2004-11-12 22:13:17 UTC
Je vendredo, 5 novembro 2004 16:57:46 -0500 (EST),
appalling hopelessness of the challenger. Bush did very badly in the
election, only getting 30% of the possible vote. But the majority of the
remaining 70% didn't see Kerry as worth voting for. You had the worst
incumbent of the history of the US, responsible for global outrage and
millions of people taking to the streets in protest, and the Democrats put up
a candidate who says "Bush is doing all the right things, but I'd do them
more competently"?!?
but it wasn't an overwhelming factor.
slippers with a cold
I heard an interesting take on the US election from a commentator the
other morning. He was theorizing that the reason Bush won was that a
lot of conservative evangelicals and conservative Catholics turned
out to vote who ordinarily don't bother to.
I think a rather more significant contribution to the Bush victory was theother morning. He was theorizing that the reason Bush won was that a
lot of conservative evangelicals and conservative Catholics turned
out to vote who ordinarily don't bother to.
appalling hopelessness of the challenger. Bush did very badly in the
election, only getting 30% of the possible vote. But the majority of the
remaining 70% didn't see Kerry as worth voting for. You had the worst
incumbent of the history of the US, responsible for global outrage and
millions of people taking to the streets in protest, and the Democrats put up
a candidate who says "Bush is doing all the right things, but I'd do them
more competently"?!?
A number of states had
anti-gay-marriage initiatives on their ballot, and apparently enough
people turned up specifically to vote against them and voted for W
while they were there.
Not most of the swing states, though. This might have made some difference,anti-gay-marriage initiatives on their ballot, and apparently enough
people turned up specifically to vote against them and voted for W
while they were there.
but it wasn't an overwhelming factor.
slippers with a cold
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