In case anyone's still here ...
(too old to reply)
Heather Rose Jones
2014-01-16 06:23:46 UTC
I don't know whether all the shoes may have wandered away (as shoes =
often do), but in case anyone's still here, I thought I'd mention that =
my very first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =
Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =
swashbuckling!) And for a really old-time ASLM connection, the =
submissions editor who bought it was Karin Kallmaker who remembered the =
group from Usenet days.

I'd love to have folks check the book out to see if it might be your =
style: http://www.bellabooks.com/9781594933806-prod.html

(borrowing a pair of kidskin dancing slippers from my protagonists for a =
jig of joy)=
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2014-01-16 07:50:38 UTC
Post by Heather Rose Jones
I don't know whether all the shoes may have wandered away (as shoes =
often do), but in case anyone's still here, I thought I'd mention that =
my very first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =
Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =
Ooh, congratulations! It looks like fun; I've ordered a copy 8)

bookworm boots
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Joules VC
2014-01-16 13:58:36 UTC
Awesome! Yep, Karin posted under Renee Vivian waaaaaay back in the day!
Bioboomer and I are very happy for you and I'll go check out the book.
(I'm pretty sure our politicians haven't outlawed that in
NC...yet.They will just tax the hell out of it!)

shoes under my desk at work
Post by felice
Post by Heather Rose Jones
I don't know whether all the shoes may have wandered away (as shoes =
often do), but in case anyone's still here, I thought I'd mention that =
my very first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =
Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =
Ooh, congratulations! It looks like fun; I've ordered a copy 8)
bookworm boots
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Sarah Cardin
2014-01-16 14:54:27 UTC
I will definitely check this out when I get to work & have a better internet connection. Congratulations on getting into print!

Sarah Heather Cardin
Groggy early morning boots
Post by Heather Rose Jones
I don't know whether all the shoes may have wandered away (as shoes =
often do), but in case anyone's still here, I thought I'd mention that =
my very first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =
Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =
swashbuckling!) And for a really old-time ASLM connection, the =
submissions editor who bought it was Karin Kallmaker who remembered the =
group from Usenet days.
I'd love to have folks check the book out to see if it might be your =
style: http://www.bellabooks.com/9781594933806-prod.html
(borrowing a pair of kidskin dancing slippers from my protagonists for a =
jig of joy)=
Please excuse any typos. My cell phone's spellcheck has a mind of its own.
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2014-01-16 21:47:17 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

that's awesome, Heather! and total congrats for getting published!=0A=0AI k=
eep thinking someday I will write a book, but that someday never comes... u=
ntil then, I read a book every day... lol=0A=0Akathleen=0Astill-here socks=
=0A=0A=0A=0AOn Thursday, January 16, 2014 8:54 AM, Sarah Cardin <***@ste=
phouse.net> wrote:=0A =0A=0A=0AI will definitely check this out when I get =
to work & have a better internet connection. Congratulations on getting int=
o print!=0A=0ASarah Heather Cardin=0AGroggy early morning boots=0A=0AHeathe=
r Rose Jones <***@earthlink.net> wrote:=0A>=0A>=0A>I don't know w=
hether all the shoes may have wandered away (as shoes =3D=0A>often do), but=
in case anyone's still here, I thought I'd mention that=0A>=3D=0A>my very =
first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =3D=0A>Books.=
(Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =3D=0A>swashb=
uckling!) And for a really old-time ASLM connection, the =3D=0A>submissions=
editor who bought it was Karin Kallmaker who remembered the=0A>=3D=0A>grou=
p from Usenet days.=0A>=0A>I'd love to have folks check the book out to see=
if it might be your =3D=0A>style:=A0 http://www.bellabooks.com/97815949338=
06-prod.html=0A>=0A>Heather=0A>(borrowing a pair of kidskin dancing slipper=
s from my protagonists for=0A>a =3D=0A>jig of joy)=3D=0A=0A-- =0A=0APlease =
excuse any typos. My cell phone's spellcheck has a mind of its own.=0A=0A--=
=0A-----------------------------=0AASLM is a moderated newsgroup. =0AOur w=
ebpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com=0AThe archive is at http://groups.=
yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/=0A=0APost directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-moder=
***@moderators.isc.org=0AQuestions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix=
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<html><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:He=
lveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;fo=
nt-size:12pt"><div><span>that's awesome, Heather! and total congrats for ge=
tting published!</span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: =
16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Luci=
da Grande', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"=
<span><br></span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px;=
font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Gr=
ande', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><spa=
n>I keep thinking someday I will write a book, but that someday never comes=
... until then, I read a book every day... lol</span></div><div style=3D"co=
lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica =
Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; background-color:
transparent; font-style: normal;"><span><br></span></div><div style=3D"col=
or: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica N=
eue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; background-color: tran=
sparent; font-style: normal;"><span>kathleen</span></div><div style=3D"colo=
r: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Ne=
ue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; background-color: trans=
parent; font-style: normal;"><span>still-here socks</span></div><div class=
=3D"yahoo_quoted" style=3D"display: block;"> <br> <br> <div style=3D"font-f=
amily: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', =
sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"> <div style=3D"font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'H=
elvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; font-size: 1=
2pt;"> <div dir=3D"ltr"> <font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial"> On Thursday, Janu=
ary 16, 2014 8:54 AM, Sarah Cardin &lt;***@stephouse.net&gt; wrote:<br> =
</div> <div class=3D"y_msg_container"><br><br>I will definitely check thi=
s out when I get to work &amp; have a better internet connection. Congratul=
ations on getting into print!<br><br>Sarah Heather Cardin<br>Groggy early m=
orning boots<br><br>Heather Rose Jones &lt;<a ymailto=3D"mailto:heather.jon=
***@earthlink.net" href=3D"mailto:***@earthlink.net">heather.jones=
@earthlink.net</a>&gt; wrote:<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt;I don't know whether a=
ll the shoes may have wandered away (as shoes =3D<br>&gt;often do), but in =
case anyone's still here, I thought I'd mention that<br>&gt;=3D<br>&gt;my v=
ery first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =3D<br>&g=
t;Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =3D<b=
&gt;submissions editor who bought it was Karin Kallmaker who remembered th=
e<br>&gt;=3D<br>&gt;group from Usenet days.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;I'd love to have=
check the book out to see if it might be your =3D<br>&gt;style:&nbsp; <a h=
ref=3D"http://www.bellabooks.com/9781594933806-prod.html" target=3D"_blank"=
er<br>&gt;(borrowing a pair of kidskin dancing slippers from my protagonist=
s for<br>&gt;a =3D<br>&gt;jig of joy)=3D<br><br>-- <br><br>Please excuse an=
y typos. My cell phone's spellcheck has a mind of its own.<br><br>-- <br>--=
---------------------------<br>ASLM is a moderated newsgroup. <br>Our webpa=
ge is at <a href=3D"http://www.shoelesbians.com/" target=3D"_blank">http://=
www.shoelesbians.com</a><br>The archive is at <a href=3D"http://groups.yaho=
o.com/group/aslm_archive/" target=3D"_blank">http://groups.yahoo.com/group/=
aslm_archive/</a><br><br>Post directly to <a ymailto=3D"mailto:alt-shoe-les=
bians-***@moderators.isc.org" href=3D"mailto:alt-shoe-lesbians-modera=
</div> </div> </div> </div></body></html>
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2014-03-08 06:11:37 UTC
Post by Heather Rose Jones
I thought I'd mention that =
my very first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =
Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =
Well, that was fun 8) Quite a compelling read. The cover screams romance
novel, but that aspect is actually rather downplayed; the focus is more
on inheritance issues and academic pursuits. Does a great job of
depicting Regency-era high society with a dash of magic. Do let us know
when the sequel is out!

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Heather Rose Jones
2014-03-14 04:09:52 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it! The sequel is >*< this close to having a =
complete first draft. (Only 2.5 chapters to go.) So a year or more =
before it's out. (This is assuming my publisher wants to continue the =
series, of course!)

I thought I'd mention that =3D
my very first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =
Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =3D=
Well, that was fun 8) Quite a compelling read. The cover screams =
novel, but that aspect is actually rather downplayed; the focus is =
on inheritance issues and academic pursuits. Does a great job of=20
depicting Regency-era high society with a dash of magic. Do let us =
when the sequel is out!
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.=20
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Isabel Santos
2014-03-17 05:23:23 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
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Querida Heather,=0A=0AI trust your good.=0AYes, I=B4ve seen your book at Be=
lla Books, a month ago, and I did remenber it=B4s author from our old shoe =
gathering :) I will be getting it shortly from Amazon, it=B4 s on my wish l=
ist already, and promise to let you know how I enjoyed it. I=B4m looking fo=
rward to read it, also because I love historical fiction.=0A=0AWill be in t=
ouch, stay good Heather=0ABeijinhos=0A=0AIsabel=0A=0A=0A=0A=0AOn Friday, Ma=
rch 14, 2014 4:15 AM, Heather Rose Jones <***@earthlink.net> wrot=
e:=0A =0A=0A=0AI'm glad you enjoyed it! The sequel is >*< this close to hav=
ing a =3D=0Acomplete first draft. (Only 2.5 chapters to go.) So a year or m=
ore =3D=0Abefore it's out. (This is assuming my publisher wants to continue=
the =3D=0Aseries, of course!)=0A=0AHeather=0A=0AOn Mar 7, 2014, at 10:11 P=
M, felice wrote:=0A=0A>=3D20=0A>=3D20=0A> je 16/01/14 19:23, Heather Rose J=
ones skribis:=0A>> I thought I'd mention that =3D3D=0A>> my very first nove=
l "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =3D=0A=3D3D=0A>> Books.=
(Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =3D3D=3D=0A=
=0A>> swashbuckling!)=0A>> http://www.bellabooks.com/9781594933806-prod.htm=
l=0A>=3D20=0A> Well, that was fun 8) Quite a compelling read. The cover scr=
eams =3D=0Aromance=3D20=0A> novel, but that aspect is actually rather downp=
layed; the focus is =3D=0Amore=3D20=0A> on inheritance issues and academic =
pursuits. Does a great job of=3D20=0A> depicting Regency-era high society w=
ith a dash of magic. Do let us =3D=0Aknow=3D20=0A> when the sequel is out!=
=0A>=3D20=0A> felice=0A> slippers=0A>=3D20=0A>=3D20=0A> --=3D20=0A> -------=
----------------------=0A> ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.=3D20=0A> Our webp=
age is at http://www.shoelesbians.com=0A> The archive is at http://groups.y=
ahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/=0A>=3D20=0A> Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbian=
s-***@moderators.isc.org=0A> Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+requ=
***@panix.com=0A>=3D20=0A>=3D20=0A>=3D20=0A=0A-- =0A-----------------------=
------=0AASLM is a moderated newsgroup. =0AOur webpage is at http://www.sho=
elesbians.com=0AThe archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archiv=
e/=0A=0APost directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org=0AQ=
uestions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<html><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:He=
lveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;fo=
nt-size:12pt"><div><span>Querida Heather,</span></div><div style=3D"color: =
rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,He=
lvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font=
-style: normal;"><br><span></span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); =
font-size: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,=
Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal=
;"><span>I trust your good.</span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); =
font-size: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,=
Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal=
;"><span>Yes, I=B4ve seen your book at Bella Books, a month ago, and I did =
remenber it=B4s author from our old shoe gathering :) I will be getting it
shortly from Amazon, it=B4 s on my wish list already, and promise to let y=
ou know how I enjoyed it. I=B4m looking forward to read it, also because I =
love historical fiction.</span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); fon=
t-size: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Luc=
ida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;">=
<br><span></span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px; =
font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,san=
s-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><span>Will be =
in touch, stay good Heather</span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); =
font-size: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,=
Lucida Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal=
;"><span>Beijinhos</span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size=
: 16px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida
Grande,sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><br=
<span></span></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 16px; fon=
t-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-s=
erif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><span>Isabel</spa=
n></div><div style=3D"display: block;" class=3D"yahoo_quoted"> <br> <br> <d=
iv style=3D"font-family: HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, L=
ucida Grande, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"> <div style=3D"font-family: Hel=
veticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif; fo=
nt-size: 12pt;"> <div dir=3D"ltr"> <font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2"> On Frid=
ay, March 14, 2014 4:15 AM, Heather Rose Jones &lt;***@earthlink.=
net&gt; wrote:<br> </font> </div> <div class=3D"y_msg_container"><br><br>I=
'm glad you enjoyed it! The sequel is &gt;*&lt; this close to having a =3D<=
br>complete first draft. (Only 2.5 chapters to go.) So a year or more =3D<b=
r>before it's
out. (This is assuming my publisher wants to continue the =3D<br>series, o=
f course!)<br><br>Heather<br><br>On Mar 7, 2014, at 10:11 PM, felice wrote:= <br><br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt; je 16/01/14 19:23, Heather Rose Jone=
s skribis:<br>&gt;&gt; I thought I'd mention that =3D3D<br>&gt;&gt; my very=
first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =3D<br>=3D3D= <br>&gt;&gt; Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magi=
c and =3D3D=3D<br><br>&gt;&gt; swashbuckling!)<br>&gt;&gt; <a href=3D"http:=
//www.bellabooks.com/9781594933806-prod.html" target=3D"_blank">http://www.=
bellabooks.com/9781594933806-prod.html</a><br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt; Well, that =
was fun 8) Quite a compelling read. The cover screams =3D<br>romance=3D20<b=
r>&gt; novel, but that aspect is actually rather downplayed; the focus is =
=3D<br>more=3D20<br>&gt; on inheritance issues and academic pursuits. Does =
a great job of=3D20<br>&gt; depicting Regency-era high society with a dash =
of magic. Do let us
=3D<br>know=3D20<br>&gt; when the sequel is out!<br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt; feli=
ce<br>&gt; slippers<br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt; --=3D20<br>&gt; -----=
------------------------<br>&gt; ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.=3D20<br>&gt=
; Our webpage is at <a href=3D"http://www.shoelesbians.com/" target=3D"_bla=
nk">http://www.shoelesbians.com</a><br>&gt; The archive is at <a href=3D"ht=
tp://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/" target=3D"_blank">http://groups.=
yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/</a><br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt; Post directly to <a =
ymailto=3D"mailto:alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org" href=3D"m=
***@moderators.isc.org</a><br>&gt; Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+<=
a ymailto=3D"mailto:***@panix.com" href=3D"mailto:***@panix.com">re=
***@panix.com</a><br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt;=3D20<br>&gt;=3D20<br><br>-- <br>--=
---------------------------<br>ASLM is a moderated newsgroup. <br>Our webpa=
ge is at <a
href=3D"http://www.shoelesbians.com/" target=3D"_blank">http://www.shoeles=
bians.com</a><br>The archive is at <a href=3D"http://groups.yahoo.com/group=
/aslm_archive/" target=3D"_blank">http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archiv=
e/</a><br><br>Post directly to <a ymailto=3D"mailto:alt-shoe-lesbians-moder=
***@moderators.isc.org" href=3D"mailto:alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderat=
s? Contact the mods at aslm+<a ymailto=3D"mailto:***@panix.com" href=3D=
iv> </div> </div> </div> </div></body></html>
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2014-03-08 08:53:23 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Belated congratulations! .adds to the list. Yay!

I will toss in about books that my friend from college published The Golem
and the Jinni recently and it is a lovely read. Also my friend Ellie is
just launching her second in the series, Cora Riley, (first is Inkchanger
and she also coauthored Time and Again) all of which are sort of ya urban
fantasy but I find them fun and engaging.

Always looking for good books. So glad this got bumped up!

4 am bare feet can't sleep shoes
Post by Heather Rose Jones
I don't know whether all the shoes may have wandered away (as shoes =
often do), but in case anyone's still here, I thought I'd mention that =
my very first novel "Daughter of Mystery" is now available from Bella =
Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =
swashbuckling!) And for a really old-time ASLM connection, the =
submissions editor who bought it was Karin Kallmaker who remembered the =
group from Usenet days.
I'd love to have folks check the book out to see if it might be your =
style: http://www.bellabooks.com/9781594933806-prod.html
(borrowing a pair of kidskin dancing slippers from my protagonists for a =
jig of joy)=
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<p dir=3D"ltr">Belated congratulations! .adds to the list. Yay! </p>
<p dir=3D"ltr">I will toss in about books that my friend from college publi=
shed The Golem and the Jinni recently and it is a lovely read. Also my frie=
nd Ellie is just launching her second in the series, Cora Riley, (first is =
Inkchanger and she also coauthored Time and Again) all of which are sort of=
ya urban fantasy but I find them fun and engaging.</p>

<p dir=3D"ltr">Always looking for good books. So glad this got bumped up!</=
<p dir=3D"ltr">Leela<br>
4 am bare feet can&#39;t sleep shoes</p>
<div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Jan 16, 2014 1:24 AM, &quot;Heather Rose Jone=
s&quot; &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:***@earthlink.net">***@ea=
rthlink.net</a>&gt; wrote:<br type=3D"attribution"><blockquote class=3D"gma=
il_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-lef=
I don&#39;t know whether all the shoes may have wandered away (as shoes =3D=
often do), but in case anyone&#39;s still here, I thought I&#39;d mention t=
hat =3D<br>
my very first novel &quot;Daughter of Mystery&quot; is now available from B=
ella =3D<br>
Books. (Alternate-history lesbian romantic adventure with magic and =3D<br>
swashbuckling!) And for a really old-time ASLM connection, the =3D<br>
submissions editor who bought it was Karin Kallmaker who remembered the =3D=
group from Usenet days.<br>
I&#39;d love to have folks check the book out to see if it might be your =
style: =A0<a href=3D"http://www.bellabooks.com/9781594933806-prod.html" tar=
(borrowing a pair of kidskin dancing slippers from my protagonists for a =
jig of joy)=3D<br>
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.<br>
Our webpage is at <a href=3D"http://www.shoelesbians.com" target=3D"_blank"=
Post by Heather Rose Jones
The archive is at <a href=3D"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/" t=
Post directly to <a href=3D"mailto:alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.i=
Questions? Contact the mods at <a href=3D"mailto:aslm%***@panix.com">=

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com