Ruth Lawrence
2005-03-17 15:36:52 UTC
Hi Hev
Live Journal is at and is a bloggish thing with
over six million posters.
found a nice queer boy attractive.
Kinsey five, more or less.
I wish it were :::yum:::, but I haven't found it :-)
Ruth, feet in silly shoes
Hi Ruth,
Lovely to meet you.
Thankyou!Lovely to meet you.
What are the other place and live Journal?
The Other Place: alt.shoe.lesbians.moderatedLive Journal is at and is a bloggish thing with
over six million posters.
I googled
them, but failed to turn up anything that seemed likely to be what you
Oh dear, I'm bad already...them, but failed to turn up anything that seemed likely to be what you
Also what is grey-area-orientation?
Most of the time I am on the lesbian page, but very occasionally I havefound a nice queer boy attractive.
Kinsey five, more or less.
Is it like the grey panthers?
But of course!A
particular part of Melbourne? :-)I wish it were :::yum:::, but I haven't found it :-)
Welcome to the group.
Thanks again.Ruth, feet in silly shoes
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Our webpage is at
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ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
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