2010-04-01 02:48:57 UTC
Here I go again, spamming the mail lists of aslmers alllllll over the
place! Wheeee! :-)
(Heh. I figure I can get away with maybe half a dozen irrelevent,
inane posts before YOU, <stares through the screen>, get annoyed with
me. The good, fuzzy vibes I seem to have generated in the past should
just barely carry me through my re-entry. Maybe.) ;-)
I've been browsing through google archives of aslm to get a sense for
how I used to post,, what an eye-opener. (Eeep, I wrote
that...?!? <blush> ) Ran into many good posts written by other
shoes, too, of course...! Made for some fun, and interesting,
reading. I find myself missing the international component of aslm.
(Oh, wait...fels is a NZer, I'm a Canuck, and I'm sure I've seen some
of those Yanks, ahem, neighbours to the south of me...'round here.
Hmm, guess we'll have to see if YOU LURKERS pipe up. ;-)
Funny...I've always thought my posts were inane. (Which, of course,
many were). But, reading some of them, and...well, gee, some of
them...were pretty _good_. Wow. It's a bit of a relief -- maybe the
raging inferiority complex did get in the way of seeing that I can
write a decent post. Lots of silliness, though.
(Oh look...! There's me over there...and there...and there...whoa.
Way too many cyn#s running around. I need to pull out my reference
chart to see which multiple percynality represents what part of me. Or
self. Erg. This IS confusing.)
<singing off key> Meglomania, here I ammmmm!
(okay, this is sad, really sad, cyn#...)
Hmmm. I think I finally, in a tiny, miniscule way, see the appeal of
the cyn60's -- I mean, bloody hell, they just...attach
random women and slobber all over them. (In r/l, this is so, so,
so....NOT me, it defies description.) I may, (begrudgingly), have to
let them out more -- if nothing else, they sure seem to have fun! That
is, if they're still around, and if anyone wants to play with them.
The fun has been scanty, and they may be as well...
(Passed the thread about the women's and men's hockey gold in the 2002
Olympics -- lol. How appropriate. SAMALG. Oh, look...I started a
thread, "Life under the moss-covered rock" back 'round 02, as
well...clearly I'm not inventive enough if I'm recycling thread
titles. Heather(s). <happy smile> Koala poetry. Furry Ears. Hmm,
it's a wonder you all don't think I'm insane and run the other way
when I'm around! <takes a look around the VB> Uh...hello...? Odd.
Everyone suddenly went missing...)
I got a lot of laughs from reading the old posts, from many of you
folks. I'm not sure I've ever thanked y'all for being around, and for
providing a nice place for my escapism. So...thanks.
Now that I've refreshed my memory somewhat, I can see it will be a
challenge to be as..."cyn-like" I've been in the past, but I'll
give it a shot, and hope this incarnation lingers.
That was "fair warning." I may be about to infest your computer
screens, again! ;-) :P
Cheers, all,
(yes, upon reflection, I think "high chaos" can used as a valid
descriptor of my typical posts) ;-)
shoes revisiting memory lane while liberally sprinkling ice on their
owner's head to prevent further swelling
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at
The archive is at
Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***
place! Wheeee! :-)
(Heh. I figure I can get away with maybe half a dozen irrelevent,
inane posts before YOU, <stares through the screen>, get annoyed with
me. The good, fuzzy vibes I seem to have generated in the past should
just barely carry me through my re-entry. Maybe.) ;-)
I've been browsing through google archives of aslm to get a sense for
how I used to post,, what an eye-opener. (Eeep, I wrote
that...?!? <blush> ) Ran into many good posts written by other
shoes, too, of course...! Made for some fun, and interesting,
reading. I find myself missing the international component of aslm.
(Oh, wait...fels is a NZer, I'm a Canuck, and I'm sure I've seen some
of those Yanks, ahem, neighbours to the south of me...'round here.
Hmm, guess we'll have to see if YOU LURKERS pipe up. ;-)
Funny...I've always thought my posts were inane. (Which, of course,
many were). But, reading some of them, and...well, gee, some of
them...were pretty _good_. Wow. It's a bit of a relief -- maybe the
raging inferiority complex did get in the way of seeing that I can
write a decent post. Lots of silliness, though.
(Oh look...! There's me over there...and there...and there...whoa.
Way too many cyn#s running around. I need to pull out my reference
chart to see which multiple percynality represents what part of me. Or
self. Erg. This IS confusing.)
<singing off key> Meglomania, here I ammmmm!
(okay, this is sad, really sad, cyn#...)
Hmmm. I think I finally, in a tiny, miniscule way, see the appeal of
the cyn60's -- I mean, bloody hell, they just...attach
random women and slobber all over them. (In r/l, this is so, so,
so....NOT me, it defies description.) I may, (begrudgingly), have to
let them out more -- if nothing else, they sure seem to have fun! That
is, if they're still around, and if anyone wants to play with them.
The fun has been scanty, and they may be as well...
(Passed the thread about the women's and men's hockey gold in the 2002
Olympics -- lol. How appropriate. SAMALG. Oh, look...I started a
thread, "Life under the moss-covered rock" back 'round 02, as
well...clearly I'm not inventive enough if I'm recycling thread
titles. Heather(s). <happy smile> Koala poetry. Furry Ears. Hmm,
it's a wonder you all don't think I'm insane and run the other way
when I'm around! <takes a look around the VB> Uh...hello...? Odd.
Everyone suddenly went missing...)
I got a lot of laughs from reading the old posts, from many of you
folks. I'm not sure I've ever thanked y'all for being around, and for
providing a nice place for my escapism. So...thanks.
Now that I've refreshed my memory somewhat, I can see it will be a
challenge to be as..."cyn-like" I've been in the past, but I'll
give it a shot, and hope this incarnation lingers.
That was "fair warning." I may be about to infest your computer
screens, again! ;-) :P
Cheers, all,
(yes, upon reflection, I think "high chaos" can used as a valid
descriptor of my typical posts) ;-)
shoes revisiting memory lane while liberally sprinkling ice on their
owner's head to prevent further swelling
ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at
The archive is at
Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***