[ASLM] Happy Brithday, Sunshine!
(too old to reply)
2004-05-03 17:09:22 UTC
As infrequently as we see her, I don't know if she will see this
today, but I'm sending birthday wishes on time to Sunny.
I hope you have a great day and a wonderful year.
I second that emotion.

blessings to you and your beloved, and hopes that you recieve something
deliciously woven with love, on your natal day.

feet that reread the Handmaid's Tale this weekend, and send apologies
to shoe.

it was _moira_ (the one guilty of "gender treachery"), not Offred,
who changed the words to "There's a Balm in Gilead.

and thanks to Deanne for inspiring me to dig the book up. the
suspension of our constution, and coup by Christian fundamentalists was
blamed on Islamic Fanatics... hmmm... and it was written 20 years ago.
Margaret Atwood was amazingly prescient, eh?

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
-- Mahatma Gandhi
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Steph Barrett
2004-05-04 01:11:58 UTC
Happy birthday Sunny

feet pulling up a vb
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