2010-04-29 01:33:35 UTC
Je Sat, 17 Jan 2004 16:00:46 -0500 (EST), kathleen
Ok, it took a while, but I finally came across a copy of The Fresco (I'm
sure I could have obtained it sooner if I'd tried, but the size of my
existing to-read pile helps discourage me from going to too much trouble
to get more books). Yes, it is an excellent book! Though I thought it
could have done with a bit more ethical debate; while a lot of what the
aliens do is good, some is far more questionable, passing without
comment from any of the characters. They're obviously not supposed to be
perfect, but I get the impression Ms Tepper and I wouldn't be in
complete agreement as to where their flaws lie.
thread necromancer boots
Ok, I've started a list of books I should track down and put The Fresco
at the top, just for you 8)
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. and devra too, wherever she went...at the top, just for you 8)
sure I could have obtained it sooner if I'd tried, but the size of my
existing to-read pile helps discourage me from going to too much trouble
to get more books). Yes, it is an excellent book! Though I thought it
could have done with a bit more ethical debate; while a lot of what the
aliens do is good, some is far more questionable, passing without
comment from any of the characters. They're obviously not supposed to be
perfect, but I get the impression Ms Tepper and I wouldn't be in
complete agreement as to where their flaws lie.
thread necromancer boots
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