[ASLM] Calling all shoes! Calling all shoes!
(too old to reply)
2007-08-26 21:08:39 UTC
i'm here! i'm here!

yellow boots

--- ***@yahoo.ca wrote:

> Is anybody still out there? Or are we all so busy with Facebook,
> Livejournal, Myspace and myriad other sites that there's no point to
> Usenet anymore? I miss my shoepals. So of course I just started a
> Facebook group for us. :)
> Deanne
> shoeless in Ottawa
> --
> -----------------------------
> ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
> Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
> The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/
> Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
> Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2007-08-26 21:31:06 UTC
On Aug 26, 5:08 pm, Devra <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> i'm here! i'm here!
> dev
> yellow boots

Cool! :)

Speaking of which, is she out there, too? Ms McCool? Are you still

toes perking up

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
Mary McCool
2007-08-27 01:20:08 UTC
deanne wrote:

> On Aug 26, 5:08 pm, Devra <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > i'm here! i'm here!
> >
> > dev
> > yellow boots
> Cool! :)
> Speaking of which, is she out there, too? Ms McCool? Are you still
> reading?
> Deanne
> toes perking up

Yep, I'm still around and reading. The summer seems to have
flown by, so I'm looking forward to the slowing down a bit with the
coming autumn. Heck, I'm just really looking forward to having a
holiday next weekend.

white sox with grey toes and heals

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2007-08-27 00:22:29 UTC
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***@yahoo.ca wrote: Is anybody still out there? Or are we all so busy with Facebook,
Livejournal, Myspace and myriad other sites that there's no point to
Usenet anymore? never been to Facebook, or Livejournal...

been to MySpace a few times, but alas, I'm on fake-DSL (think: dial-up) and those graphic/image-heavy pages just don't load for me...

and my ISP blocks Usenet... (wah!)

so nowadays I hang out at extremist leftwing pinko commie blogs and message boards...

barefoot in Belize

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.
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<br><br><b><i>***@yahoo.ca</i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> Is anybody still out there? Or are we all so busy with Facebook,<br>Livejournal, Myspace and myriad other sites that there's no point to<br>Usenet anymore? </blockquote>never been to Facebook, or Livejournal...<br><br>been to MySpace a few times, but alas, I'm on fake-DSL (think: dial-up) and those graphic/image-heavy pages just don't load for me...<br><br>and my ISP blocks Usenet... (wah!)<br><br>so nowadays I hang out at extremist leftwing pinko commie blogs and message boards...<br><br>kay<br>barefoot in Belize<br><p>&#32;
<hr size=1>Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's
<a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=47093/*http://tv.yahoo.com/collections/222">Comedy with an Edge </a>to see what's on, when.


ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2007-08-27 14:34:31 UTC
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Self-centering Pig <***@panix.com> wrote:
Livejournal is what I drop when I get too busy. Usenet I have always
with me.
good morning piglet!

haven't "seen" you in ever so long...

how are you?

kay, webbed duckling feetsies, busy with 25 gorgeous brand new hatchlings

Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.
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<b><i>Self-centering Pig &lt;***@panix.com&gt;</i></b> wrote:<br><blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">Livejournal is what I drop when I get too busy. Usenet I have always<br>with me.<br></blockquote>good morning piglet!<br><br>haven't "seen" you in ever so long... <br><br>how are you?<br><br>kay, webbed duckling feetsies, busy with 25 gorgeous brand new hatchlings <br><p>&#32;
<hr size=1>Choose the right car based on your needs.
Check out <a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=48518/*http://autos.yahoo.com/carfinder/;_ylc=X3oDMTE3NWsyMDd2BF9TAzk3MTA3MDc2BHNlYwNtYWlsdGFncwRzbGsDY2FyLWZpbmRlcg-- ">Yahoo! Autos new Car Finder tool.</a>


ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
2007-08-27 22:21:53 UTC
kay wrote:

> Self-centering Pig <***@panix.com> wrote:
> Livejournal is what I drop when I get too busy. Usenet I have always
> with me.
> good morning piglet!
> haven't "seen" you in ever so long...
> how are you?
> kay, webbed duckling feetsies, busy with 25 gorgeous brand new hatchlings

I've managed to avoid myspace, livejournal and facebook...blogs are my big time suck.

Except my own. I hardly ever post there (http://awfyh.blogspot.com/ - shameless plug).

Then again school is really the major timesuck. However, I DID pass my comprehensive exams (much to Sarah and Sunny's relief), and am now, officially in dissertation phase--this calls for LOTS of procrastination, right?

Miriam Arachne
dirty bare feet in from the garden

ASLM is a moderated newsgroup.
Our webpage is at http://www.shoelesbians.com
The archive is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aslm_archive/

Post directly to alt-shoe-lesbians-***@moderators.isc.org
Questions? Contact the mods at aslm+***@panix.com
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