[ASLM] Re: London, England attacks
(too old to reply)
Sarah Heather Cardin
2005-07-07 23:05:53 UTC
it's pretty terrible, that's for sure. but there's a firm connection between
the US/UK occupation of iraq and the terror attack today in london and last
year in madrid. dubya and blair can build the biggest walls around their
countries that they can -- and violate civil liberties as much as they want --
but there won't be any decrease in terror until the conditions that lead people
to see terrorism as a reasonable course of action are alleviated.

sarah heather cardin
boots shirking their work
Je j^au^do, 7 julio 2005 12:18:20 -0400 (EDT),
It's hard to know what to say when something like this happens...save
that it affects all of us, in this global community of ours.
My thoughts, and sympathies, to those of you in the UK. Strength and
courage to the emergency crews. Strength to you all.
Yep, you've said it much better than I could.
It's also yet more evidence that the "war on terrorism" is hopelessly
counterproductive. Invading and occupying countries on false pretexts and
killing tens of thousands of civilians is generally liable to provoke
retaliation. I hope Blair gets the blame he deserves for his part in this
latest tragedy 8(
war is terrorism boots
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Heather C A Malcolm
2005-07-08 13:02:11 UTC
I think there will always be those who for reasons of personal defect will
promote or use terrorism .

But I do agree with you about the need for careful consideration of what
leads otherwise reasonable people to commit such acts of violence and
inhumanity - why weren't we paying attention to the desperation felt by
those who give their children as suicide bombers? Such acts demand careful
attention, not condemnation! Neither they not their children are monsters...
so what leads them to such despair and hopelessness that they would do such
things? And, Sarah, you have answered that question too... The loss of human
rights; the freedom to be as we want to be, the simplistic, fallacious,
media-induced myth that "we speak with one voice" (westerners, Americans,
brash, lesbians, Muslim, Islamicists, Christians, Jews, name any
distinguishable group), and the media will assign you an opinion. It's about
the simple horror and injustice of statements like "if you are not with us
you are against us". It's about the disgusting, hypocritical, groundless
justification of transporting of suspects to countries where torture is
legal so they can be boiled alive as an example to those who are failing to
give the right intelligence.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Torture is torture. Repression and abuse and
death aren't right if we do it, and wrong if they do it! And the
hypocritical lying is the beginning and end of what makes all this pain and
death possible. We could stop all this tomorrow. We spend enough on arms
each day to set the whole world free of poverty and disease. We say we
promote democracy, but laud Saudi Arabia. We declare that the only way to
prosperity is through free trade, but practice protectionism. The only sense
I can make of the obfuscation, the lies, the cheating, the corruption is
this: It's about oil, and its about personal power, (political and
financial) and it's about repression and dehumanisation. Of everyone. Right
now they can get away with it because the pain of our fellow human beings is
hidden from us. Soon, the hiding will become less and less necessary,
because we will have lost our rights to protest and demand that this
inhumanity stops.

And no, the terrorists won't win. I will go to London whenever I chose to do
whatever I chose, and neither Tony Blair, nor George Bush, nor Osama Bin
Laden is going to scare me into giving up my right to be free.

No shoes today
-----Original Message-----
From: ***@lists.panix.com [mailto:***@lists.panix.com] On Behalf Of Sarah
Heather Cardin
Sent: 08 July 2005 00:06
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Re: [ASLM] Re: London, England attacks

it's pretty terrible, that's for sure. but there's a firm connection between

the US/UK occupation of iraq and the terror attack today in london and last
year in madrid. dubya and blair can build the biggest walls around their
countries that they can -- and violate civil liberties as much as they want
but there won't be any decrease in terror until the conditions that lead
to see terrorism as a reasonable course of action are alleviated.

sarah heather cardin
boots shirking their work
Je j^au^do, 7 julio 2005 12:18:20 -0400 (EDT),
It's hard to know what to say when something like this happens...save
that it affects all of us, in this global community of ours.
My thoughts, and sympathies, to those of you in the UK. Strength and
courage to the emergency crews. Strength to you all.
Yep, you've said it much better than I could.
It's also yet more evidence that the "war on terrorism" is hopelessly
counterproductive. Invading and occupying countries on false pretexts and
killing tens of thousands of civilians is generally liable to provoke
retaliation. I hope Blair gets the blame he deserves for his part in this
latest tragedy 8(
war is terrorism boots
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ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
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