Leela Sinha
2005-05-04 04:00:53 UTC
On Tue, 3 May 2005 23:19:46 -0400 (EDT), cyn########
sensitivities kicking in. ;-)
directly, and we can watch the movie I bought on a
recommendation (Seducing Doctor someone-or-other,
about a small town in Canada trying to get and keep a
doctor) and I'll feed them leftover mushroom-eggplant
stroganoff. If they want to help, I'll even make
fresh pasta to go under it...and then we can go chat
with my very cool neighbor who lives downstairs and
get him to make us masala chai.
is different from
to grow, and does it like third-floor apartments?
two month affairs with armed guards at every ballot
box and a minimum of a few deaths with each round of
voting...interspersed with mutilations when people
disobey the mobs that control their villages. Ick. I
hope it's not me making the systems convulse and spit
out their governments. ;-)
Minnesota...by choice. I've gotten a student ministry
position that will let me stay the extra year and get
some good experience, round out my education, and NOT
MOVE for the first time since I graduated from
university. I've lived in 4 countries, 9 states, and
19 residences (and out of my suitcase). I'm ready to
try this staying still thing. I'm still getting my
land-legs back after all that motion, though.
they go commando...
*giggle* don't tell them, but I bet they're cute no
matter what they wear.
toes wondering if the CKs like eggplant
that there IS life in Ottawa, (stunning many who
speculatedthat proximity to Parlimentary affairs might be
causing ordinary,everyday folk to keel over on the spot),
ahh...it's just my natural American immunity to localsensitivities kicking in. ;-)
Anyway...yes, the CKs are great companions in times
of emotionalupheaval, and this would include relationship
issues. Mainly, they'llhang out with you -- keep you company whether it be
bustling about inthe kitchen, assisting with dinner or washing
dishes, or watchingtv/movies on the sofa munching popcorn...all without
gettingunderfoot. Congenial, and non-intrusive...and
completely receptive tokind folks that offer to scratch their ears.
Despite their smallstature, CKs have giant hearts! (Never mind what
certain Aussiessay).
*grin* ah that sounds PERFECT! Please send them overdirectly, and we can watch the movie I bought on a
recommendation (Seducing Doctor someone-or-other,
about a small town in Canada trying to get and keep a
doctor) and I'll feed them leftover mushroom-eggplant
stroganoff. If they want to help, I'll even make
fresh pasta to go under it...and then we can go chat
with my very cool neighbor who lives downstairs and
get him to make us masala chai.
...and how are they at interior decorating? Since
I've found out I'm staying here for an extra year,
Hmm. Not sure about this one -- their idea of scaleI've found out I'm staying here for an extra year,
ours, so I'm not sure how they'd fill up space.
Methinks they mighthave you growing eucalyptus in your abode.
Well I _could_ use some more plants...how hard is itto grow, and does it like third-floor apartments?
Hey...extra year here, huh? If the Conservatives
have their way, youmay bear witness to another country's version of
"pulling down thegovernment." Whoooweee! :P
oh goodie. At least elections here don't have to betwo month affairs with armed guards at every ballot
box and a minimum of a few deaths with each round of
voting...interspersed with mutilations when people
disobey the mobs that control their villages. Ick. I
hope it's not me making the systems convulse and spit
out their governments. ;-)
So, why the extra year? Having fun in the nation's
capital? Or areyou testing your endurance levels, (as I'm told
Ottawa weather can betricky)? ;-)
*laugh* well I've lived in Maine, New Hampshire, andMinnesota...by choice. I've gotten a student ministry
position that will let me stay the extra year and get
some good experience, round out my education, and NOT
MOVE for the first time since I graduated from
university. I've lived in 4 countries, 9 states, and
19 residences (and out of my suitcase). I'm ready to
try this staying still thing. I'm still getting my
land-legs back after all that motion, though.
do CKs wear commando gear?
Sometimes they wear commando gear, and sometimes*giggle* don't tell them, but I bet they're cute no
matter what they wear.
toes wondering if the CKs like eggplant
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