I am *so* bad about checking this account -- most of the time I'm on
my school account. Cool to see people on-line, lets not let the
momentum stop!
Who knows, maybe Sunny will even come and play...but I've learned not
to suggest it more than once or she just digs in her heels.
We survived our trip to the south -- Dallas SUCKS, but the conference
(Gerontological Society of America -- about 4,000 people from around
the world) was good -- apparently my presentation went over well,
even though it was the end of the day on the second-to-last day. And
now it seems I have a new dissertation topic (does make sense to
follow-up on the research I've been doing -- just have to remember,
dissertation is just to show you can do the research, then you get to
do the work you really want, and hey, it'll still be the family
piece. For anyone who cares, looks like I'll be looking at the
"family piece" of persons who are on hospice in Assisted Living
Facilities. That's what my presentation was about, but we didn't
interview any families, it was from the ALF & hospice perspective.
Sunny had a great time w/her family in Louisiana and ate her way
across the state while I was stuck in Dallas.
And sarah and the cats all survived their time w/o us.
Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S. I'm working (gotta love that double
time), and Sunny & Sarah get to enterain themselves and the cats.
Hope all who celebrate the day do so well and fully.
Should I be tacky and start a "what I'm thankful for" list?
Hmmm, an awful lot:
-- First and foremost, Sunny
-- My warm, dry house in this cold blustry times, full of good people
and critters
-- My 86 year-old mom who still goes at amazing pace
-- My incredable advisor who supports me and teaches me so much
-- My wonderful colleages, both student and faculty who support each
other so
-- All my other family and friends
-- My work, where I get to take care of our Veterans and their
families and help people go though that last great passage: I learn
so much from them and am so humbled to be part of this most intimate
ok, that's enough for now. Try and get some schoolwork done before
heading off to work.
Miriam Arachne
handknit slippers
> hi all!
> it's *really* good to see some familiar faces around the place. it's been
> quiet for way too long.
> so what's my update? i'm still in portland, still living upstairs from
> sunny & miriam. i'm still single (can anyone tell me what that 'sex' stuff
> people talk about is?). i'm still writing computer manuals, currently in a
> fairly benign environment only a short bus ride from home. i still don't
> know what i *really* want to do when i grow up, but at least the bills are
> being paid.
> musically, my fiddle still hates me. but after five years of assaulting
> it, i get to win occasionally. i've been told that my playing sounds
> pretty good, but i'm positive the people who say that are tone-deaf. and
> i've started paying attention to the concertina again.
> catwise, i have three now. buca died on new years' eve almost two years
> ago. poor jane doe freaked out (i resisted saying that she went catatonic)
> and hid under my bed for days, refusing to come out. it was obvious that
> i had to get a new cat quick, instead of waiting for more than a year as i
> did after joey died. so i went off to the humane society and -- with
> sunny's collusion -- came back with *two* kitties. medea was an obvious
> choice, being a 3-year-old buca-ish tabby (and a real punk). but there was
> this other cat, whiskers, who was fat and 12 years old and obviously not
> going to be adopted by anyone. so sunny & i shamed miriam into letting me
> bring home whiskers, too ... sunny is now whiskers' slave, on call to take
> her for walks at any hour of the day or night. whiskers spends all her
> time in sunny's basement office. i only get to pay the vet bills and deal
> with medea's abuse.
> and for anyone who remembers jane doe, the special needs kitty, you'll be
> amazed to know that she actually interacts with humans now. she asks to be
> let in and out. and she even asks for attention -- sometimes even jumping
> up on a couch or someone's lap to get it. this, mind you, is from the cat
> who spent three months hiding behind a computer monitor when i first got
> her. and who was seen, but not touched, for more than five years. lest you
> think jane has been possessed by aliens, however, i need to report that
> she still goes into abrupt hissing fits at random intervals.
> right now, sunny & miriam are off in louisiana and dallas, respectively.
> and i'm alone in the house with five neurotic cats for a week. may god
> have mercy on my soul ...
> that's about it for me ...
> sarah heather cardin
> boots sneaking this email in at work
> --
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