline, but I do remember loving the book. But then, I love Tepper, exactly because she creates such alternative worlds, challenging my own perception of what the world is/could be/should be. Doesn't really matter if the ethical debate happens within the pages, because it's enough that an alternate set of ethics is offered...to consider as you choose. Sort of like why I liked Heinlein so much. Could never live the way some of his extended families live, but it's enough that I was challenged to consider the possibility. And because of that I know WHY I can't.

haven't had my coffee yet toes (hey BT!)
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2010-04-29 15:53:06 UTC
Post by Devra
Whoa...I thought I'd really missed a whole thread here, til I
realized felice was picking up a thread from SIX years ago!
Heh, me too! It's amazing where she gets these things.

[...Tepper book...]
Post by Devra
challenging my own perception of what the world is/could be/should be.
Post by Devra
but it's enough that I was challenged to consider the possibility.
And because of that I know WHY I can't.
Gee, how do I get you to post more?! (I could learn a lot from you,
and I like your perspective). <makes further notes in "Life Lessons"
Post by Devra
haven't had my coffee yet toes (hey BT!)
And, Good Morning!! (To all the west coasters, including that mornin'
lovin' Evil Mod(tm)...)

shoes that need MORE coffee

(On the plus side: finished the #!$%&! taxes -- just have to efile;
got vehicle insurance down to $1500ish, thanks to the $30K or so
wasted on becoming an alumni, the weather is warming up again...yay!
Am feeling less tense, in general -- last week, I was just..."off"...
uh, oh, could that mean more spastic cyn# posting...?!?)
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2010-05-02 05:13:40 UTC
Post by Devra
Whoa...I thought I'd really missed a whole thread here, til I
realized felice was picking up a thread from SIX years ago!
Hey, what's the problem? That's less than a decade old! ;)
Post by Devra
I vaguely remember the storyline, but I do remember loving the book.
But then, I love Tepper, exactly because she creates such alternative
Indeed; I'll definitely be tracking down more of her work. I read Grass
last year, which I'd also highly recommend; no reservations about that
one at all, it's just great SF. I understand there are a couple of
sequels in the same universe, which I'm particularly keen to get hold of
(though it is a fully self-contained story in its own right, unlike
certain other books I've read recently that end in cliffhangers despite
having no indication on the cover that they're part of a series).
Post by Devra
Doesn't really matter if the ethical debate happens
within the pages, because it's enough that an alternate set of ethics
is offered...to consider as you choose. Sort of like why I liked
Heinlein so much. Could never live the way some of his extended
families live, but it's enough that I was challenged to consider the
possibility. And because of that I know WHY I can't.
Yes, that makes sense. Spoilers: one thing that stood out was the
alien's practice of reverting people's minds back to childhood; to me,
that's morally equivalent to murder. And while what happened to the
anti-abortionists was hilarious, in real life I couldn't condone it.

bookworm boots
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2010-04-30 03:41:45 UTC
Post by cyn########
Gee, how do I get you to post more?! (I could learn a lot from you,
and I like your perspective). <makes further notes in "Life Lessons"
pssst. hey, cyn, dev is my twin. so if you get me to post, it counts as getting dev to post.

don't be confused, though, because sarah is my EVIL twin. that's a totally different thing, you understand ...
Post by cyn########
Post by Devra
haven't had my coffee yet toes (hey BT!)
And, Good Morning!! (To all the west coasters, including that mornin'
lovin' Evil Mod(tm)...)
and good evenin' ... linda and i decided to WALK to the restaurant in our neighborhood tonight ... thought we could use the exercise ... but we ended up
meeting some people linda knws there so they gave us a ride home ... so we only got HALF the exercise we had planned ...
Post by cyn########
shoes that need MORE coffee
- nora
feet that don't like regular coffee ... i have to have the fancy mocha crap that costs 3 dollars and 170 calories a pop, even for the kind with SKIM milk ...
(started to sign "ellipsis toes" because i'm ellipsing all over the place!)
((is ellipsing a word???))
((('night, y'all)))
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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2010-04-30 04:25:50 UTC
Into the middle of the night, silence fell upon slumbering shoes,
broken only by these words, whispered on 29 Apr 2010 23:41:45 -0400,
Post by nora
Post by cyn########
Gee, how do I get you to post more?! (I could learn a lot from you,
and I like your perspective). <makes further notes in "Life Lessons"
pssst. hey, cyn, dev is my twin. so if you get me to post, it counts
as getting dev to post.
Does it? (I've been _trying_ to get you to post more, (in a subtle,
low-key kinda way) -- I'm obviously not very effective).
Post by nora
don't be confused, though,
Hah! Too late. The days of non-confusion were back in...oh, '88???
Life was so much simpler when I was a teen... :P
Post by nora
because sarah is my EVIL twin. that's a totally different thing, you understand ...
Yes, the EVIL one is a totally different thing. Er, person. Troll?
Oh, dear, I'd better hide...
Post by nora
and good evenin' ... linda and i decided to WALK to the restaurant in our
neighborhood tonight ... thought we could use the exercise ... but we ended up
meeting some people linda knws there so they gave us a ride home ...
so we only got HALF the exercise we had planned ...
Uh, next time make sure you do a few rounds for me, too, 'kay?
('Though I should get off my butt, and move...my reaction time is so
bad, I keep get getting nailed when the CK(tm)s drag me out to play
"dodge ball" -- grrr. I think they're trying to tell me something in
what passes for their "oblique" manner...)
Post by nora
- nora
feet that don't like regular coffee ... i have to have the fancy mocha crap that
costs 3 dollars and 170 calories a pop, even for the kind with SKIM milk ...
(Lastoutlaw makes GREAT coffee! And, I'll drink _any_
coffee...please! Actually...I haven't tried the fancy, fancy stuff;
maybe I should.)
Post by nora
(started to sign "ellipsis toes" because i'm ellipsing all over the place!)
((is ellipsing a word???))
((('night, y'all)))
Psssst! I like ellipsis...er, in plural form, (-es?)
('night! y'allllllllllll) <giggles hysterically>
(or afternoon/evening to kiwi types)

surfin' late shoes
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
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