awful quiet
(too old to reply)
Steph Barrett
2005-08-02 23:55:44 UTC
It's been terribly quiet here lately. I'll offer this to break the
The fact that Raphael Palmeiro uses steroids is no surprise and certainly
only a minor disappointment. I think the bigger deal is that he's a big fat
liar and an unrepentant hypocrite.
Other than that, I wanted to taunt Sarah and Miriam. I just happen to have
a lovely bottle of scotch I've been working off of lately... Glenmorangie
double wood. Yum Yum!!!!!
What's everyone doing these days?
bare feet
ps... saw the penguin movie last weekend. very good, if a bit of a
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2005-08-03 10:23:04 UTC
Je mardo, 2 au^gusto 2005 19:55:44 -0400 (EDT),
Post by Steph Barrett
What's everyone doing these days?
I've joined a religious cult! I now worship Esphaerios, the God of Bubbles.
It's much better than most cults, since all we have to do is blow bubbles in
his honour, and bubbles are pretty and fun 8) We always need new converts -
anyone interested can join the church at http://bubbles.randomstatic.net
Post by Steph Barrett
ps... saw the penguin movie last weekend. very good, if a bit of a
The penguin movie?

devout shoes
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Linda Yanney
2005-08-03 16:14:53 UTC
You wouldn't know it there in Maine, where you've had all of 8 days of
summer this year, but a big chunk of the country is just plain hot and
sluggish. What I'd give for a few days in a small port town, enjoying the
sea breezes and munching on lobsta rolls, or sittin' on a big ol' porch,
somewhere up in the lake region, drinking iced tea and gazing at the
mountains off in the distance. With my girl, who is there, and I'm here.

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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Steph Barrett
2005-08-05 01:40:41 UTC
Post by Linda Yanney
You wouldn't know it there in Maine, where you've had all of 8 days of
summer this year, but a big chunk of the country is just plain hot and
sluggish. What I'd give for a few days in a small port town, enjoying the
sea breezes and munching on lobsta rolls, or sittin' on a big ol' porch,
somewhere up in the lake region, drinking iced tea and gazing at the
mountains off in the distance. With my girl, who is there, and I'm here.
I thought you were going to move? No move.... Hmmm... Well, up here on
the lake, we have spent a fair number of evenings on the deck eating dinner
(not lobstah rolls), drinking wine (or some other beverage, which reminds me
I'm out of gin) and talking to all hours.
Things are slow now. Our Gordo-boy got his diagnosis yesterday which was
something along the lines of "we're really shocked he's not all fucked up
yet." He has a rapidly growing, aggressive cancer popping through his
skull. We're all bummed out. Rena still wants to go to Michigan, but I'd
been reticent and dragging my feet before the dog got sick. Now he's
working on borrowed time and I don't want to board him for a week.
I've offered to stay home and take care of the dog and maybe take him off to
the Cape for the week. We'll see. Seems like we should be doing things as
a couple, but I also know some couples with differing ideals who work
because they go their seperate ways every now and then... I have a couple
of days to make a decision. I'd rather use the gate fee to pick up a new
little golden and use the week for "maternity leave."
And now, as I type and type I'm going to make myself late.
Catch y'all later!
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2005-08-03 20:46:38 UTC
Post by felice
Je mardo, 2 au^gusto 2005 19:55:44 -0400 (EDT),
Post by Steph Barrett
What's everyone doing these days?
I've joined a religious cult! I now worship Esphaerios, the God of Bubbles.
Ooooooh, bubbles!

I've been working two-plus jobs (Ikea, an on-call gig at UC Berkeley,
and some contract work), battling (successfully, I think) some severe
anemia, and starting to write again. Today, though, I conquer the mess
that has become my apartment. Or some such. Fifteen minutes at a time,
this place will get clean or else.

Serene, resolute toes
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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Heather Rose Jones
2005-08-05 01:45:28 UTC
Post by Steph Barrett
What's everyone doing these days?
Oh, trying to get my life organized better. I'm having a hard time
with time management -- back a year and a half ago after the
dissertation got signed I promised that I'd give the house a major
once-over and enjoy at least 5 minutes when absolutely everything was
clean and put away at the same time. I'm still working on it.

Beyond that, I'm enjoying having my older brother as a house-guest
for the summer -- he just finished law school and needed a place to
crash while he did a prep course for the bar exam.

Later this month, my parents will be celebrating the 50th anniversary
of their marriage, so I'll be off to Maine for the party.

Still having a blast as a discrepancy investigator at Bayer.

Other than that, I'm not sure where the time goes.

Heather Rose Jones
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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