La La La (aka cyn# has a big head)
(too old to reply)
2010-04-01 02:48:57 UTC
Here I go again, spamming the mail lists of aslmers alllllll over the
place! Wheeee! :-)

(Heh. I figure I can get away with maybe half a dozen irrelevent,
inane posts before YOU, <stares through the screen>, get annoyed with
me. The good, fuzzy vibes I seem to have generated in the past should
just barely carry me through my re-entry. Maybe.) ;-)

I've been browsing through google archives of aslm to get a sense for
how I used to post, and...wow, what an eye-opener. (Eeep, I wrote
that...?!? <blush> ) Ran into many good posts written by other
shoes, too, of course...! Made for some fun, and interesting,
reading. I find myself missing the international component of aslm.
(Oh, wait...fels is a NZer, I'm a Canuck, and I'm sure I've seen some
of those Yanks, ahem, neighbours to the south of me...'round here.
Hmm, guess we'll have to see if YOU LURKERS pipe up. ;-)

Funny...I've always thought my posts were inane. (Which, of course,
many were). But, reading some of them, and...well, gee, some of
them...were pretty _good_. Wow. It's a bit of a relief -- maybe the
raging inferiority complex did get in the way of seeing that I can
write a decent post. Lots of silliness, though.

(Oh look...! There's me over there...and there...and there...whoa.
Way too many cyn#s running around. I need to pull out my reference
chart to see which multiple percynality represents what part of me. Or
self. Erg. This IS confusing.)

<singing off key> Meglomania, here I ammmmm!
(okay, this is sad, really sad, cyn#...)


Hmmm. I think I finally, in a tiny, miniscule way, see the appeal of
the cyn60's -- I mean, bloody hell, they just...attach themselves...to
random women and slobber all over them. (In r/l, this is so, so,
so....NOT me, it defies description.) I may, (begrudgingly), have to
let them out more -- if nothing else, they sure seem to have fun! That
is, if they're still around, and if anyone wants to play with them.
The fun has been scanty, and they may be as well...

(Passed the thread about the women's and men's hockey gold in the 2002
Olympics -- lol. How appropriate. SAMALG. Oh, look...I started a
thread, "Life under the moss-covered rock" back 'round 02, as
well...clearly I'm not inventive enough if I'm recycling thread
titles. Heather(s). <happy smile> Koala poetry. Furry Ears. Hmm,
it's a wonder you all don't think I'm insane and run the other way
when I'm around! <takes a look around the VB> Uh...hello...? Odd.
Everyone suddenly went missing...)

I got a lot of laughs from reading the old posts, from many of you
folks. I'm not sure I've ever thanked y'all for being around, and for
providing a nice place for my escapism. So...thanks.

Now that I've refreshed my memory somewhat, I can see it will be a
challenge to be as..."cyn-like"...as I've been in the past, but I'll
give it a shot, and hope this incarnation lingers.

That was "fair warning." I may be about to infest your computer
screens, again! ;-) :P

Cheers, all,

(yes, upon reflection, I think "high chaos" can used as a valid
descriptor of my typical posts) ;-)
shoes revisiting memory lane while liberally sprinkling ice on their
owner's head to prevent further swelling

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2010-04-01 02:59:47 UTC
Cyn! Your post browsing sounds entirely too scary. (wondering now
exactly what I said, but not wondering enough to go look, as that
would be something like listening to my voice on tape) But Felice
says I must keep posting once I've delurked. So um...<taps mic> I
guess this thing is on.

I remember the cyn60's as...highly entertaining. with other people.
I'm way too slow on my feet to keep up.

As for the foretold infestation, I'm happy to see the current
incarnation of cyn# as opposed to whatever used to happen. That suits
me just fine. As does the chaos. My internship supervisor was ADD
and taught me way more than I thought I was needing to learn about
embracing flexibility.

Funny how stuff comes around...like where we live (Felice, seriously,
you too?) and what we need to learn in order to move forward. Same
damn lesson until we learn it, I suppose.


.running off to bed and looking forward to tomorrow's sun feets.

> Now that I've refreshed my memory somewhat, I can see it will be a
> challenge to be as..."cyn-like"...as I've been in the past, but I'll
> give it a shot, and hope this incarnation lingers.
> That was "fair warning." =A0I may be about to infest your computer
> screens, again! =A0 =A0;-) =A0 :P
> Cheers, all,
> cyn#
> (yes, upon reflection, I think "high chaos" can used as a valid
> descriptor of my typical posts) =A0;-)
> shoes revisiting memory lane while liberally sprinkling ice on their
> owner's head to prevent further swelling
> --
> -----------------------------
> ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
> Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
> The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/
> Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
> Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-01 13:28:55 UTC
cyn wrote:
>Here I go again, spamming the mail lists of aslmers alllllll over the
>place! Wheeee! :-)

Hmmm...Definition of spam from wikipedia:
Spam is the abuse of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk
messages indiscriminately.

Nope. Sorry cyn, but what you got ain't spam! I specifically recall that your contribution was solicited!

> I find myself missing the international component of aslm.
>(Oh, wait...fels is a NZer, I'm a Canuck, and I'm sure I've seen some
>of those Yanks, ahem, neighbours to the south of me...'round here.

Waving from Northern California!

<more snipping>

>Now that I've refreshed my memory somewhat, I can see it will be a
>challenge to be as..."cyn-like"...as I've been in the past, but I'll
>give it a shot, and hope this incarnation lingers.

I believe cyn-like is as cyn does! Be who you feel now, and do not try to be the cyn of the past. How awful it would be to have to stay stuck in the persona of a few years ago...or even a few months ago.

I think I used to write my posts all in lowercase. I thought it was cute, and it was probably influenced by my own lack of self-confidence. I find it increasingly difficult to create a post that way anymore--my fingers just automatically hit that CAPS key. And I'm not the same person I was, either...I have grown, and do have more self-confidence. So...does that make me less dev-like? Or just more me-like?

>That was "fair warning." I may be about to infest your computer
>screens, again! ;-) :P

Fair warning duly accepted! :-)

early morning toes that apparently do still choose to sign off in lowercase...

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-01 16:43:39 UTC
On 1 Apr 2010 09:28:55 -0400, Devra <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

>cyn wrote:

...a lot of stuff. (Whoa, my fingers are tired...they obviously need
more exercise!)

>Hmmm...Definition of spam from wikipedia:
>Spam is the abuse of electronic messaging systems (including most
>broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk
>messages indiscriminately.
>Nope. Sorry cyn, but what you got ain't spam! I specifically
> recall that your contribution was solicited!

Ooops. You're right. Am I hamming the group? (Yikes, I need more
coffee!) At this rate, a few more posts like this and they _will_
count as unsolicitated spam! :P

>Waving from Northern California!

<waves back, excitedly> Look, a shoe! Yay!!! :-)
What's happening out your way?

>I believe cyn-like is as cyn does!

Interesting concept.

>Be who you feel now, and do not try to be the cyn of the past.
>How awful it would be to have to stay stuck in the persona of a
>few years ago...or even a few months ago.

I'm trying to figure out who I am now. (As usual). Re-reading the
old posts is a way of reminding myself of what I was like -- it's
edifying, to say the least! <covers head in embarrassment>
(To know who I am now, I need to know who I was, right?)

I actually _enjoyed_ some of the stuff I wrote. Surprise, surprise!
<shakes head in disbelief>

I think...I'd like to recapture some of the fun, light-hearted side,
and try to blend it with the cynical side, so they co-exist.
Previously, those sides were more at war, each trying to assimilate
each other. The cynic's won out, the last lil while. If I let the
cynic win in the long run, I'm afraid I'm going to end up pretty
bitter and unhappy...and this is not a desirable result.

Is it sad when I look at the blue sky, and _only_ see the blue sky, as
opposed to seeing the Commando Koalas(tm) parachuting? Or just

(Yeah, I know, I'm insane.)

>I think I used to write my posts all in lowercase. I thought it was cute,
>and it was probably influenced by my own lack of self-confidence. I find
>it increasingly difficult to create a post that way anymore--my fingers just
>automatically hit that CAPS key. And I'm not the same person I was,
>either...I have grown, and do have more self-confidence.

Hmm, so there's hope for me? ;-)

>So...does that make me less dev-like? Or just more me-like?

You'll have to post more, so we can decide. <g>

No, no, I see your point. This is one of the things I need repeated
many times before it sinks into my thick head, so I'm glad to read it

So...what IS dev-like these days?

(hey, did anyone else wake up with koala ears...?)
shoes collaborating with CK(tm)s in an elaborate April Fool's prank
(get these ears off of me!)

(I'm at aslm year 1999...stupid google cut out all of year 2000,
except December...apparently, there were interesting bits there.
Curses! I can't _believe_ how much time has passed since I first
stumbled onto the group...!!!)

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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-02 15:05:19 UTC
>> Sorry cyn, but what you got ain't spam! I specifically
>> recall that your
>> contribution was solicited!

>Ooops. You're right. Am I hamming
> the group? (Yikes, I need more coffee!) At this rate, a few more
> posts like this and they _will_count as unsolicitated spam!
> :P
Hamming! Yes! What a ham! ;-)

>>Waving from Northern California!

><waves back,
> excitedly> Look, a shoe! Yay!!! :-) What's happening out
> your way?

A little rain, a little sunshine, a little more rain. A new baby horse. A warm fire. A stack of custom ceramic tiles waiting to be photographed for ebay. A song that needs finishing.

>I'm trying to figure out who I am now. (As usual).
You're not the only one on that road. Actually, I really think that's what we're ALL here to do (not here as in shoe, but here as in Here). And those of us who are actually aware that that's what we're trying to figure out--well, I think we're the ones a step ahead. But that's all just my own personal philosophy.

> Re-reading the old posts is a way
> of reminding myself of what I was like -- it's edifying, to say the
> least! <covers head in embarrassment> (To know who I am now, I
> need to know who I was, right?)

I totally agree. And please know that I never meant to imply you shouldn't re-read the old posts!

> think...I'd like to recapture some of the fun, light-hearted side, and try to blend it with the cynical side, so they
> co-exist. Previously, those sides were more at war, each trying to
> assimilate each other. The cynic's won out, the last lil while.
> If I let the cynic win in the long run, I'm afraid I'm going to end up
> pretty bitter and unhappy...and this is not a desirable result.

I completely support and encourage your reflection. I think I misinterpreted when you said you wanted to be more "cyn-like"...because I heard you wanting to go back to a different time, but what I hear you say here is that you are wanting to reintegrate some good parts that got set aside somewhere. And I think that is totally cool, and a pretty amazing introspection.

> Is it sad when I look at the blue sky, and _only_ see the blue sky, as opposed to
> seeing the Commando Koalas(tm) parachuting? Or just practical?
>(Yeah, I know, I'm insane.)

Actually, I find that to be a very sane question. Is it sad? Hmmm. My inclination (and back to that humble personal philosophy) is to say that it is what it is, and a person is where they need to be. However, in my hypocritical way, I personally find it more fun and interesting if you see the ComKoas(tm) parachuting.

>>I think I used to write my posts all in lowercase. I thought it was cute,
>>and it was probably influenced by my own lack of self-confidence. I find
>>it increasingly difficult to create a post that way anymore--my fingers just
>> automatically hit that CAPS key. And I'm not the same person I was,
>> either...I have grown, and do have more self-confidence.

> Hmm, so there's hope for me? ;-)

I suspect so. :-)

>>So...does that make me less dev-like?
>> Or just more me-like?

>You'll have to post more, so we can decide.
> <g>

Yes ma'am.

> So...what IS dev-like these days?
Probably as hard an answer as what is cyn-like. :-) But I'll give it a shot. Dev is learning to set boundaries, to be compassionate but not a doormat. Dev has learned that conflict in relationships (family/friends/business) is okay--still often painful and yukky, but very often productive, and definitely not always terminal. Dev used to hide behind a computer screen, but in the past few years has learned more about interacting with people in RL, even networking and promoting herself. Dev even took a job in sales, one that requires Cold Calling, with the full knowledge that it was a challenge she had to meet, and was ready to meet. And it's working! (Though I will NEVER be really sales-y, I succeed because I like to teach, and explain things, and people appreciate that, especially when they're asking about something that really isn't right for them--and I show them why.)

>(hey, did anyone else wake up with koala
> ears...?)
can't say that I did! :-)

cold bare toes that are probably WAAAAAAYYYYYY too philosophical this morning

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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 09:32:14 UTC
je 03/04/10 04:05, Devra skribis:
> A song that needs finishing.

Ooh, do you have any songs online we could listen to?

> However, in my hypocritical way, I personally find it more fun and
> interesting if you see the ComKoas(tm) parachuting.

I'd be inclined to agree. But seeing only blue sky is definitely
preferable to seeing only parachuting CKs...

> Yes ma'am.

Hmmm, do I see some competition for #68's attentions? ;)

> Dev is learning to set boundaries, to be compassionate but not a
> doormat. Dev has learned that conflict in relationships
> (family/friends/business) is okay
> has learned more about interacting with people in RL, even networking
> and promoting herself

Wow, sounds like you've being making some pretty impressive progress!
Congratulations 8)

> Dev even took a job in sales, one that requires Cold Calling,

Eep! Now that's just scary...

phone-phobic pheet

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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 14:03:17 UTC
I outed myself:

>> A song that needs
>> finishing.

and felice picked up on it:
>Ooh, do you have any songs online we could listen
> to?

Most of the demos on that site are older songs that I'd like to rewrite and re-record, but the song I'm most happy with right now is "To Those Who Follow". The new one is going to be really good, too...

> However, in my hypocritical way, I personally find it more fun
> and
> interesting if you see the ComKoas(tm) parachuting.

>I'd be inclined to agree. But seeing only blue sky is definitely preferable to
> seeing only parachuting CKs...
You've got a point. Though some might argue the alternative...

>Wow, sounds like you've being making some pretty
> impressive progress!
>Congratulations 8)
Why thank you. Ain't aging grand? :-)

>> Dev even took a job in
>> sales, one that requires Cold Calling,

>Eep! Now that's just
> scary...
Yea, it is. But walking in doors is WAY more scary than phone calls. I do have to do both...

still cold toes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-06 07:11:23 UTC
je 06/04/10 02:03, Devra skribis:
> http://sonicbids.com/devrawolf
> Most of the demos on that site are older songs that I'd like to
> rewrite and re-record, but the song I'm most happy with right now is
> "To Those Who Follow". The new one is going to be really good, too...

Thanks! You are good - I ended up listening to the whole lot, not just a
couple of samples. "To Those Who Follow" reminded me of the Indigo Girls
(possibly not the best comparison, but my musical knowledge is very
limited). I assume the ones with no singer named are sung by you? I
particularly liked "Who Are You"...

> Why thank you. Ain't aging grand? :-)

I'm decidedly ambivalent about it.

> Yea, it is. But walking in doors is WAY more scary than phone calls.
> I do have to do both...

Personally I find doors a lot less intimidating, as a rule (though
getting a negative response at one place makes the next a hell of a lot

shoes preparing for a busy day tomorrow (and the next day, and the next
day... *sigh*)

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-15 13:11:00 UTC
felice went and listened to my songs then wrote...

>Thanks! You are good -


>I ended up listening to the whole lot, not just a
>couple of samples. "To Those Who Follow" reminded me
> of the Indigo Girls
Hmmmm...wonder how that could be? :-) Seriously, they're definitely a heavy influence for me. especially Emily, whose writing resonates with me a little more than Amy's...

> I assume the ones with no singer named are sung
> by you? I particularly liked "Who Are You"...
Yes, those with no singer named are sung by me. Thankfully, it was never my intention to be a performer - there are so many people who have WAY more skill in that arena than I do. "Who Are You" was a song I wrote originally when I was about 19, then updated 20 years later...I like it, too, and I like the feel of it, but I have this feeling that it's still not finished...that I can still make it better...

>> Why thank you.
>> Ain't aging grand? :-)

>I'm decidedly ambivalent about it.
Yea, I'm not so excited about the peri-menopause stuff, but the learning and (dare I say) wisdom part is pretty cool!

still not working feet

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2010-04-17 00:49:24 UTC
je 16/04/10 01:11, Devra skribis:
> Hmmmm...wonder how that could be? :-) Seriously, they're definitely a
> heavy influence for me. especially Emily, whose writing resonates
> with me a little more than Amy's...

It hadn't actually occurred to me to check who wrote which songs before.
They've both written some I like a lot and some that don't do so much
for me; I don't think I have a preference.

> Yes, those with no singer named are sung by me. Thankfully, it was
> never my intention to be a performer - there are so many people who
> have WAY more skill in that arena than I do.

More skill? Quite possibly; I'm not qualified to judge. I can say your
voice is entirely pleasant to listen to, though.

> "Who Are You" was a song I wrote originally when I was about 19,
> then updated 20 years later...

Huh. How much did you change it in the update? The current version
strongly implies "internet" to me, which seems unlikely to have been the
inspiration for something written more than 20 years ago. But I suppose
there are other ways to get to know people without meeting them face to


ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2010-04-18 15:19:55 UTC
I was commenting on the Indigo Girls

>> especially Emily, whose writing resonates
>> with me a little more than
>> Amy's...

and felice replied...

>It hadn't actually occurred to me to check who wrote which songs
> before.
>They've both written some I like a lot and some that don't do so
> much for me; I don't think I have a preference.

Well, I AM a bit of a music geek... :-)

>More skill? Quite possibly; I'm not qualified to
> judge. I can say your voice is entirely pleasant to listen to,
> though.
Well thank you. Though with all due respect, this comment pretty much proves you're not qualified to judge. (ducking!)

>> "Who Are You" was a song I wrote originally when I was about 19,
>> then
updated 20 years later...

> Huh. How much did you change
> it in the update? The current version
>strongly implies "internet" to me,
> which seems unlikely to have been the
>inspiration for something written more
> than 20 years ago. But I suppose
>there are other ways to get to know people
> without meeting them face to

Wow.... (Dev takes a moment to digest this information...)

I did not change the basic premise of the song, only tightened up the lyric to make it more cohesive. In the third verse, I had something about "you're walking your path as I am walking mine", and I updated the end of the verse to state "someday those paths will cross".

That said, I've had people interpret this song a couple different ways, but you're the first to bring up an internet relationship. No, that was not the original inspiration. But now I don't know if I should tell you what *I* meant, since music is about the listener, and creating an image that means something to the audience. It's really not so much about what I have to say, but what you need to hear.

sunday morning toes catching up

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-19 00:27:14 UTC
je 19/04/10 03:19, Devra skribis:
> Well, I AM a bit of a music geek... :-)

I never would have guessed ;)

>> your voice is entirely pleasant to listen to, though.
> Well thank you. Though with all due respect, this comment pretty much
> proves you're not qualified to judge. (ducking!)

You're willing to post recordings of your performances online for the
world to listen to, so you can't be _that_ ashamed of them!

> That said, I've had people interpret this song a couple different
> ways, but you're the first to bring up an internet relationship.

Really? That does surprise me! Do you think it fits?

> that was not the original inspiration. But now I don't know if I
> should tell you what *I* meant, since music is about the listener,
> and creating an image that means something to the audience.

Go on, I'm really curious now! It won't prevent me from sticking to my
interpretation if I prefer...

net-addict shoes

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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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2010-04-25 14:25:23 UTC
i wrote:

>> Well, I AM a bit of a music
>> geek... :-)

to which felice replied
>I never would have guessed ;)

hmmm...i might have to try harder... :-)

>You're willing to post recordings of your performances
> online for the
>world to listen to, so you can't be _that_ ashamed of
> them!

Hh....but it does come down to the magic of technology...making my voice palatable. Truly, I have no desire to be a performer. I just need to be able to perform well enough to get the message across to the amazing artist who's going to fall in love with one of my songs and make it a huge international hit! (Any takers???)

<talking about "Who Are You">

>> That said, I've had people interpret this song a couple
>> different
>> ways, but you're the first to bring up an internet
>> relationship.

>Really? That does surprise me! Do you think it
> fits?

It certainly could fit.

>Go on, I'm really curious now! It won't prevent me from
> sticking to my
>interpretation if I prefer...

It was originally written when I was 19 or so, after a dream I had about having a life partner. At the time, it felt like a future dream (and I can still remember it, though it was way more metaphorical than prophetic). So I had this idea about knowing that my future life partner was out there, somewhere, living their life and learning their life lessons while I was doing the same.

sunday morning coffee-in-hand bare feet in bed

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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-27 08:47:00 UTC
je 26/04/10 02:25, Devra skribis:
> Hh....but it does come down to the magic of technology...making my
> voice palatable. Truly, I have no desire to be a performer.

Not of any kind, or just not lead singer? Would being one of the
musicians in a band with someone else doing the vocals be any more

> I just
> need to be able to perform well enough to get the message across to
> the amazing artist who's going to fall in love with one of my songs
> and make it a huge international hit! (Any takers???)

None of the musicians I know are exactly chart-topping celebrities, I'm

> It was originally written when I was 19 or so, after a dream I had
> about having a life partner. At the time, it felt like a future dream
> (and I can still remember it, though it was way more metaphorical
> than prophetic).

Ah, that makes sense - thanks! Though I do still prefer my interpretation 8)

"Fallen From Grace" is growing on me...

authorial-intent-slaying slippers

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2010-04-27 14:31:39 UTC
>>Truly, I have no

>> desire to be a performer.

>Not of any kind, or just not lead singer? Would
> being one of the musicians in a band with someone else doing the vocals be
> any more appealing?

No, not really. It's not a life I'd want to lead. Lots of time on the road, staying up way too late, always hoping they'll like your music--and if you DO get big, then the pressures of all that. Not for me. Much rather live my life out of the limelight. It's fun to do once in a while, and if I did get something big, it would be really fun to do with someone amazing, but not as a lifestyle.

>None of the musicians I know are exactly
> chart-topping celebrities, I'm

Well it didn't hurt to ask...

>"Fallen From Grace" is growing on
> me...

That one has now been rewritten, too, but I just haven't gotten a new demo done. Didn't change any of the intent, just tightened it up a bit, and rewrote the bridge...

rainy toes

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2010-04-25 02:15:39 UTC
On 18 Apr 2010 11:19:55 -0400, Devra <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

>>> "Who Are You" was a song I wrote originally when I was about 19,
>>> then updated 20 years later...

Pretty good song for something written so long ago, as a teenager --
it stands the test of time. I don't have a good "ear" for music, but
this song stood out for me. (I'm just playing it back, now, and the
slightly...mournful/soft/low...tone resonates with me. (I hit a bit
of a lull, hence the lack of sporadic posting). The song is making
for good contemplative music-in-the-background.)

>>The current version strongly implies "internet" to me, which seems
>> unlikely to have been the inspiration for something written more
>> than 20 years ago.

And like felice, my first impression was also of an internet type
history. (Gee, what does that say about me?) Or some other type of
long distance relationship...letters across continents...?

> That said, I've had people interpret this song a couple different ways, but
> you're the first to bring up an internet relationship. No, that was not the
> original inspiration.

Which was...?

> But now I don't know if I should tell you what *I* meant,
> since music is about the listener, and creating an image that means something
> to the audience.

Arrrgh. I hate it when artists give that answer. Arrrrgh. Grrr.

Dev, c'mon, spill! Pleeeease. I'm curious. And I hate being
curious. <sulk>

'Though you did have me thinking about other possible interpretations.
'Course my speculation led me to some darker areas of
self-analysis...that don't quite seem to fit, given the bit at the end
which seems too "hopeful" for what I had in mind. Hmmm.

(should be working on my #&$*%! taxes)
shoes at the cafe

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-25 14:41:50 UTC
>>> "Who Are You" was a song I wrote originally when I was about 19,
>>> then updated 20 years later...

> Pretty
> good song for something written so long ago, as a teenager --
> it stands the
> test of time.

I was a very contemplative teenager. I'm much less self-absorbed as an adult.

>I don't have a good "ear" for music, but this song stood
> out for me. (I'm just playing it back, now, and
> the slightly...mournful/soft/low...tone resonates with me. (I hit a
> bit of a lull, hence the lack of sporadic posting). The song is
> making for good contemplative music-in-the-background.)

Thank you. That really makes me feel good.

>And like felice, my first
> impression was also of an internet type
>history. (Gee, what does that
> say about me?) Or some other type of long distance
> relationship...letters across continents...?

I'm starting to think that could be a better interpretation than the original intent, although not as universal... not that it matters. People take what they need out of any song.

>>That said, I've had
>> people interpret this song a couple different ways, but
>> you're the
>> first to bring up an internet relationship. No, that was not the
>> original inspiration.

>Which was...?

I let the cat out of the bag in my previous post to felice...

>> But now I don't know if
>> I should tell you what *I* meant,
>> since music is about the listener, and
>> creating an image that means something
>> to the audience.

>Arrrgh. I hate it when artists give that answer.
> Arrrrgh. Grrr.

<giggle> Yea, me too! I was just teasing, though...

>Dev, c'mon, spill! Pleeeease. I'm
> curious. And I hate being
>curious. <sulk>

I did! Even before you started begging! (Hmmm...maybe I coulda gotten more mileage out of that one...)

> you did have me thinking about other possible interpretations.
>'Course my
> speculation led me to some darker areas of
>self-analysis...that don't quite
> seem to fit, given the bit at the end
>which seems too "hopeful" for what I
> had in mind. Hmmm.

There. Wasn't that fun???

bare feet

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-10 12:45:01 UTC
On 5 April 2010 10:03, Devra <***@yahoo.com> wrote (among other things):

> http://sonicbids.com/devrawolf
> Most of the demos on that site are older songs that I'd like to rewrite and re-record, but the song I'm most happy with right now is "To Those Who Follow". The new one is going to be really good, too...

Good stuff there. I've listened to everything twice now.

I have a weakness for silly, so I love "Fallen From Grace". :)

musical faux birkies

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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 17:27:28 UTC
On 2 Apr 2010 11:05:19 -0400, Devra <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

>>What's happening out your way?
>A little rain, a little sunshine, a little more rain. A new baby horse. A
>warm fire. A stack of custom ceramic tiles waiting to be photographed
>for ebay. A song that needs finishing.

You...live on a ranch? You're...a performer? Forgive me, my mind's a
little sketchy.

>>I'm trying to figure out who I am now. (As usual).
>You're not the only one on that road. Actually, I really think that's
>what we're ALL here to do (not here as in shoe, but here as in Here).

LOL! Yes, of course, you're right. I am/was in the midst of
protracted navel-gazing, (lol), but _I_ do it ONLINE! :P I think
I've cleared out some fuzz...or at least compartmentalized it more.

>> Re-reading the old posts is a way
>> of reminding myself of what I was like -- it's edifying, to say the
>> least! <covers head in embarrassment> (To know who I am now, I
>> need to know who I was, right?)
>I totally agree. And please know that I never meant to imply you shouldn't
>re-read the old posts!

Nah, I didn't get that implication, no worries. I think I've picked
up on a few of the nuances that may have made my posts...well, such as
they are. <wry grin> Consistency is good, if I'm...re-establishing
my...selves. <g>

>I completely support and encourage your reflection. I think I misinterpreted
>when you said you wanted to be more "cyn-like"...

Not necessarily. My writing isn't as clear as I'd like it to be, so
it's easy for misinterpret. And, I _am_ a little fuzzy-headed, so the
message I'm trying to get across doesn't always get off the ground,
especially when I start to tangent all over the place.

>because I heard you wanting to go back to a different time,

(Oh, wouldn't we all?) ;-) I'd love to go back to before I was
squished by Joules, and merely a single cyn. Uh, "single" cyn, as in
_one_ personality, not "single" as in _single_, 'cuz that hasn't

>but what I hear you say here is that you are
>wanting to reintegrate some good parts that got set aside somewhere. And
>I think that is totally cool, and a pretty amazing introspection.

Hmm. Yeah. Logically, I realize a person is more "complete" if they
allow themselves to...experience all aspects of life, (assuming it
doesn't break any laws!), as opposed to walling themselves off from
everything...I just find it easier to do the latter.

> However, in my hypocritical way, I personally find it more fun
> and interesting if you see the ComKoas(tm) parachuting.

Heh. Almost read it as "kumquats parachuting." The CK(tm)s
appreciate your perspective. :-)

And they're being rather...imperious...about being allowed to stay in
aslm, threatening all sorts of worrisome things to the (host bod) if
their presence is minimized. I may be forced to keep them around,
even if it does cement my position in the loony bin. (They, at least,
have a sizeable fan club!)

My current CK(tm) diliemna: er, they somehow managed to capture the
Easter Bunny, lurking about in the bushes. After bribery, and the
exchange of copious amounts of chocolate, they released the Bunny.
But, now I am surrounded by chocolate, of which I seldom indulge.
Hmmm. Now what??? What is that saying...? Dip me in chocolate...

....and throw me in the shower? :P

(At least, I hope it was the Easter Bunny. It...may have borne a
slight resemblence to a highly evolved jelly pool escapee...)

>>You'll have to post more, so we can decide. <g>
>Yes ma'am.

Now, _this_ I like to hear. ;-)

>> So...what IS dev-like these days?

>Dev is learning to set boundaries, to be compassionate but not a doormat.
>Dev has learned that conflict in relationships (family/friends/business) is okay
>--still often painful and yukky, but very often productive, and definitely not
>always terminal. Dev used to hide behind a computer screen, but in the past
> few years has learned more about interacting with people in RL, even networking

Wow, this is good. You're way ahead of me! Any chance I can borrow
your notes and just fast-track through the lessons?

> and promoting herself. Dev even took a job in sales, one that requires Cold Calling,
>with the full knowledge that it was a challenge she had to meet, and was ready to
> meet. And it's working!

Whoa. And this is something I could never do.

>(Though I will NEVER be really sales-y, I succeed because
> I like to teach, and explain things, and people appreciate that, especially when they're
> asking about something that really isn't right for them--and I show them why.)

So...teach me about life. ;-)

>cold bare toes that are probably WAAAAAAYYYYYY too
>philosophical this morning

Heh. I like philiosophical! It's firing up neurons that have been
dormant. (No joke, the "duh!" has been oozing from my pores).

(CK(tm)s waving to dev)
shoes at the cafe

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 17:40:43 UTC
=0A>>A little rain, a little sunshine, a little more rain. A new =0A>> baby=
horse. A =0A>>warm fire. A stack of custom ceramic tiles waiting to be =0A=
>> photographed =0A>>for ebay. A song that needs finishing. =0A=0A>You...li=
ve on a ranch?=0AYes, as of Aug 2008, living on 22 acres in rural northern =
california.=0A=0A>You're...a performer?=A0 =0ANo, I'm a songwriter. I do so=
me performing, but it's not my goal or my special talent. I much prefer to =
write songs for others to perform!=0A=0A> I've picked up on a few of the nu=
ances that may have made my posts...well, =0A> such as they are.=A0 <wry gr=
in>=A0 Consistency is good, if =0A> I'm...re-establishing my...selves.=A0 <=
g>=0A=0Akinda like riding a bike, eh?=0A=0A=0A>because I heard you wanting =
to =0A> go back to a different time, =0A=0A>(Oh, wouldn't we all?)=A0 ;-)=
=A0 I'd =0A> love to go back to before I was=0A>squished by Joules, and mer=
ely a single =0A> cyn.=A0 Uh, "single" cyn, as in=0A>_one_ personality, not=
"single" as in =0A> _single_, 'cuz that hasn't=0A>changed...arrrrgh! =0A=
=0ANow THAT must have been before my time! I've only ever known multiple cy=
n#s=0A=0A=0A> However, in my hypocritical way, I personally find it more fu=
n =0A> and =0A> interesting if you see the ComKoas(tm) parachuting. =0A=0A>=
Heh.=A0 Almost =0A> read it as "kumquats parachuting."=A0 The CK(tm)s=0A>ap=
preciate your =0A> perspective.=A0 :-)=0ADo I detect a new (tm)?=A0 KumQuat=
s!=0A=0AMy current CK(tm) diliemna:=A0 =0A> er, they somehow managed to cap=
ture the Easter Bunny, lurking about in the =0A> bushes.=A0 After bribery, =
and the exchange of copious amounts of =0A> chocolate, they released the Bu=
nny.=0A>But, now I am surrounded by chocolate, of=A0 which I seldom indulge=
.=0A>Hmmm.=A0 Now what???=A0 What is that =0A> saying...?=A0 Dip me in choc=
olate...=0APersonally, I'd have let the CKs have 'im!=0A=0A=0A>>Dev is lear=
ning <snip details>=0A=0A>Wow, this is good.=A0 You're way ahead of me!=A0 =
Any chance I can borrow your notes and just fast-track =0A> through the les=
sons?=0ASure! I have to find them first though...=0A=0A>> and promoting her=
self. Dev even took a job in =0A>> sales, one that requires Cold Calling, =
=0A=0A>Whoa.=A0 And this is something I could never do.=A0=A0=0AActually, I=
'd have said that, too. About a month before I decided to take it on. I sti=
ll hate it, but I'm doing it.=A0=0A=0A>>(Though I will NEVER be really sale=
s-y, I succeed because=0A>> I =0A>> like to teach, =0A=0A>So...teach me abo=
ut life.=A0 =0A> ;-)=0A=0AWeyelll...there's whole life, and there's term li=
fe. Whole life is much more expensive, but it builds cash value...blah blah=
blah ad nauseum.....=0A:-)=0A=0A=0Adev=0Asales toes that should be calling=
, not playing with shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 17:53:33 UTC
On 5 Apr 2010 13:40:43 -0400, Devra <***@yahoo.com> wrote stuff:

ouch! I just saw a block of code! I'll go back and try to decipher
it...any way you can make the emails text only?

squinting shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 18:03:56 UTC
=0Acyn:>ouch!=A0 I just saw a block of code!=A0 I'll go back and try to dec=
ipher it...any way you can make the emails text =0A=0Ai'm trying but it's n=
ot working! it was working before...=0A=0Adev =0Augh feet

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 18:06:43 UTC
so sorry

testing shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Sarah Cardin
2010-04-05 18:59:55 UTC
devra: what are you using to send your emails? maybe i can help you figure
out what's wrong.

sarah heather cardin
evil mod boots
> =0Acyn:>ouch!=A0 I just saw a block of code!=A0 I'll go back and try to dec=
> ipher it...any way you can make the emails text =0A=0Ai'm trying but it's n=
> ot working! it was working before...=0A=0Adev =0Augh feet
> --
> -----------------------------
> ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
> Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
> The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/
> Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
> Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 19:49:02 UTC
>devra: what are you using to send your emails? maybe i can help you
> figure out what's wrong.

I think I'm working now. It was just when I tried to email from Internet Explorer that the plain text settings wouldn't work. I usually use Foxfire, so it's not an issue!

thank you toes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 08:56:11 UTC
je 01/04/10 15:48, cyn######## skribis:
> (Heh. I figure I can get away with maybe half a dozen irrelevent,
> inane posts before YOU, <stares through the screen>, get annoyed with
> me.

Half a dozen a day? Well, it would depend how long they were, but I
don't think that would be in any danger of approaching the annoyance

> I've been browsing through google archives of aslm

Me too - it makes for remarkably entertaining reading. I'd forgotten
just how much was posted!

> (Oh, wait...fels is a NZer, I'm a Canuck, and I'm sure I've seen some
> of those Yanks, ahem, neighbours to the south of me...'round here.

The Aussie contingent seems a bit lacking, though. And did we ever have
regulars from the UK/Europe?

> Funny...I've always thought my posts were inane. (Which, of course,
> many were). But, reading some of them, and...well, gee, some of
> them...were pretty _good_.

Of course they were! You didn't think the floozies were in such demand
purely for, er, impure reasons, did you?

> (In r/l, this is so, so, so....NOT me, it defies description.)

That is probably for the best.

> I may, (begrudgingly), have to let them out more

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! 8) 8) 8)

> (Passed the thread about the women's and men's hockey gold in the 2002
> Olympics -- lol. How appropriate. SAMALG.


> it's a wonder you all don't think I'm insane and run the other way
> when I'm around!

Oh, we do think you're insane, but only in the most enjoyable way.

> (yes, upon reflection, I think "high chaos" can used as a valid
> descriptor of my typical posts) ;-)

No arguments here 8)

> shoes revisiting memory lane while liberally sprinkling ice on their
> owner's head to prevent further swelling

You can do some interesting things with ice.

heather shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 17:33:18 UTC
On 5 Apr 2010 04:56:11 -0400, felice <***@randomstatic.net>

>je 01/04/10 15:48, cyn######## skribis:
>> (Heh. I figure I can get away with maybe half a dozen irrelevent,
>> inane posts before YOU, <stares through the screen>, get annoyed with
>> me.
>Half a dozen a day? Well, it would depend how long they were, but I
>don't think that would be in any danger of approaching the annoyance

Of course, if I post, it restricts my capacity for email and that
thing called, "getting a life"...

>> I've been browsing through google archives of aslm
>Me too - it makes for remarkably entertaining reading. I'd forgotten
>just how much was posted!

It really _does_. I'm still stuck in 1998. Ran into a few "flame
wars", (as such that aslm had flame wars), too. Interesting. I
learned a few things that flew over my head the last time.

Caught some of _your_ first posts -- heh. So very, very cute. :-)

>> (Oh, wait...fels is a NZer, I'm a Canuck, and I'm sure I've seen some
>> of those Yanks, ahem, neighbours to the south of me...'round here.
>The Aussie contingent seems a bit lacking, though. And did we ever have
>regulars from the UK/Europe?

Emergency Lesbian(tm).

And her...diarist(?)...Heather#2. Red-headed wonder whom I may have
harboured a HUGE crush on. <sigh of longing> Those were the days.
Chocoloate covered fingers never tasted so...exquisite. ALL of the
floozies, (and maybe the (host bod)), were enamoured by that one.

Ahem. Maybe before your time?
(Er, I have a massive weakness for redheads). ;-)

(Hi Hev! <waves> I would have commented on your music web page link,
but it was a foreign language to me...but, I did enjoy/hear the faint
Ra-ta-ta's of EL(tm)-flavoured speak...!)

>> Funny...I've always thought my posts were inane. (Which, of course,
>> many were). But, reading some of them, and...well, gee, some of
>> them...were pretty _good_.
>Of course they were! You didn't think the floozies were in such demand
>purely for, er, impure reasons, did you?

Why, actually, yes, I did. <g>

For the sake of history, I hereby retract anything +ve I may have said
about them -- I have NO idea why the cursed floozies were in demand.
#$%^! They completely destroy my reputation as a serious, striving to
sound intelligent, rational poster. So there! Feh.

>> I may, (begrudgingly), have to let them out more
>Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! 8) 8) 8)

[Unbeknownst to felice, cyn68 has sauntered up behind her while she
sits quietly. Relishing the slight gasp of surprise as she twirls a
locklet of felice's hair in her fingertips, cyn68 leans in with the
tiniest of evil smirks, and whispers, "So...if I _were _ let loose to
play, what would you allow me do...?"]

>> (Passed the thread about the women's and men's hockey gold in the 2002
>> Olympics -- lol. How appropriate. SAMALG.

Smart Assed Middle-Aged Lesbian Geek. (Took me a while to figure out
the "G").

>> it's a wonder you all don't think I'm insane and run the other way
>> when I'm around!
>Oh, we do think you're insane, but only in the most enjoyable way.

You do say the sweetest things.

>> (yes, upon reflection, I think "high chaos" can used as a valid
>> descriptor of my typical posts) ;-)
>No arguments here 8)

Bah! :P

>> shoes revisiting memory lane while liberally sprinkling ice on their
>> owner's head to prevent further swelling
>You can do some interesting things with ice.

Hmm. Really? If you're willing to demonstrate, I'll steal some from
the VB while the bartender's not looking.

(imagining an ice scupture competition)
shoes at the cafe, happy to see the number of 2010 posts have just
about topped the number of 2007-2009 posts combined -- woohoo!
(The infestation continues!) ;-)
All Hail the Beautiful and Witty (and Talented) ASLM Mods!!!

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 17:55:11 UTC
On 5 Apr 2010 13:33:18 -0400, cyn######## <***@hotmail.com>, in an
undying spate of meglomania, wrote:

>(imagining an ice scupture competition)

Ooops. "Sculpture". Heh. I'z can spell.

(Sixth post! YES! I have now reached spam status!!! My day is
shoes hamming around

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 21:48:34 UTC
je 06/04/10 05:33, cyn######## skribis:
> Of course, if I post, it restricts my capacity for email and that
> thing called, "getting a life"...

Urk. Um... did I say "a day"? I meant "a month", obviously - a very
silly typo there. I really wouldn't want you to get too distracted from
your ema^H^H^H life ;)

> Caught some of _your_ first posts -- heh. So very, very cute. :-)


> Emergency Lesbian(tm).
> And her...diarist(?)...Heather#2.

Oh, yes, sorry! I should have picked up on the BBC reference. Er, and
the .co.uk email address...

> Red-headed wonder whom I may have
> harboured a HUGE crush on. <sigh of longing>
> Ahem. Maybe before your time?

Mostly, I think. A pity!
*carefully refrains from revealing any hint of jealousy*

> [Unbeknownst to felice, cyn68 has sauntered up behind her while she
> sits quietly. Relishing the slight gasp of surprise as she twirls a
> locklet of felice's hair in her fingertips, cyn68 leans in with the
> tiniest of evil smirks, and whispers, "So...if I _were _ let loose to
> play, what would you allow me do...?"]

[Trembling, felice looks down at her feet, afraid to answer. "I..."
Cyn68 hooks a finger under felice's chin and lifts the girl's head up to
meet her intense gaze. Very quietly, felice stammers "I'm... not sure I
could stop you... from doing... anything you wanted... my Lady."]

> (imagining an ice scupture competition)

Huh. Not exactly what I'd had in mind, but that does sound like fun!

> shoes at the cafe, happy to see the number of 2010 posts have just
> about topped the number of 2007-2009 posts combined -- woohoo!

And less than half of them from you! 8P

> All Hail the Beautiful and Witty (and Talented) ASLM Mods!!!

Er, we are still having some minor technical issues on the modding side
of things, though. If anyone is having trouble posting, do let us know
at aslm+***@panix.com!

nekkid feet

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-13 14:33:18 UTC
Changed the thread title 'cuz I figure, by now, anyone who's reading
this should know I have a big head! Heh. :-/

On 5 Apr 2010 17:48:34 -0400, felice <***@randomstatic.net>

>je 06/04/10 05:33, cyn######## skribis:

>> Caught some of _your_ first posts -- heh. So very, very cute. :-)

Ye Gods, I shouldn't have said anything. I am ran into _my_ first
posts and...aw, geeeez. <buries head in arms> Arrrrgh.

Hmm...six posts a month? That should be sufficient time to die of
embarrassment, reinvent myself, (again!), then return to this lovely
ng as my New, Multi-dimensional Cynical Self. Er, selves. Plus
koalas. Or KumQuats(tm).

The more I read the archives, the more I feel a wave of nostalgia for
this group. And remember a debt to sarah heather, and sunny, and the
Beautiful, and Witty, and Talented mods, and more, who provided a
place to me to putter in. (Remind me to buy y'all the next round at
the VB!)

Aslm is the place where I learned 'net manners, (such as they are).
And developed my posting style. (Yeah, thanks for _that_! :P ) And
learned a lot from other way intelligent women who posted here.

I do miss seeing this place more populated.

I hope a few more shoes pop in. (Hint, hint!) But, I do understand
if a few have moved on, or don't have as much time for posting.
There's a lot of folks who might not know how glad I am to have read
their posts, and/or interacted with them...I wish I had the
opportunity to let them know.

This extends to swlab, too. (Gee, I wish that place were up and
kickin'). A lot of the women there posted a lot of stuff that helped
form my opinions on some issues. 'Wish I had the opportunity to say,

Looking back, I'm just glad there was such a thriving group, a place
to check in, at least once a week.

Thanks, people!

>> shoes at the cafe, happy to see the number of 2010 posts have just
>> about topped the number of 2007-2009 posts combined -- woohoo!
>And less than half of them from you! 8P

Gimme a chance! I'm working on it...(when I'm avoiding this thing
called "life") :P The groups over the top now! A few hundred
posts, and we'll beat out 2006, too! :-)

I'm just thinking' that if I'm the only one posting a lot, it will
bloody well _drive_ people away...!

(monologuing; I should never, never, never post in the bleeping
shoes waving to their old buddies, even if they can't see

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Rebecca Burnett
2010-04-15 02:00:05 UTC
cyn# in reading past ASLM posts reflected:
>Aslm is the place where I learned 'net manners, (such as they are).
>And developed my posting style. (Yeah, thanks for _that_! :P ) And
>learned a lot from other way intelligent women who posted here.

Here - Here!! I couldn't have said it better myself cyn#. I started posted
on ASLM around mid/late 1997. I didn't even get my first computer until
March of that year so I was *very* green! It was around for some very
sticky times in my life too and I found a *lot* of comfort and solace in
being a part of this lovely group. Not to mention it was my only outlet
in secluded Germany.

I have learned sooooo much from many of you and have made some lasting
friendships as well....and I also thank all who I interacted with in helping me
learn more about myself and for educating me on the world out there!

BT boots refreshing the coffee mugs

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-15 13:24:01 UTC
> It was around for some very sticky times in my life too and I found a *lot* of comfort and

> solace in being a part of this lovely group. Not to mention it was my only
> outlet in secluded Germany.

I'll second that! I think there were quite a few of us that got through "sticky times" with the support of shoe sisters. I got through what may have been the darkest, most painful period of my life with the help of a few shoes...and came out the other side a better, stronger person.

>I have learned sooooo much from many of
> you and have made some lasting friendships as well....

Me too!

>BT boots refreshing
> the coffee mugs

Me me me me me me me! (and no, I'm not singing!)

contemplative toes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Rebecca Burnett
2010-04-18 00:22:52 UTC
>BT boots refreshing the coffee mugs

dev sang for her cup:
Me me me me me me me! (and no, I'm not singing!)

uh yeah right! <snicker> Sing-it-Sally! ...and hold your cup
still so I don't miss!

at your service boots

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-18 15:26:13 UTC
>BT boots refreshing the coffee mugs

>dev sang
> for her cup:
>>Me me me me me me me! (and no, I'm not
>> singing!)

>uh yeah right! <snicker> Sing-it-Sally! ...and hold
> your cup
>still so I don't miss!

Can you toss in some Bailey's too please? After all, it IS Sunday, and Cali is NOT a dry state!!! (Virtual is not a dry state either, right????)


ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Rebecca Burnett
2010-04-19 02:28:08 UTC
>>dev sang for her cup:
>>Me me me me me me me! (and no, I'm not singing!)

Me. The observant bartender concluded:
>uh yeah right! <snicker> Sing-it-Sally! ...and hold your cup
>still so I don't miss!

..to which dev chimed in:
Can you toss in some Bailey's too please? After all, it IS Sunday,
> and Cali is NOT a dry state!!! (Virtual is not a dry state either,
> right????)

oohh, good choice...and i don't see any "blue" books around here. :-)

always legally serving 24/7 BT boots

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-15 23:05:10 UTC
On 14 April 2010 22:00, Rebecca Burnett <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
<snippage of cyn's words>
> Here - Here!! =C2=A0I couldn't have said it better myself cyn#. I started=
> on ASLM around mid/late 1997. I didn't even get my first computer until
> March of that year so I was *very* green! It was around for some very
> sticky times in my life too and I found a *lot* of comfort and solace in
> being a part of this lovely group. Not to mention it was my only outlet
> in secluded Germany.

I guess I joined not too long before you. I got my first computer in
early 1997, and found the original group shortly afterward. My first
post was in March of that year, and the group quickly became a very
important part of my life.

Through ASLM, I met and (eventually) fell in love with the woman with
whom I spent 11 years of my life. Together, we traveled to Winnipeg
and spent time with Penguin Gal (let's see if I can provoke a
"waddle/pounce" by invoking her name) on the way to a family wedding.
The Evil Mod herself paid us a visit during her excursion to Canada's
east coast some years ago.

Though MC and I are no longer together, I wouldn't trade those years
and the part "shoe" played in our shared journey.

nostalgic boots

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-17 06:42:48 UTC
On 15.04.2010 04:00, Rebecca Burnett wrote:

<very generous snip of very nearly everything>
> Not to mention it was my only outlet
> in secluded Germany.

Hey, we're not secluded ;-)

<snip even more>

> lastoutlaw
> BT boots refreshing the coffee mugs

Can I have some, too, please? I brought my own mug, don't worry about it
being so huge I just need it about half full I need a lot of milk in my

nicole - sleepy toes still under the covers
2010-04-05 17:50:32 UTC
Rats...I thought the last one was set to plain text, but it came out scramb=
led...trying again...dev toes=0A=A0=0A>>A little rain, a little sunshine, a=
little more rain. A new =0A>> baby horse. A =0A>>warm fire. A stack of cus=
tom ceramic tiles waiting to be =0A>> photographed =0A>>for ebay. A song th=
at needs finishing. =0A=0A>You...live on a ranch?=0AYes, as of Aug 2008, li=
ving on 22 acres in rural northern california.=0A=0A>You're...a performer?=
=A0 =0ANo, I'm a songwriter. I do some performing, but it's not my goal or =
my special talent. I much prefer to write songs for others to perform!=0A=
=0A> I've picked up on a few of the nuances that may have made my posts...w=
ell, =0A> such as they are.=A0 <wry grin>=A0 Consistency is good, if =0A> I=
'm...re-establishing my...selves.=A0 <g>=0A=0Akinda like riding a bike, eh?=
=0A=0A=0A>because I heard you wanting to =0A> go back to a different time, =
=0A=0A>(Oh, wouldn't we all?)=A0 ;-)=A0 I'd =0A> love to go back to before =
I was=0A>squished by Joules, and merely a single =0A> cyn.=A0 Uh, "single" =
cyn, as in=0A>_one_ personality, not "single" as in =0A> _single_, 'cuz tha=
t hasn't=0A>changed...arrrrgh! =0A=0ANow THAT must have been before my time=
! I've only ever known multiple cyn#s=0A=0A=0A> However, in my hypocritical=
way, I personally find it more fun =0A> and =0A> interesting if you see th=
e ComKoas(tm) parachuting. =0A=0A>Heh.=A0 Almost =0A> read it as "kumquats =
parachuting."=A0 The CK(tm)s=0A>appreciate your =0A> perspective.=A0 :-)=0A=
Do I detect a new (tm)?=A0 KumQuats!=0A=0AMy current CK(tm) diliemna:=A0 =
=0A> er, they somehow managed to capture the Easter Bunny, lurking about in=
the =0A> bushes.=A0 After bribery, and the exchange of copious amounts of =
=0A> chocolate, they released the Bunny.=0A>But, now I am surrounded by cho=
colate, of=A0 which I seldom indulge.=0A>Hmmm.=A0 Now what???=A0 What is th=
at =0A> saying...?=A0 Dip me in chocolate...=0APersonally, I'd have let the=
CKs have 'im!=0A=0A=0A>>Dev is learning <snip details>=0A=0A>Wow, this is =
good.=A0 You're way ahead of me!=A0 Any chance I can borrow your notes and =
just fast-track =0A> through the lessons?=0ASure! I have to find them first=
though...=0A=0A>> and promoting herself. Dev even took a job in =0A>> sale=
s, one that requires Cold Calling, =0A=0A>Whoa.=A0 And this is something I =
could never do.=A0=A0=0AActually, I'd have said that, too. About a month be=
fore I decided to take it on. I still hate it, but I'm doing it.=A0=0A=0A>>=
(Though I will NEVER be really sales-y, I succeed because=0A>> I =0A>> like=
to teach, =0A=0A>So...teach me about life.=A0 =0A> ;-)=0A=0AWeyelll...ther=
e's whole life, and there's term life. Whole life is much more expensive, b=
ut it builds cash value...blah blah blah ad nauseum.....=0A:-)=0A=0A=0Adev=
=0Asales toes that should be calling, not playing with shoes=0A

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-05 18:08:41 UTC
Okay, apparently Yahoo doesn't believe IE when told to use plain text. It apparently communicates much better with Firefox, which is my preferred browser. That will teach me not to write from "the office"! Once again... dev...not working shoes

>>A little rain, a little sunshine, a little more rain. A new
>> baby horse. A
>>warm fire. A stack of custom ceramic tiles waiting to be
>> photographed
>>for ebay. A song that needs finishing.

>You...live on a ranch?
Yes, as of Aug 2008, living on 22 acres in rural northern california.

>You're...a performer?
I'm a songwriter. I do some performing, but it's not my goal or my
special talent. I much prefer to write songs for others to perform!

> I've picked up on a few of the nuances that may have made my posts...well,
> such as they are. <wry grin> Consistency is good, if
> I'm...re-establishing my...selves. <g>

kinda like riding a bike, eh?

>because I heard you wanting to
> go back to a different time,

>(Oh, wouldn't we all?) ;-) I'd
> love to go back to before I was
>squished by Joules, and merely a single
> cyn. Uh, "single" cyn, as in
>_one_ personality, not "single" as in
> _single_, 'cuz that hasn't

Now THAT must have been before my time! I've only ever known multiple cyn#s

> However, in my hypocritical way, I personally find it more fun
> and
> interesting if you see the ComKoas(tm) parachuting.

>Heh. Almost
> read it as "kumquats parachuting." The CK(tm)s
>appreciate your
> perspective. :-)
Do I detect a new (tm)? KumQuats!

My current CK(tm) diliemna:
> er, they somehow managed to capture the Easter Bunny, lurking about in the
> bushes. After bribery, and the exchange of copious amounts of
> chocolate, they released the Bunny.
>But, now I am surrounded by chocolate, of which I seldom indulge.
>Hmmm. Now what??? What is that
> saying...? Dip me in chocolate...
Personally, I'd have let the CKs have 'im!

>>Dev is learning <snip details>

>Wow, this is good. You're way ahead of me! Any chance I can borrow your notes and just fast-track
> through the lessons?
Sure! I have to find them first though...

>> and promoting herself. Dev even took a job in
>> sales, one that requires Cold Calling,

>Whoa. And this is something I could never do.
Actually, I'd have said that, too. About a month before I decided to take it on. I still hate it, but I'm doing it.

>>(Though I will NEVER be really sales-y, I succeed because
>> I
>> like to teach,

>So...teach me about life.
> ;-)

whole life, and there's term life. Whole life is much more expensive,
but it builds cash value...blah blah blah ad nauseum.....

sales toes that should be calling, not playing with shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Diana Eichert
2010-04-05 19:09:05 UTC
smile, y'all are a hoot. i'm not as verbose as y'all but at
least you got me to chime in.

sock covered feet, using the bass speaker as an ottoman

Past hissy-fits are not a predictor of future hissy-fits.
Nick Holland(06 Dec 2005)

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-16 01:54:00 UTC
lastoutlaw wrote:
>> Here - Here!! I couldn't have said it better myself cyn#. I started posted
>> on ASLM around mid/late 1997. I didn't even get my first computer until
>> March of that year so I was *very* green! It was around for some very
>> sticky times in my life too and I found a *lot* of comfort and solace in
>> being a part of this lovely group. Not to mention it was my only outlet
>> in secluded Germany.

and deanne responded:
>I guess I joined not too long before you. I got my first computer in
>early 1997, and found the original group shortly afterward. My first
>post was in March of that year, and the group quickly became a very
>important part of my life.

i think i joined shortly thereafter. i had just come out to myself, and this group gave me the online support and the real-life friendships i needed while i changed
my life around.

i have fond memories of real-world shoe gatherings and online heated discussions and lots and lots and lots of laughter.

thanks, y'all :-)

- nora
no-longer-a-misfit toes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Sarah Cardin
2010-04-16 01:58:38 UTC
i fondly remember all the bad stuff that i did

sarah heather cardin
really evil mod boots

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-16 02:28:25 UTC
On 15 Apr 2010 21:58:38 -0400, the Really! Evil! Mod! aka, "Sarah
Cardin" <***@stephouse.net> exaggerated:

>i fondly remember all the bad stuff that i did

I fondly remember all the good stuff SHC did.

shoes ducking for cover

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Sarah Cardin
2010-04-16 02:32:06 UTC
> >i fondly remember all the bad stuff that i did
a badly misinformed cyn#:
> I fondly remember all the good stuff SHC did.
there was no good stuff. it was all evil. very evil.

> cyn#
> shoes ducking for cover

cover? cover??!!! there is no such thing as cover where my evil vengeance
is concerned.

sarah heather cardin
really rotten boots

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

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Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-16 04:24:36 UTC
On 15 Apr 2010 21:54:00 -0400, "nora" <***@carolina.rr.com>, long
and fondly remembered as the charming and gracious misfit, wrote:

(It IS you!!!!) :-) :-) :-)

>i think i joined shortly thereafter. i had just come out to myself, and
>this group gave me the online support and the real-life friendships i
>needed while i changed my life around.

Do tell. I remember some of this -- I'm amazed at how far you've
come. And, having read some of the older posts, at how much you
progressed as an aslmer, over the years. I'm really glad to see you
here, again!

>i have fond memories of real-world shoe gatherings and online heated
>discussions and lots and lots and lots of laughter.

Me too! (Uh, except for shoe gatherings, (heh, heh), I've managed to
preserve my anonymity...)

>thanks, y'all :-)

And this "y'all" stuff -- have you noticed I use it quite a bit?! Ack,
I feel like I've been turned into a southerner! I'm not sure if I
picked it up from you or Joulzie, but...sheesh! I'm a Canuck! We do
NOT say "y'all"! The influence this group has had on me...! Arrgh!


Hey, Nora...it's good to hear from you. I hope that life has been
treating you well. I know I must be waaaay late, but congratulations
on the "legal shoes, but only in MA" -- the CK(tm)'s would have had a
massive bash in your honour!!! :-)

And I hope you'll take it as a sign of respect when I say, (having
read some archives), I seriously wish I had devoted one of the
floozies to you, when you were single...! ;-)

>- nora
>no-longer-a-misfit toes

shoes not quite sure how to address nora/Ms.Fit/misfit, but happy
she's here

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Joules VC
2010-04-17 22:14:40 UTC
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:24 AM, cyn######## <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

> And this "y'all" stuff -- have you noticed I use it quite a bit?! Ack,
> I feel like I've been turned into a southerner! =A0I'm not sure if I
> picked it up from you or Joulzie, but...sheesh! =A0I'm a Canuck! =A0We do
> NOT say "y'all"! =A0The influence this group has had on me...! Arrgh!
> Ahem.

Ahem indeed! Y'all is simply a faster way of including everyone. Yous
guys makes me sound like I should be
in the Sopranos. The group seems to have been a good influence on you, cyn.=

running errands tennis shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-18 21:53:57 UTC
On 17 Apr 2010 18:14:40 -0400, Joules VC <***@gmail.com> donned
strangely-hued sunglasses, and draaaaawled:

>Ahem indeed! Y'all is simply a faster way of including everyone.

But, if you simply spoke faster, you wouldn't need to indulge in
improper grammar to speed up conversation...! <mutter> This is soooo

>Yous guys makes me sound like I should be in the Sopranos.

...which would be different from you, how?

> The group seems to have been a good influence on you, cyn. :>

Yeeehaw! Ahem. One can only hope the current prevalence of southern,
charming belles can lead to my attaining a minute degree of like charm
and hospitality. (Befuddlement, I can do without...)

(lacking cohesion thanks to _certain_ members of this group) :P
running shoes


ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Joules VC
2010-04-17 22:28:49 UTC
On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 9:54 PM, nora <***@carolina.rr.com> wrote:
> i think i joined shortly thereafter. =A0i had just come out to myself, an=
d this group gave me the online support and the real-life friendships i nee=
ded while i changed
> my life around.
Hmm, I can't remember that far back to know what year...I AM old, remember?=

I do know that right after giving my opinion about something, I got a
scathing flame in response and had to ask if that was normal.
(and what to do about it) I recall a virtual town where Ovid and I ran
the bookstore...it was a very fun and "safe" place to hang out.
Of course, I also recall that I often lost my keys and had to climb
in a window...

> i have fond memories of real-world shoe gatherings and online heated disc=
ussions and lots and lots and lots of laughter.

omigod, yes! Soooo much fun and laughter! I miss all of you. I did
manage to meet and hang onto the love of my life because of aslm, so
it has an extra special place in my heart. ASLM was an online Cheers
and, for better or worse, everyone _did_ know my name. heh!

> thanks, y'all =A0:-)

Yep, thank you to everyone!!

> - nora
> no-longer-a-misfit toes

You were only a misfit in your mind. You just needed to find the rest
of the tribe.

feet thinking that saying I missed Nora's toes would be misunderstood
and I might only meet Linda's fist!

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-16 02:31:36 UTC
>>i fondly remember all the bad stuff that i did

>I fondly remember all the good stuff SHC did.

impossible. she is evil. pure evil.

hmmm ... or is that impure evil?

- nora
sleepy shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-16 03:01:27 UTC
je 16/04/10 14:31, nora skribis:
> cyn#:
>> I fondly remember all the good stuff SHC did.

That can't have taken you long! 8)

> impossible. she is evil. pure evil.
> hmmm ... or is that impure evil?

Both; she's clever like that.

not-so-evil apprentice mod boots

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-21 03:12:59 UTC
Hello, shoes! Catching up on ASLM ...

Dev wrote:
>I was commenting on the Indigo Girls

>>> especially Emily, whose writing resonates
>>> with me a little more than
>>> Amy's...

Did I tell you about getting to spend a half-hour backstage with the Indigo Girls when they came to Charlotte last year? I really tried to play it cool, but Linda
said she could tell I was star-struck :-)

- misfit
shoes up too late again

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-25 14:30:03 UTC
Dev wrote:
>I was commenting on the Indigo Girls

>>> especially Emily, whose
> writing resonates
>>> with me a little more than
>>> Amy's...

Nora confessed:

>Did I tell you about getting to spend a half-hour backstage with
> the Indigo Girls when they came to Charlotte last year? I really tried to
> play it cool, but Linda said she could tell I was star-struck
> :-)

Uh, NO, you DID NOT! How could you POSSIBLY have failed to MENTION this to me?????

slighted feet

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-22 23:51:02 UTC
>> i have fond memories of real-world shoe gatherings and online heated discussions and lots and lots and lots of laughter.

>omigod, yes! Soooo much fun and laughter! I miss all of you. I did
>manage to meet and hang onto the love of my life because of aslm, so
>it has an extra special place in my heart. ASLM was an online Cheers
>and, for better or worse, everyone _did_ know my name. heh!

yes ... for better or for worse ... famous, or infamous, that is the question :-)

>> no-longer-a-misfit toes

>You were only a misfit in your mind. You just needed to find the rest
>of the tribe.

>feet thinking that saying I missed Nora's toes would be misunderstood
>and I might only meet Linda's fist!

it's okay, you can miss my toes, linda isn't much of a fisticuffs kinda gal

- nora
toes with painted nails (i like the way my feet look after a pedicure, but i don't actually like getting them. my feet are too sensitive, i guess.)

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-24 00:17:59 UTC
>>i think i joined shortly thereafter. i had just come out to myself, and
>>this group gave me the online support and the real-life friendships i
>>needed while i changed my life around.

>Do tell. I remember some of this -- I'm amazed at how far you've
>come. And, having read some of the older posts, at how much you
>progressed as an aslmer, over the years. I'm really glad to see you
>here, again!

thanks! i haven't changed at all ... i still go to work, raise my kids (well, okay, one of them is a junior in college and has her own apartment now, and the
other is 17 and on the verge of adulthood) ... the only difference is that i get to share my life with a woman i love :-)

the other differences include being a few years older, a few pounds heavier, and having a few more gray hairs, but we really need not talk about those!

>And this "y'all" stuff -- have you noticed I use it quite a bit?! Ack,
>I feel like I've been turned into a southerner! I'm not sure if I
>picked it up from you or Joulzie, but...sheesh! I'm a Canuck! We do
>NOT say "y'all"! The influence this group has had on me...! Arrgh!

what's wrong with "y'all"? it is a PERFECTLY VALID contraction of "you" and "all"

i could see someone complaining about "ya'll" (what the hell is that?) but all of us well-educated intellectual-type folks say "y'all".

>Hey, Nora...it's good to hear from you. I hope that life has been
>treating you well. I know I must be waaaay late, but congratulations
>on the "legal shoes, but only in MA" -- the CK(tm)'s would have had a
>massive bash in your honour!!! :-)

we actually got married twice, so the CK's could've thrown two bashes. we had a ceremony here in NC in 2007 (we refer to it as our "illegal wedding") and
then got hitched legally in MA while vacationing on martha's vineyard last year.

life has treated me very well. i am even happy and satisfied with work right now - it's amazing!

- nora
happy feet, enjoying catching up with old shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
2010-04-24 01:40:19 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

> From: ***@carolina.rr.com
> Subject: Re: [ASLM] Walking down memory lane (was: Re: La La La etc.)
> Date: Fri=2C 23 Apr 2010 20:17:59 -0400
> To:=20

> cyn#:
> >And this "y'all" stuff -- have you noticed I use it quite a bit?! Ack=2C
> >I feel like I've been turned into a southerner! I'm not sure if I
> >picked it up from you or Joulzie=2C but...sheesh! I'm a Canuck! We do
> >NOT say "y'all"! The influence this group has had on me...! Arrgh!
> what's wrong with "y'all"? it is a PERFECTLY VALID contraction of "you" =
and "all"
> i could see someone complaining about "ya'll" (what the hell is that?) bu=
t all of us well-educated intellectual-type folks say "y'all".

Speak for yourself=2C cyn#. This Canuck uses y'all all the time. And folks.=
-s=2C lurking feet. =20
Got a phone? Get Hotmail & Messenger for mobile!

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt=3B
<body class=3D'hmmessage'>
<br><br>&gt=3B From: ***@carolina.rr.com<br>&gt=3B Subject: Re: [ASLM] =
Walking down memory lane (was: Re: La La La etc.)<br>&gt=3B Date: Fri=2C 23=
Apr 2010 20:17:59 -0400<br>&gt=3B To: <br><br>&gt=3B cyn#:<br>&gt=3B &gt=
=3BAnd this "y'all" stuff -- have you noticed I use it quite a bit?! Ack=2C=
<br>&gt=3B &gt=3BI feel like I've been turned into a southerner! I'm not s=
ure if I<br>&gt=3B &gt=3Bpicked it up from you or Joulzie=2C but...sheesh! =
I'm a Canuck! We do<br>&gt=3B &gt=3BNOT say "y'all"! The influence this =
group has had on me...! Arrgh!<br>&gt=3B <br>&gt=3B what's wrong with "y'al=
l"? it is a PERFECTLY VALID contraction of "you" and "all"<br>&gt=3B <br>&=
gt=3B i could see someone complaining about "ya'll" (what the hell is that?=
) but all of us well-educated intellectual-type folks say "y'all".<br><br><=
div>Speak for yourself=2C cyn#. This Canuck uses y'all all the time. And fo=
lks.&nbsp=3B</div><div><br></div><div>-s=2C lurking feet.</div> =
<br /><hr />Live connected. <a href=3D'http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=3D9=
724459' target=3D'_new'>Get Hotmail & Messenger for mobile.</a></body>


ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-24 02:26:08 UTC
On 23 Apr 2010 21:40:19 -0400, plastikgyrl <***@hotmail.com>
wrote (in code!):

>> cyn#:
>> >And this "y'all" stuff -- have you noticed I use it quite a bit?!
>> >I feel like I've been turned into a southerner! I'm not sure if I
>> >picked it up from you or Joulzie but...sheesh! I'm a Canuck! We do
>> >NOT say "y'all"!

>Speak for yourself cyn#. This Canuck uses y'all all the time. And folks.

>-s lurking feet.


Hi! Awesome to see you!!!! :-)

Don't lurk, post! <--- Finally get a chance to say this back to you!
(You encourage me, way back when, to post in swlab).

Hey, are you still in Ottawa?

shoes ecstatic to see another Canadian

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
2010-04-24 02:50:37 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

> From: ***@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [ASLM] Walking down memory lane (was: Re: La La La etc.)
> Date: Fri=2C 23 Apr 2010 22:26:08 -0400
> SHANNON!!!!!
> Hi! Awesome to see you!!!! :-)
> Don't lurk=2C post! <--- Finally get a chance to say this back to you!
> (You encourage me=2C way back when=2C to post in swlab). =20
> Hey=2C are you still in Ottawa?

Nope. Moved to the big city 6 months ago. =3B) Big change for all of us (me=
=2C 2 kids=2C 3 cats)!
-s exhausted toes that need to get enough sleep before her girl's guitar le=
sson in the morning. =20
Live connected. Get Hotmail & Messenger on your phone.

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt=3B
<body class=3D'hmmessage'>
<br><br>&gt=3B From: ***@hotmail.com<br>&gt=3B Subject: Re: [ASLM] Walkin=
g down memory lane (was: Re: La La La etc.)<br>&gt=3B Date: Fri=2C 23 Apr 2=
010 22:26:08 -0400<br>&gt=3B <br>&gt=3B SHANNON!!!!!<br>&gt=3B <br>&gt=3B H=
i! Awesome to see you!!!! :-)<br>&gt=3B <br>&gt=3B Don't lurk=2C post! &=
lt=3B--- Finally get a chance to say this back to you!<br>&gt=3B (You encou=
rage me=2C way back when=2C to post in swlab). <br>&gt=3B <br>&gt=3B Hey=
=2C are you still in Ottawa?<br><br><div>Nope. Moved to the big city 6 mont=
hs ago. =3B) Big change for all of us (me=2C 2 kids=2C 3 cats)!</div><div><=
br></div><div>-s exhausted toes that need to get enough sleep before her gi=
rl's guitar lesson in the morning.</div> <br /><hr />Got a phone=
? <a href=3D'http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=3D9724457' target=3D'_new'>Ge=
t Hotmail & Messenger for mobile!</a></body>


ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-25 02:45:02 UTC
On 23 Apr 2010 22:50:37 -0400, plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
<***@hotmail.com> wrote:

> From: ***@hotmail.com
>> Hey are you still in Ottawa?
>Nope. Moved to the big city 6 months ago. Big change for all of us (me
>2 kids 3 cats)!

You're in T.O.?? What are you doing, here? What part of town are you
in? (If you run into a bumpkin, it's probably me...) :-/

I need to reset my head's crime filters, so I can get a better feel of
which areas are Not Good Places. Seriously. I was pointing out a
building that had a couple of apartment/condo(?) units for sale for
$100-114K, close to the 401, that I thought might make a good,
(cheap!) place to own, (given the outrageous housing market), and was
debating taking a walk through it, just to see it from the inside.
It's about a 20 minute walk from my current location, so easy to get
to. Hah. Just last Friday, there was a (non-fatal!) shooting
there...<shaking head>...gah, nixed that idea. Meh, I hate guns.

(it's just a coincidence....right!)
shoes that prefer knives

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
2010-04-25 02:51:39 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

> From: ***@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [ASLM] Walking down memory lane (was: Re: La La La etc.)
> Date: Sat=2C 24 Apr 2010 22:45:02 -0400

> You're in T.O.?? What are you doing=2C here? What part of town are you
> in? (If you run into a bumpkin=2C it's probably me...) :-/

Moved here for work. I'm doing women's health care policy for a professiona=
l association now. Very exciting stuff. :) Though I did have yet another co=
nversation with my (not so) wee girl about how hard it is to live here=2C a=
way from all her friends. The boy? He just keeps on keepin' on=2C that one.=
We're in the east end. Not Scarborough east=2C but on the east side of the =
river. I love our space=2C and our 'hood=2C but it is far from where we liv=
e much of our daily life. The streetcar commute is tiring.=20
> I need to reset my head's crime filters=2C so I can get a better feel of
> which areas are Not Good Places. Seriously. I was pointing out a
> building that had a couple of apartment/condo(?) units for sale for
> $100-114K=2C close to the 401=2C that I thought might make a good=2C
> (cheap!) place to own=2C (given the outrageous housing market)=2C and was
> debating taking a walk through it=2C just to see it from the inside.
> It's about a 20 minute walk from my current location=2C so easy to get
> to. Hah. Just last Friday=2C there was a (non-fatal!) shooting
> there...<shaking head>...gah=2C nixed that idea. Meh=2C I hate guns.

Honestly=2C I think that in a city of 5 million=2C you're going to get some=
kind of crime just about anywhere. If the units were that cheap=2C though=
=2C there's probably a reason.=20
-s=2C tired feet.=20
Videos that have everyone talking! Now also in HD!

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt=3B
<body class=3D'hmmessage'>
<br><br>&gt=3B From: ***@hotmail.com<br>&gt=3B Subject: Re: [ASLM] Walkin=
g down memory lane (was: Re: La La La etc.)<br>&gt=3B Date: Sat=2C 24 Apr 2=
010 22:45:02 -0400<br><br>&gt=3B <br>&gt=3B You're in T.O.?? What are you =
doing=2C here? What part of town are you<br>&gt=3B in? (If you run into a=
bumpkin=2C it's probably me...) :-/<br><br><div>Moved here for work. I'm =
doing women's health care policy for a professional association now. Very e=
xciting stuff. :) Though I did have yet another conversation with my (not s=
o) wee girl about how hard it is to live here=2C away from all her friends.=
The boy? He just keeps on keepin' on=2C that one.&nbsp=3B</div><div><br></=
div><div>We're in the east end. Not Scarborough east=2C but on the east sid=
e of the river. I love our space=2C and our 'hood=2C but it is far from whe=
re we live much of our daily life. The streetcar commute is tiring.&nbsp=3B=
</div><div><br></div><div>&gt=3B I need to reset my head's crime filters=2C=
so I can get a better feel of<br>&gt=3B which areas are Not Good Places. =
Seriously. I was pointing out a<br>&gt=3B building that had a couple of ap=
artment/condo(?) units for sale for<br>&gt=3B $100-114K=2C close to the 401=
=2C that I thought might make a good=2C<br>&gt=3B (cheap!) place to own=2C =
(given the outrageous housing market)=2C and was<br>&gt=3B debating taking =
a walk through it=2C just to see it from the inside.<br>&gt=3B It's about a=
20 minute walk from my current location=2C so easy to get<br>&gt=3B to. H=
ah. Just last Friday=2C there was a (non-fatal!) shooting<br>&gt=3B there.=
..&lt=3Bshaking head&gt=3B...gah=2C nixed that idea. Meh=2C I hate guns.<b=
r><br></div><div>Honestly=2C I think that in a city of 5 million=2C you're =
going to get some kind of crime just about anywhere. If the units were that=
cheap=2C though=2C there's probably a reason.&nbsp=3B</div><div><br></div>=
<div>-s=2C tired feet.&nbsp=3B<br></div> <br /><hr />Videos that=
have everyone talking! Now also in HD! <a href=3D'http://go.microsoft.com/=
?linkid=3D9724460' target=3D'_new'>MSN.ca Video.</a></body>


ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-25 03:32:44 UTC
On 24 Apr 2010 22:51:39 -0400, plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
<***@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Moved here for work. I'm doing women's health care policy for a professiona
>l association now. Very exciting stuff. :) Though I did have yet another
>conversation with my (not so) wee girl about how hard it is to live here
>way from all her friends. The boy? He just keeps on keepin' on that one.

Are you here long-term, then? How old are the kids, now?

>We're in the east end. Not Scarborough east but on the east side of the
>river. I love our space and our 'hood but it is far from where we live
>much of our daily life. The streetcar commute is tiring.

Ah...so, TTC? I haven't gone on it yet; my sister suggests I grab a
day pass and ride around the city. It'd be interesting to see if it
merits the current debate on service.

[...re: cheap housing, crime...]
> Honestly I think that in a city of 5 million you're going to get some
> kind of crime just about anywhere. If the units were that cheap though
> there's probably a reason.

Oh, I agree about the crime, honestly. Any city is bound to have some
problems...it's just weird how close some of the shootings have been,
(though less surprising as I get used to the area). I feel like I'm
in the bermuda triangle of unfortunate incidents. On another level,
part of me finds it morbidly amusing.

On the surface, the units looked decent -- newish, next to 401,
Superstore, new townhouses across the street...just, on the edges of a
worse area, apparently. Meh. With my luck, I'd move next door to a
crack house and be totally oblivious. :P

(okay, okay, I will do the blood taxes tomorrow)
shoes still listening to Dev's music

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-04-25 03:36:53 UTC
On 24 Apr 2010 23:32:44 -0400, cyn######## <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

eeek! Typo!

>(okay, okay, I will do the blood taxes tomorrow)

Bloody taxes! Income taxes! (Well, same thing, almost...)

embarrassed feet

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
2010-04-25 03:42:04 UTC
It's all good. I forgot to mention my footwear in my last post.=A0
-s=2C stripey socks.

> From: ***@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [ASLM] Walking down memory lane (was: Re: La La La etc.)
> Date: Sat=2C 24 Apr 2010 23:36:53 -0400
> To:
> On 24 Apr 2010 23:32:44 -0400=2C cyn######## wrote:
> eeek! Typo!
>>(okay=2C okay=2C I will do the blood taxes tomorrow)
> Bloody taxes! Income taxes! (Well=2C same thing=2C almost...)
> cyn#
> embarrassed feet
> --
> -----------------------------
> ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
> Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
> The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/
> Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
> Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Videos that have everyone talking! Now also in HD!

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
plastikgyrl plastikgyrl
2010-04-25 03:40:09 UTC
> From: ***@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [ASLM] Walking down memory lane (was: Re: La La La etc.)
> Date: Sat=2C 24 Apr 2010 23:32:44 -0400

> Are you here long-term=2C then? How old are the kids=2C now?

With the upheaval it caused to get here=2C I'd prefer to stay here for a wh=
ile=2C yes. Besides=2C here=2C I'm the one folks in my office turn to for F=
rench translation. That would *never* happen in Ottawa. *laugh*=A0
They're 8 and almost 10=2C and ridiculously funny. I write about them a bit=
on my blog: www.plastikgyrl.wordpress.com.=A0
> Ah...so=2C TTC? I haven't gone on it yet=3B my sister suggests I grab a
> day pass and ride around the city. It'd be interesting to see if it
> merits the current debate on service.

I am a big fan of the TTC. I have chosen to live car-free=2C and I have alm=
ost no complaints about the transit service in Toronto. Given the size of t=
he population that uses it daily=2C it's remarkably efficient. I think that=
there are crappy people in every line of work=2C and I think that there ar=
e a lot of people in the world who like to kvetch about stuff that doesn't =
deserve it.
> Oh=2C I agree about the crime=2C honestly. Any city is bound to have some
> problems...it's just weird how close some of the shootings have been=2C
> (though less surprising as I get used to the area). I feel like I'm
> in the bermuda triangle of unfortunate incidents. On another level=2C
> part of me finds it morbidly amusing.
> On the surface=2C the units looked decent -- newish=2C next to 401=2C
> Superstore=2C new townhouses across the street...just=2C on the edges of =
> worse area=2C apparently. Meh. With my luck=2C I'd move next door to a
> crack house and be totally oblivious. :P

Hey=2C my mom was working in an office right beside a meth lab=2C and didn'=
t have a clue until the place was busted.=A0

Hotmail & Messenger are available on your phone. Try now.

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2010-05-10 03:32:23 UTC
And tangentially related to Mothers' Day...

je 25/04/10 15:40, plastikgyrl plastikgyrl skribis:
> They're 8 and almost 10, and ridiculously funny. I write about them a bit
> on my blog: www.plastikgyrl.wordpress.com.

I'd been meaning to mention, that really is an excellent blog! You're a
great writer. Don't suppose there's any chance of crossposting to aslm?

> I am a big fan of the TTC. I have chosen to live car-free, and I have
> almost no complaints about the transit service in Toronto. Given the size of
> the population that uses it daily, it's remarkably efficient.

Having a big population is generally a plus for public transport - as
long as it's funded proportionately. No car here either, which is
occasionally a nuisance; the trains and buses are pretty good, but don't
run as frequently or as late as I'd like on evenings.

walking shoes

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
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2010-04-24 02:54:39 UTC
On 23 Apr 2010 22:26:08 -0400, cyn######## <***@hotmail.com> wrote,
(too quickly) after seeing a familiar knightly type:

>On 23 Apr 2010 21:40:19 -0400, plastikgyrl <***@hotmail.com>
>wrote (in code!):
>>Speak for yourself cyn#. This Canuck uses y'all all the time. And folks.

"Folks" I've used a few times. I don't have too many qualms about it,
in speech -- it's at least generic, enough. I'd probably be more
inclined to replace it with, "Hey, people!" instead.

Never used "y'all" in verbal speech, though. It would be...wrong...to
hear it from my mouth. <shudder> I'd pluralize the "you"
somehow...or avoid situtations where I'd need to address groups!

I'll fall back to my stand-by excuse of referring to my multiple
selves when making vast and sweeping generalizations. ;-)

(fuzzy, fuzzy headspace tonight)
shoes wondering what -s has been up to, of late

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2010-04-24 02:57:38 UTC
On 23 Apr 2010 20:17:59 -0400, "nora" <***@carolina.rr.com>
dropped these few tidbits to the adoring masses who want

>thanks! i haven't changed at all ... i still go to work, raise my kids
>(well, okay, one of them is a junior in college and has her own
>apartment now, and the other is 17 and on the verge of adulthood)

Yikes! Wow, time really flies...!

> ... the only difference is that i get to share my life with a woman i love :-)

Pretty cool difference, eh? :-)

>the other differences include being a few years older, a few pounds heavier,
>and having a few more gray hairs, but we really need not talk about those!

Aha! I am in good company, then. I suspect the CK(tm)s are going to
put me through some sort of exercise regime this summer -- apparently
sloth is no longer tolerable. <sigh>

>what's wrong with "y'all"? it is a PERFECTLY VALID contraction of "you" and "all"

<snicker> It's fun to get those southern folk riled up. Thought I'd
snare a Joulzie, but this is just as fun. ;-)

("Perfectly valid"? Since when?! Heh. It's funny -- I used it,
once, corresponding with a francophone, and had to explain the "slang"
manner in which I was shortening "you all". Oh. Of couse. "Slang"
terminology forgives all!)

>i could see someone complaining about "ya'll" (what the hell is that?)
>but all of us well-educated intellectual-type folks say "y'all".

I'll have to take your word for it -- I've never really blended in
with the well-educated intellectual types. <g>

'Course that's also because I'm a bit antisocial...

>we actually got married twice, so the CK's could've thrown two bashes.

Now _that's_ commitment. <g>

If you could just...do it _one_ more time, I'll make sure you get a
monster CK(tm) bash to end all bashes! (The CK(tm)s will use any
excuse for a party). :-)

>we had a ceremony here in NC in 2007 (we refer to it as our "illegal wedding") and
>then got hitched legally in MA while vacationing on martha's vineyard last year.
>life has treated me very well. i am even happy and satisfied with work
>right now - it's amazing!

And this is a very good thing...! :-)

shoes happy for Nora

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2010-04-24 16:55:56 UTC
>>the other differences include being a few years older, a few pounds heavier,
>>and having a few more gray hairs, but we really need not talk about those!

>Aha! I am in good company, then. I suspect the CK(tm)s are going to
>put me through some sort of exercise regime this summer -- apparently
>sloth is no longer tolerable. <sigh>

for me, it isn't the lack of exercise. i'm one of those weirdos who works out because i LIKE to. my issue is that i also like junk food, and i eat way too much
of it.

>>what's wrong with "y'all"? it is a PERFECTLY VALID contraction of "you" and "all"

><snicker> It's fun to get those southern folk riled up. Thought I'd
>snare a Joulzie, but this is just as fun. ;-)

>("Perfectly valid"? Since when?! Heh. It's funny -- I used it,
>once, corresponding with a francophone, and had to explain the "slang"
>manner in which I was shortening "you all". Oh. Of couse. "Slang"
>terminology forgives all!)

harrumph. you canucks are such snobs. you think it okay to make a contraction of "it" and "is" and call it "It's" or "I" and "would" and call it "I'd", but you
are somehow above making a contaction of "you" and "all"

i know what you mean about slang forgiving all. many years ago, i was visiting a friend in holland, and he was commenting on how most americans use
atrocious grammar. he asked whether it was idiom or ignorance. my response: if *I* say it, it's idiom. if anyone else says it, it's ignorance :-)

>>we actually got married twice, so the CK's could've thrown two bashes.

>Now _that's_ commitment. <g>

>If you could just...do it _one_ more time, I'll make sure you get a
>monster CK(tm) bash to end all bashes! (The CK(tm)s will use any
>excuse for a party). :-)

we figure we'll do it again if it we ever get *real* (recognized federally) legal rights in this country. i'll be sure to let the ck's know.

- nora
bare feet off to get the clothes out of the dryer

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2010-04-25 15:53:30 UTC
>>Did I tell you about getting to spend a half-hour backstage with
>> the Indigo Girls when they came to Charlotte last year? I really tried to
>> play it cool, but Linda said she could tell I was star-struck
>> :-)

>Uh, NO, you DID NOT! How could you POSSIBLY have failed to MENTION this to me?????

well, it was all over my facebook status!!

our friend anne, who used to work with linda, was childhood friends with amy ray. they've kept in touch through the years. when the indigo girls came to town,
anne got backstage passes for herself and her husband and linda and me. it was SOOOO cool. we got to hang out with them while amy and anne reminisced
about "the good old days" :-)

- nora
sunday-morning slippers

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2010-04-25 16:18:33 UTC
>>Uh, NO,
>> you DID NOT! How could you POSSIBLY have failed to MENTION this to
>> me?????

>well, it was all over my facebook status!!

somehow I don't always get your facebook updates...must look into...

> we got to hang out with them while amy and
> anne reminisced
>about "the good old days" :-)

Very cool! Can I touch you? :-)

sunday morning slippers too! (must be that twin thing)

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Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
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