Weird emails...
(too old to reply)
Melissa & Sandy
2004-12-31 07:46:11 UTC
I haven't had any for quite some time, but the last time I received anyting like that, it turned out to be a scam to get me to go to a site, and then I picked up a couple of Trojans - and they were not the kind designed to "enhance pleasure..." Though, I haven't any use for those, either, LOL!!

I'd just dump them if I were you, and ignore them. If you keep on getting them, try to find out the server they're coming from, and go from there...

Black Wolf Singing
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Steph Barrett
2004-12-31 15:25:01 UTC
Post by Melissa & Sandy
I haven't had any for quite some time, but the last time I received
anyting like that, it turned out to be a scam to get me to go to a site,
and then I picked up a couple of Trojans - and they were not the kind
designed to "enhance pleasure..."
Ooooo... I hadn't made the connection! I've received a load of trojans
lately too. I don't have any idea how they're getting in, as I don't open
suspicious things. My Norton doesn't get them coming in, but does get them
on scan. Right now, I have a few resident copies of byteverify that I'm
having a booger of a time to remove. Norton and Bit Defender both see them
but don't remove them. Bit Defender is also seeing an i frame exploit that
norton doesn't see, but can't remove them.

I had no idea this was a stright plot to infect lesbian computers with the
trappings of het sex!!! I want those rubbers off my computer NOW!!!

Perhaps I'm a little cranky. We've spent the last few evenings snowblowing
and scraping a rink on the ice to skate on. It's pretty good and getting
bigger. We skated last night. This morning I was awakened by the lovely
sound of a snowmobile wound-out. BRRRAAPPPPPP! bbrrraPPPP! BBRRAPPP!!!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. It's hard to show the doppler effect without
formatting, but let me tell you, it lifted me right from my snug little
sleep in a not so happy way. This jackass went back and forth and back and
forth and back and forth about 60' from my bedroom window. With my head on
the pillow, I could not tell if he was doing it on our rink or not. Turns
out he was just cutting the corner in his little arc, back and forth. It's
tempting to string out a trip line.

Anyway... the longer I bitch about it, the colder the house is getting.
Time to go give the fire a goose.

still in slippers
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