[ASLM] my cat buca
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plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
2005-01-01 19:32:17 UTC

I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [ASLM] my cat buca
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2005 14:30:02 -0500 (EST)
her poor little heart gave up the ghost yesterday. i'd had her for just
over 13
years, and she was somewhere between 15 and 17 years old. she was happy and
healthy until her very last day ...
since some shoes knew buca, i figured i should say something here. there's
sarah heather cardin
very sad boots
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Mary McCool
2005-01-02 01:06:21 UTC
her poor little heart gave up the ghost yesterday. i'd had her for
just over 13 years, and she was somewhere between 15 and 17 years old.
she was happy and healthy until her very last day ...
I'm sorry for your loss, Sarah. I know it must be hard after so many years together.

This is a serious question from a non-cat person (yes I really am a non-cat dyke!). Is
there something extra hard on cats at this time of year? Oddly enough this is the
third group that I participate in where somebody has lost a cat of around that age in
the past 2 days. I assume that is an average to long life expectancy for a cat? If I
learn of one more fellow group member who lost a cat, I'm calling for an investigation
by CSI!

blue slippersox
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Steph Barrett
2005-01-02 04:57:46 UTC
Post by Mary McCool
Oddly enough this is the
third group that I participate in where somebody has lost a cat of around that age in
the past 2 days. I assume that is an average to long life expectancy for
a cat?
It' the rapture. I know, because lots of good folk (cats included) have
moved on and I'm still here....

feet that were in size 3.5 EE bauer 5000 skates when the hit the boards
(barely) first before the shoulder and head slammed in behind. I'm hurt
Cyn###, and I have to ref two games tomorrow. What will I do??????
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2005-01-02 05:15:24 UTC
Post by Steph Barrett
feet that were in size 3.5 EE bauer 5000 skates when the hit the boards
(barely) first before the shoulder and head slammed in behind. I'm hurt
Cyn###, and I have to ref two games tomorrow. What will I do??????
Ahem. Do _I_ look like Emergency Lesbian(tm)?? No, of course not.
Direct your inquiries to the UK, dear steph, and pray for a timely

Barring that....er, umm...hey, you have hockey in Maine?!? Bah, who
needs the NHL! Seriously, though...painkillers? Um, try not to stop
moving, or your whole body will lock up, and it'll be

Good luck! And just think...if you need ice, you'll be surrounded by

(yeah, yeah, I know I have a lousy bedside manner)
shoes that skated on melting snow/ice, thanks to unseasonably mild
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Steph Barrett
2005-01-06 03:04:40 UTC
Post by cyn########
Post by Steph Barrett
feet that were in size 3.5 EE bauer 5000 skates when the hit the boards
(barely) first before the shoulder and head slammed in behind. I'm hurt
Cyn###, and I have to ref two games tomorrow. What will I do??????
Ahem. Do _I_ look like Emergency Lesbian(tm)?? No, of course not.
Direct your inquiries to the UK, dear steph, and pray for a timely
Ooooo.... now I'm in more pain than ever! I remember a certain Cyn (not
sure which one) that spent some tender moments kissing away my blisters one
time. Is she in remission? Tell me it isn't so!

Actually, I turned out to be remarkably pain free the next day. Had some
stiff muscles in my right shoulder and it hurt to cough, but then I
remembered that I'd gone to the gym for the first time in almost a year
before the games, so the coughing pain and pec stiffness were likely only
from the ab workout and weights. The only remaining stiffness was in the
shoulder and that subsided in two days. Not bad, eh? Sniffing hard at 35
and I can still bounce sometimes!

socked feet
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