2010-03-28 22:09:00 UTC
Hi Folks!
Yes, me again. Apologies for, er, dropping in than vanishing. Again.
<cough> Anyway, I had a bit of an unexpected surprise on a small
project that ballooned into a major headache -- which, I've now been
able to put off for a few months, but I'm still a bit snarly, and
grumpy, over it. Grrr. Don't ask!
I'm a bit leery of posting after a long absence, (a couple of years
counts, right?), but I did mention something about a "What have I been
up to" type post...and it would be remiss of me to not at least
follow-up on that. Er...just cut me some slack, okay? I'm not really
used to posting, anymore, so it's taking a bit of, umm, "gee, how do I
write this, and is anyone even interested?!?", and my fingers refuse
to cooperate by typing out whatever comes to mind.
(My monolithic ego assumes that there's people out there who may have
a small degree of curiousity regarding my whereabouts the last lil
while...feel free to offer dissent ...<g>...)
Er, I'm going to assume y'all remember who I am...? <waves
tentatively to my fan club of one>
If not..."Yo! Lurker!! Cyn#'s a nut!!"...will do as a cynopsis. ;-)
Arrrgh. I _told_ you, I'm not used to posting anymore! Especially
when I've no idea who's in the audience.
Hmmm. Well, I guess I'll just list the main events since I was a
regular poster. Not sure how to make a good read of it, so I'll just
spit it out, and y'all can comment, or not. <shrug> Bear in mind,
most events are history, and I'm mostly over it.
1. My father died near the end of 2007. There were a lot of health
issues prior to this, so it wasn't unexpected -- and yet, it was a
suprise. My reactions to his death, anyway. Er, at best, our
relationship was...difficult. There was a lot of bad energy between
us, mixed up with obligation, and duty...and....<big sigh>. It's hard
to explain. I didn't/don't feel "loss" so much as I
perceptions changing. Even now, I kinda gloss over it, leave it
unexamined...but a lot of my self-imagery, sense of failure, is tied
in with him, rightly or wrongly.
(I thought about the shoes during this time...)
2. I've moved away from the little town I grew up in and am now a
resident of the Greater Toronto Area, (GTA), so I can proudly pretend
that yes, I do live in the centre of the universe. (Inside joke to
Canucks). It's kinda fun. I can finally, (legitimately), complain
about the idiot city, and how tax dollars are wasted in the most
inappropriate ways. Traffic is horrible. I'm actually living close
to one of the "poorer" regions, which is interesting...people are
definitely less happy than I'm used to. (Oh, and I occasionally worry
about getting shot, but that's more because I'm really NOT used to the
"big city". Just because all the local malls I've visited have had
shootings is pure coincidence!) No, seriously -- it's all relative!
Life is not that bad in the GTA, but an adjustment after about 30
years in the small town. I love the anonymity.
3. Lost a huge chunk of money in the stock crash. Still depressed
over this one! Ugh. Very depressed. <rolling eyes> Me and
depression are not a good mix. :P Suffice to say, a few of those
days I think I really understood why folks in the Great Depression
were walking off of skyscrapers. (Oh, yeah, so _this_ is how they
felt...!) Ugh. Anyway. I'm not fiscally vulnerable, so I managed to
get over it. <shaking my head>
So...well, there you have it. (I think). Most of the major life
events of the last two years, or so. If you read between the lines,
yes, there's a bit more to it...but, there's the synopsis. I'm not
looking for sympathy, or anything....just thought I'd update y'all on
what's been happening with me. I'm not sure if it really explains my
absence -- that had more to do with me withdrawing from people, in
I'm not sure I'll be a regular poster again...I hope to...even if it
means I'm alone here, talking to my selves...! ;-) But, I'm
probably a bit more serious, less the fluffhead I may have been. Fair
warning, folks!
Um...well...I guess that's all for now. Erm, I'll try to be more
interesting, next time!
so-not-the-drama shoes
Yes, me again. Apologies for, er, dropping in than vanishing. Again.
<cough> Anyway, I had a bit of an unexpected surprise on a small
project that ballooned into a major headache -- which, I've now been
able to put off for a few months, but I'm still a bit snarly, and
grumpy, over it. Grrr. Don't ask!
I'm a bit leery of posting after a long absence, (a couple of years
counts, right?), but I did mention something about a "What have I been
up to" type post...and it would be remiss of me to not at least
follow-up on that. Er...just cut me some slack, okay? I'm not really
used to posting, anymore, so it's taking a bit of, umm, "gee, how do I
write this, and is anyone even interested?!?", and my fingers refuse
to cooperate by typing out whatever comes to mind.
(My monolithic ego assumes that there's people out there who may have
a small degree of curiousity regarding my whereabouts the last lil
while...feel free to offer dissent ...<g>...)
Er, I'm going to assume y'all remember who I am...? <waves
tentatively to my fan club of one>
If not..."Yo! Lurker!! Cyn#'s a nut!!"...will do as a cynopsis. ;-)
Arrrgh. I _told_ you, I'm not used to posting anymore! Especially
when I've no idea who's in the audience.
Hmmm. Well, I guess I'll just list the main events since I was a
regular poster. Not sure how to make a good read of it, so I'll just
spit it out, and y'all can comment, or not. <shrug> Bear in mind,
most events are history, and I'm mostly over it.
1. My father died near the end of 2007. There were a lot of health
issues prior to this, so it wasn't unexpected -- and yet, it was a
suprise. My reactions to his death, anyway. Er, at best, our
relationship was...difficult. There was a lot of bad energy between
us, mixed up with obligation, and duty...and....<big sigh>. It's hard
to explain. I didn't/don't feel "loss" so much as I
perceptions changing. Even now, I kinda gloss over it, leave it
unexamined...but a lot of my self-imagery, sense of failure, is tied
in with him, rightly or wrongly.
(I thought about the shoes during this time...)
2. I've moved away from the little town I grew up in and am now a
resident of the Greater Toronto Area, (GTA), so I can proudly pretend
that yes, I do live in the centre of the universe. (Inside joke to
Canucks). It's kinda fun. I can finally, (legitimately), complain
about the idiot city, and how tax dollars are wasted in the most
inappropriate ways. Traffic is horrible. I'm actually living close
to one of the "poorer" regions, which is interesting...people are
definitely less happy than I'm used to. (Oh, and I occasionally worry
about getting shot, but that's more because I'm really NOT used to the
"big city". Just because all the local malls I've visited have had
shootings is pure coincidence!) No, seriously -- it's all relative!
Life is not that bad in the GTA, but an adjustment after about 30
years in the small town. I love the anonymity.
3. Lost a huge chunk of money in the stock crash. Still depressed
over this one! Ugh. Very depressed. <rolling eyes> Me and
depression are not a good mix. :P Suffice to say, a few of those
days I think I really understood why folks in the Great Depression
were walking off of skyscrapers. (Oh, yeah, so _this_ is how they
felt...!) Ugh. Anyway. I'm not fiscally vulnerable, so I managed to
get over it. <shaking my head>
So...well, there you have it. (I think). Most of the major life
events of the last two years, or so. If you read between the lines,
yes, there's a bit more to it...but, there's the synopsis. I'm not
looking for sympathy, or anything....just thought I'd update y'all on
what's been happening with me. I'm not sure if it really explains my
absence -- that had more to do with me withdrawing from people, in
I'm not sure I'll be a regular poster again...I hope to...even if it
means I'm alone here, talking to my selves...! ;-) But, I'm
probably a bit more serious, less the fluffhead I may have been. Fair
warning, folks!
Um...well...I guess that's all for now. Erm, I'll try to be more
interesting, next time!
so-not-the-drama shoes
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